In certain situations

~Written by Uday Uprety
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~Written by Uday Uprety
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Whenever you feel a spark of annoyance, turn it around and find a trait
for which to be grateful. Think of petty annoyances as a spark from a
broken match that hits a carpet. Leave it alone and it will simmer and
leave a mark. Stamp it out immediately and it’s gone.
In some ways walking the love road and starting with gratitude,
forgiveness, and appreciation is like cleaning out closets, desk
drawers, or tackling a pile of papers. You feel better and you sleep
better with the clutter cleared away. With the gratitude plan, you are
essentially clearing out feelings that keep your relationship from
thriving. The ultimate goal is to create a mindset for unconditional
By Rita Watson
Psychology Today
We find ourselves with high aspirations but with
no time to attain them. Meanwhile, the great troop
of passions and desires, selfish motives and ambitions,
make war within us and with others and, they pursue
us till the time of our death. All these forces must
be tried, conquered, subdued and used.
~Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
~Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
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― Buddha
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