Be patient. Patience is the begetter of calm. Impatience is the source of agitation and turbulence. Impatience says “I want it NOW” and when “it” doesn’t appear now, you’re liable to lose your temper and let the blood pressure rise. Impatience is often linked to unreasonable expectations about the world and other people (you expect too much of both yourself and of other people) and is often linked to perfectionism, which allows of no space to make errors or slow down. A calm person, on the other hand, is fully aware that errors occur sometimes and that speeding things up is liable to bring on errors, not alleviate them.
- If you catch yourself wanting to rush to do something, stop an evaluate the situation. Will someone die if you don’t get what you need right now? If not, consider that stressing about this situation will only make your life worse and might even impair your judgement.
- If you’re still having trouble being patient, you might just need to practice more. Start by trying to be patient with small things, like waiting in line at the grocery store. Distract yourself by reading all of the headlines on the trashy magazines in the checkout line. Work you way up to more challenging areas in your life, like road rage or dealing with your kids.
Source: wikiHow
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