Smile, even if it’s a sad smile
There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. ~Unknown
There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. ~Unknown
Lovely video from my beautiful youtube sister, Menu.
Menu is a very kind, compassionate, and respectful person, I have met on Youtube. I love her videos very much.
Thanks to my colleague, Julia Malakie, for this incredible shot
Tragedy spurs Dracut girl's quest for safer schools
Scared and saddened by the horrific elementary-school massacre in Connecticut, Vera McDermott is not returning to her fifth-grade classes at Englesby Intermediate School in Dracut until at least after New Year's. Until then, the Dracut 10-year-old is working on what she hopes will be the most important homework assignment of her, her three younger siblings and millions of other American students' lives.
Vera, with help from her father, Tony McDermott, has created a website,, and Facebook page,, asking visitors to sign an online petition that will be sent to the U.S. Department of Education demanding enhanced physical security at each school-building entrance in the United States.
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Avielle Richman’s spirit drew people in.
Those who knew the 6-year-old girl with curly, brown hair will remember her infectious smile, peals of laughter and her spirit, according to her obituary.
Avielle moved to Newtown last year with her parents, Jennifer Hensel and Jeremy Richman. She was among those killed Friday when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
She spent the summer swimming, going to the library and practicing archery. Avielle also went on a 1,300-mile road trip with her family from Sandy Hook to Iowa, according to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, based in Waterloo, Iowa.
Avielle Richman
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Charlotte Bacon loved the color pink.
Her family said they will remember how the 6-year-old with curly, red hair expressed her individuality through her favorite color, according to her obituary.
On Friday, the day she was killed in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Charlotte was wearing an outfit bought specifically for the holidays: a pink dress and boots, her uncle, John Hagen, of Nisswa, Minn., told Newsday.
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Six-year-old Olivia Engel was supposed to be an angel in Friday night's live Nativity performed at St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church.
"She was supposed to be an angel in the play," the Rev. Revered Robert Weiss told Reuters. "Now she's an angel up in heaven."
Brian Wallace, a spokesman for the Diocese of Bridgeport, said Weiss was sleeping Saturday night after staying up virtually all night caring for families Friday. He confirmed that Olivia was supposed to be in the live Nativity.
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Ven. Luon Sovath, student of the renowned Vipassana Master, Ven. Ketodhammo Som Bunthoeun, talks about Human Rights, Buddhism, Khmer language & culture and his trip in U.S.A. Ven. Luon Sovath wins 2012 Martin Ennals Award. He witnessed his family and fellow villagers being forcibly evicted from their homes in 2009. Since then he has been a strong advocate against forced evictions, which remove families from their homes, often violently and little or no compensation. Despite threats to his person, of arrest and disrobing, the Venerable Sovath, a non-violent Buddhist monk, uses videos, poems and songs to defend the right to housing. His advocacy touches powerful economic interests. The threats against the Venerable Sovath are very real. Human Rights First is a member of the Jury that selected the Venerable Sovath.
Sorry, this is in Khmer language only
Ven. Saccamuni Luon Sovath visits Wat Ratanaram, Connecticut
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“The moon, like a flower
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.”
~William Blake
Sharing via my dearest G+ friend, Sofie Løve Forsberg