When you called out a name;
but there was no encouragement
and nobody came.
Simply light a candle…
feel the comfort in its glow.
Soon you’ll sense a ‘Presence’
and your loneliness will go.
Refresh yourself each day…
within the candle’s ray.
Use the ‘Light’ it sheds on you…
to chase darkness away.
Give yourself a moment,
in a place where you’re apart.
Surrender in the solitude…
the burdens of your heart.
Peacefulness will follow,
bringing harmony to heal.
Light a candle as a symbol –
of a ‘Presence’ which is real
~Roslyn (Ros) Mansell
A real friend would forgive
If I did something wrong
A real friend will lend a hand
Whenever I’m not strong
A real friend would listen
If I tried to speak
A real friend will accept
Whether I am strong or weak
A real friend would care
If I ever fell ill
A real friend will know
How I really feel
A real friend would always be there
If I need them by my side
A real friend will remember me
Long after I have died
A real friend would be forever
If I even moved away
A real friend will never truly leave
In each other’s hearts we shall always stay
~Written by Angel Dunne
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next.
~by Reinhold Niebuhr
Source: Memorial Print
I am never alone.
I have you near
I am never alone
I have nothing to fear
I am never alone
You help me stand
I cry oceans of tears
you dry each and every one.
you are my miracle
you are my sun
I am never alone
I’ve reached out my hand
We together are strong
together we stand.
~written by Jennie Davis
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ~Aristotle
Love is Priceless,
Nothing could buy it,
no one can sell an “I love you” on e-bay.
A hug at wal-mart
a Kiss at k-mart.
a “you still so pretty” when your old and Grey,
a “you my only one” when you on your death bed.
Love may have its Prices,
but all together it’s priceless.
Be happy with what you got,
Don’t want a super star,
when you have a sweet heart.
Don’t want a Bad boy,
when you have a humor man.
Don’t take things for granted,
be happy
cause remember
…….Love is Priceless…..
~by Pansy