Hope none of my Cambodian friends who loves our Mother Land as much as I do, will not celebrate this bitter day (January 7).
January 7th is a very sad day for the Khmer nation, our land was horribly invaded, many innocent Khmer were killed.
As a young child (six years old), this day, was the very first day I witnessed many of my relatives, friends and neighbors killed — the day I will never forget. My father was shot, my beloved grandma was shot, most of my relatives were killed. I was carrying my baby sister in one arm, the other around a tree, suddenly, the bomb exploded, — the bomb didn't take my life and baby sister's, but those around me. People were running like a zombie, covering with blood. My neighbors, got hit by a bomb right in front of my eyes. I was too young and too innocent to know what's going on, until my mother ran to me, crying, throwing her arms around me and baby sister. Thanks to the American Red Cross who came to rescue us, not the invaders…
Celebrating January 7th, is no difference from celebrating the loss of our Mother Land, the loss of the innocent lives, the loss of our brothers and sisters who fought courageously to protect us…
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Rajgopal Ramachandran
I am very sorry to hear the horrible story.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Rajgopal Ramachandran We must not repeat the same mistake.
Patricia Errazuriz
I'm with you sister +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂 I respect the pain, the grief, the sadness of your people 🙁
Sameer Uppal
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 very sad for me dear sister!!!!!!!
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Jendhamuni, só temos que lamentar esta data e muitas outras em todo o planeta e esperar que os governantes não usem as pessoas para satisfazerem seus anseios de grandeza.Á minha amiga, meus respeitos!
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Jendhamuni, só temos á lamentar esta data, 07 de Janeiro de 1979 e muitas outras em todo o planeta e esperar que os governantes não usem as pessoas para satisfazerem seus anseios de grandeza. A minha amiga querida, meus respeitos
Vijay Reddy
oh my god….bloody people….god bless you… we are with you.. +Jendhamuni Sos
Balamurugan gopalan
so sad
Jeff Shamburg
Sorry :(. Praying for healing!
mukesh patel
Never let evil rule the world.
Ghazi Riman
This horrible ,I am with you dear friend …god bless you and family +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Charles van Dijk
War is not about heroics, it is as fair and honest like a bull fight in Spain.
Alan Peto Buddhism
Thank you for sharing your story Jendhamuni. Too often violence and hatred in the world is hidden. You have shined a light on this for all of us to see so it won't be repeated again.
Jendhamuni Sos
You are very welcome, +Alan Peto Buddhism Thanks so much for your kindness and support. We cannot repeat this same mistake…no. I was so devastated, that's why I am so afraid of blood and violence. Always wanted to be a nurse, but don't have any courage to look at blood.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Ghazi Riman!
Jendhamuni Sos
Evil should never rule, but they always have a chance to rule and destroy us +mukesh patel
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much +Jeff Shamburg !
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, +Balamurugan gopalan Very hard to forget.
I can't even watch shooting film till now.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much sister +Patricia Errazuriz Instead of mourning January 7th, the corrupted government wants us to celebrate it instead. They manipulate the horrific incident and brainwashing the new generation, by telling them to celebrate this day and want us to thank the invaders for saving us from the war….
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much my dear +Osvaldo de Aguiar for your warm and kind words.
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, my brother +Sameer Uppal it is very sad, one of my uncles lost his legs and eyes. He just passed a way 5 months ago.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Vijay Reddy
We, as the citizen of any country, must become actively engaged, otherwise this mistake will be repeated again..
Rene Sidler
My tears go to you +Jendhamuni Sos … And I do hope that time will heal your wounds… as much as this is ever possible…
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Rene Sidler Time heals, memory lives…
I forgive all the killers, but the killers themselves would be punished by their own actions…
Charles van Dijk
Correct a killer put himself in hell. Your forgiveness may help them if they come face to face with their demons in your presence. +Jendhamuni Sos
Balamurugan gopalan
i never forgive and forget
Jendhamuni Sos
At least forgive +Balamurugan gopalan if you cannot forget
Balamurugan gopalan
forget meaning is forgive, so i never forget, its human nature, its a pain in heart
Jendhamuni Sos
I see your point +Balamurugan gopalan As for me, if I don't forgive, I cannot feel peace, I will continue to live in pain, hatred, etc…I don't want to cry, I want to smile with the rest of the world…
Balamurugan gopalan
Positive attitude
dietrich lombarde
I know it is hard to make sense of human afflicted chaos…..!
You survived and I am happy to know you.:)
Angelos Sphyris
+Jendhamuni Sos, I am truly sorry to learn this and I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I never knew of this particular date. This is indeed a terrible day to remember and I send you my most heartfelt sympathies and wishes of comfort. Peace be with you…
Angelos Sphyris
I don't know whether you have the time or the means to do this, but it would be interesting if you could add English subtitles to the video…
Jendhamuni Sos
In the future, I will do that, +Angelos Sphyris My time is very limited right now, that's why I only do it in my native language.
Jendhamuni Sos
So glad to hear that +Balamurugan gopalan
Angelos Sphyris
+Jendhamuni Sos that's ok, I imagined this would be so 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +dietrich lombarde!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much for reading this post, +Angelos Sphyris Thank you for the wishes and comfort. It's very sad, because January 7th is a big celebration in Cambodia and all Cambodian abroad, who have no compassion for the loss of our loved ones. Our corrupted government want us to celebrate this date, instead of mourning, grieving…They changed the history by brainwashing the new generation to thank the invaders for saving Cambodian from the war…
Edward Maesen
I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through. My thoughts are with you.
Angelos Sphyris
+Jendhamuni Sos it is unfortunate that truth has always been subject to distortion by very many governments and this will continue to be so. In war, all opposing sides/forces are equally likely to engage in brutality. And that is – I think – the most tragic aspect of war…
Balamurugan gopalan
Jendhamuni Sos
YES +Balamurugan gopalan
Sameer Uppal
Patricia Errazuriz
My sister +Jendhamuni Sos I'm sorry for your country 🙁 Take care and stay warm, sis.
Balamurugan gopalan
Prayer makes silence
mady sach
today we are the 7, and we stand still,on the people's bitter day
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much my dear +Balamurugan gopalan Today is the 7th of January in U.S.A.
Jendhamuni Sos
My dearest +mady sach it's also the 7th for me here.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful words.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you sister +Patricia Errazuriz !
Everything is safe and okay now.
jean-jacques Prunet
Je voie Tout cà , je comprend , je n'ai pas encore assez voyagé sur votre page , cela vient petit à petit , je ne peu ressentir à un tel point ce qui vous habite et certes vivre loin de tel perturbations , j'étais saisie par votre présence à un tel point que j'ai mis votre dernière photo en arrière plan sur mon bureau d'ordinateur d'ou je vous écris, elle m'apaise !
Je vai parcourir votre histoire petit à petit calmement comme dans la nature sur un sentier qu'il est indispensable que je découvre ,
Votre polyvalence , votre générosité ce fondent dans nos esprits je ne manque pas de souligner les comentaires de sagesse que vous rapportez , mais permettez moi de vous remercier aussi de vous !
jean-jacques Prunet
Je ai tacher de cibler les images que je vous envoies , car vous pouvez trouver certaine de mes interventions de ce genre cynique , je vai organiser celà !