~Mother Teresa
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~Mother Teresa
This post has been reshared 12 times on Google+
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Diana rose Sangar
Ajay Agnihotri
Very good morning Jendhamuni. .beautiful post and have a great day ahead. .
Vinod Raj
have a sweet day..
Rana Singh
Great post my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos Very good morning and have a wonderful weekend to you :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Good morning, Rana. Nice to see you. Been nearly a week already that I didn't really get to be here.
David Gery
Good morning Jendhamuni, thank you for sharing those words so true, hopefully one day we will have one way, the way of peace.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +David Gery Wishing you a most peaceful weekend.
Rana Singh
How are you my friend +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh I'm doing fine, Rana, but the schedule is beyond my control. I tried to take some short breaks in between just to be with nature, otherwise, I would go insane with all the workload. How about yourself?
Rana Singh
You are true .. you have to have spare time to nourish your soul and mind my friend +Jendhamuni Sos I am doing well .. for me i have scheduled work ,,, and also enjoying FIFA world Cup :))))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh Hmmmm….. that is Rana! 😉 I promise I will go over to read your lovely posts tomorrow!
David Gery
+Jendhamuni Sos thank you so much my friend, wishing you a most peaceful weekend as well.
Rana Singh
You are always come with your nice views on that my dear and respected friend +Jendhamuni Sos My pleasure :)))
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rana Singh 😉
Jayesh Thakkar
There are a lots of painful things between a victory and a defeat. Have sweet dreams Jen.
Dwight Preston
Good morning Jen,peace is the way ,but the world is evil,God Bless You have a great weekend 🙂 🙂 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you for the kind wish +Dwight Preston You too, have a most peaceful weekend.
Reena Verma
Good morning Dear Sos,you really are The Conscience Keeper,…totally agree with the words
Ratirat T.
…Alone in the rain……Big Thx..Dear Jen…………….. 🙂
Chandramani Baladkar
Great post my friend
priscilla ramsamy
tracy shechter
I chose piece
tracy shechter
I do luv the rain
tracy shechter
Learn to make peace w ur past and learn/grow but strongly believe u must live in the moment whic is a gift from God..don't dwell too much on the future because it's not here yet anything can change. for Piece live in the moment
tracy shechter
Forgive ur past abundantly make peace w it never forget where u came from
Terry Raven
be so strong & so wise that peace is inevitable
laura valentina rojas jimenez
eso es verdad la paz
Kamanda Comred
believe Luc. Cadet. Bellevue Luc. Cadet
I'm the victims from my one family losing evrething. Are on
Zakiya Ashraf
Very nice
believe Luc. Cadet. Bellevue Luc. Cadet
Some. Man. I've. To do. What man. I've. To. Do. Losing to pain full I. Suffer for 3.year.no.one.do.not.what.am.going.true.only.god.lose.16.old.and.15.old.that.not.the.game.no.one.give.that.fate.or.forget.not.lovely.father.
Ali Judith
Thats true
,Shwe YinMarr