Forgive yourself

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True love is rare, and it’s the only
thing that gives life real meaning.
~Nicolas Sparks
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You can be broken. You can get upset.
But you must always remember
that God never leaves you alone.
~Ritu Ghatourey
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Gentlemen, place your heart in the hands of God and he will place it the hands of a woman who he believes deserves it.
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Purple roses primarily stand for enchantment. The giver of the purple rose seeks to convey that he or she has fallen in love with the recipient at the very first sight. A deep magnetism and charm that makes the recipient almost irresistible is what the purple rose seeks to convey. The very first meeting has totally enticed the sender of these flowers, who simply cannot resist the object of his desire.
Though purple speaks of enchantment, the meaning of the purple rose nowhere suggests permanence. The enchantment can be transcendental and can also be fleeting. As the word "enchantment" suggests, the effect is almost magical, and can also die off without much warning.
The purple rose has certain other meanings. Opulence, glory and majesty are some other interpretations given to the purple rose. Purple being a color of elegance and grandeur, it only fits that the rose also pays tribute to these characteristics.
The most widespread meaning of the purple rose is enthrallment, especially at first sight. And though there is no indication of permanence in this attraction, there is definitely a deep impression created. So, the next time you are bowled over by someone at first sight and feel totally enthralled, remember to send him or her a few purple roses.
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