Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers, and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness
flow forth to awaken and heal all beings–
those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may your heart’s wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.
For all in whose heart dwells respect,
who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
may your life prosper in the four blessings
of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.
~Buddhist Healing Prayer
Buddha taught us how all happiness and suffering depend upon the mind.
He showed us how to abandon those states of mind that cause suffering and cultivate those states of mind that cause happiness.
In other words, he taught us perfect methods for overcoming suffering and attaining happiness. ~ Kadampa Buddhism
When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us:
power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health,
and our happiness. Our enemies would dance with joy if only they knew
how they were worrying us, lacerating us, and getting even with us!
Our hate is not hurting them at all, but our hate is turning
our days and nights into a hellish turmoil. ~Dale Carnegie
Life is full of painful events, and people who have lost their way and hurt others.
Our pain is not lessened when we respond with hatred. In fact, the opposite
occurs: When we hate people who hurt us, we come to resemble what we hate,
or worse, and then we suffer all the more. What is evil is our response.
We have choices, and love is the most powerful eliminator of all.
~Bernie Siegel
A good start to a day very important. If you are in a positive frame of mind in the morning than you are very likely to have a productive day. Similarly, if you get upset or are troubled with something in the morning than you are going to have the same negativity throughout the day. So it is imperative to keep yourself in the company of positive people. People who make you see the positive side of things. ~The Fresh Quotes
It’s a mistake to expect benefits from any pose. Expectations make you restless because if you fail to get what you expect, you feel miserable. Yoga practice is an act of adoration to the Lord. You do it because it has to be done. If you have this mental attitude, your selfishness disappears and the benefits come. ~Dharma Mittra