1. You can’t control everything…


    You can’t control everything. There will always
    be circumstances beyond your control. So embrace
    your fears, and face them head-on. Don’t be afraid
    to stumble. Because you’ll learn valuable life
    lessons with each failure that will only serve
    to help you grow. ~By Scott Christ

  2. 6 Ways to Live in the Moment


     By E.C. LaMeaux, GAIAMlife

    1. Focus on the now

    In order to live in the moment, you need to focus on the now. Focus on what you’re doing. Shut off the TV, turn off the computer, slow down and savor the present.

    Jay Dixit, who is the senior editor of Psychology Today, refers to this as mindfulness, or being with your thoughts as they are. According to Dixit, living for the moment by practicing mindfulness reduces stress, boosts your immune system, lowers blood pressure and has other beneficial physical and mental effects. Dixit adds that mindful people are more secure, have higher self-esteem and are happier.

    According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., psychologist and educator at the University of California at Riverside and author of The How of Happiness, savoring or relishing life in the moment — whether it’s eating a meal, drinking a cup of coffee or walking to the store — elicits happiness and other positive emotions.

    2. Pay attention to the small things

    Notice the world around you: the small things. Be thankful for them. Living for the moment and taking notice of the small things will help you cultivate more positive experiences.

    Cheryl Rainfield, an artist and writer, recommends you pay attention to the little things that make you happy, like eating ice cream, blowing bubbles or listening to music, as these things can make a huge difference in how you feel.

    3. Smile

    If you want to know how to live in the moment, you just have to take a look in the mirror and smile. Smile — it can influence how you feel.

    Scientific American Mind magazine reports that making an emotional face influences how we feel. The magazine adds that there is an association in our mind between how we feel and how we react. If we feel happy, we smile. If we smile, it makes us feel happy. Our face communicates our state of mind to others and to ourselves. So smile — it will make you happier and help you appreciate life in the moment.
    4. Perform random acts of kindness

    Random acts of kindness, those selfless acts that help others, help you live for the moment of making others smile, and making you smile as well. Random acts of kindness are just that—random. They are spontaneous, in the moment and a great addition to your daily life.

    The next time you see that person walking in the rain, offer them your umbrella. That stranded motorist? Call for help. The elderly lady struggling with her groceries? Carry them for her. One of the easiest lessons for how to live in the moment is to do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. It not only helps you live in the moment, but improves that moment for you and someone else.

    5.Give thanks

    Be thankful. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But it isn’t always. It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving for you to feel grateful and express that gratitude.

    Every now and then, remember to stop and take stock of just how good you have it. When your friend makes you smile, thank her for being in your life. When your boss gives you a new task, say thanks, remembering that you still have a job and can put food on the table. When you think it or feel it, say it right then. Live in the moment by expressing your gratitude when you feel it.

    6. Don’t worry

    It’s much harder than it sounds, but try to remember that worrying today won’t change what happens tomorrow. Every second you spend in worry about the future is a second of the present wasted. Because worrying takes you out of this moment and transports you into the realm of future possibilities, it’s impossible to live in the moment and worry at the same time.

    Instead, if circumstances are troubling, focus on ways you can solve an existing problem now or otherwise improve the current moment. Spending time focused on what may happen down the line robs you of fully experiencing what is happening now. Life in the moment moves quickly — don’t miss it.

    Stay happy by staying grounded in the present

  3. Grow into Love…


    Out of your unhappiness you seek the other; then the relationship is going to be wrong. Seek the other out of happiness, and then the relationship will never be wrong. Seek out of happiness. First meditate, first feel your own being, first pray. First grow into love; otherwise what are you going to do when you have found the lover? Then you don’t know what to do. ~Osho

  4. Grow into Love


    Out of your unhappiness you seek the other; then the relationship is going to be wrong. Seek the other out of happiness, and then the relationship will never be wrong. Seek out of happiness. First meditate, first feel your own being, first pray. First grow into love; otherwise what are you going to do when you have found the lover? Then you don’t know what to do. ~Osho


  5. What is your mind telling you?


    Check and see what your mind has been telling you. Has it been telling you to take in as much news as you can, as if more details will lead you to a solution? Does it tell you to talk to everybody you know about how bad things are? All that does is reinforce a negative view of reality.

    If you follow that course you’ll soon become convinced that you should worry day and night about everything that’s going on. You’ll feel like you should be doing something about it and that will lead to further frustration because you won’t know what to do.

    You can think about it until you are blue in the face, but it simply will not help. How does it help you to get all tied up in knots worrying about things you cannot change? How does it help you to be nervous and scared over anything?

    By Jonathan, Advanced Life Skills

  6. Don’t give your energy to the negative side


    If you take a really close look, you will find that it does not help at all. It never helps to beat yourself up. It never helps to be negative about any person, place or situation.

    Negativity draws more negativity, like a magnet. Beating yourself up and being negative will only move you further and further from a solution.

    Bad news can only get you down if you let it. Only if you are paying attention to it and letting it push you around. Only if you are allowing it to make you feel scared and negative. You decide how much power it has over you.

    By Jonathan, Advanced Life Skills

  7. Claim your independence and shine


    Nobody controls your feelings except you. If you decide to be positive in spite of what’s going on around you, your energy levels will go up, your attitude will improve, and your feelings will become increasingly more positive.

    Granted, sometimes terrible things happen and I am not suggesting that we ignore them as if nothing was wrong. Denial is not a solution! What I am saying is that projecting negative emotional energy will not help the situation. The worse a situation is the more it needs your positive energy.

    Your outlook on life is your decision. Decide to be positive in spite of everything, and watch what happens. You can decide in favor of yourself even in the face of bad news. It’s a decision, your decision. Don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself.

    Find out that being positive in spite of the noise will bring you more and more things to feel happy and positive about. Become a magnet for positive energy by being positive and optimistic. Make it your goal to become the most positive person you know and influence others for the good. Become an inspirational lighthouse of positive energy.  You have the power, so don’t be afraid to use it.

    By Jonathan, Advanced Life Skills


Live & Die for Buddhism


Khmer Tipitaka 1 – 110


ព្រះត្រៃបិដក ប្រែថា កញ្រ្ចែង ឬ ល្អី​ ៣ សម្រាប់ដាក់ផ្ទុកពាក្យពេចន៍នៃព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ

The Tipitaka or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. The three divisions of the Tipitaka are: Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Maha Ghosananda

Maha Ghosananda

Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism (5/23/1913 - 3/12/07). Forever in my heart...

Samdech Chuon Nath

My reflection

វចនានុក្រមសម្តេចសង្ឃ ជួន ណាត
Desktop version

Listen to Khmer literature and Dhamma talk by His Holiness Jotannano Chuon Nath, Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Buddhism.

Shantidevas’ Bodhisattva vows

My reflection

Should anyone wish to ridicule me and make me an object of jest and scorn why should I possibly care if I have dedicated myself to others?

Let them do as they wish with me so long as it does not harm them. May no one who encounters me ever have an insignificant contact.

Regardless whether those whom I meet respond towards me with anger or faith, may the mere fact of our meeting contribute to the fulfilment of their wishes.

May the slander, harm and all forms of abuse that anyone should direct towards me act as a cause of their enlightenment.

As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, so the wise are not shaken by blame and praise. As a deep lake is clear and calm, so the wise become tranquil after they listened to the truth…

Good people walk on regardless of what happens to them. Good people do not babble on about their desires. Whether touched by happiness or by sorrow, the wise never appear elated or depressed. ~The Dhammapada

Hermit of Tbeng Mountain

Sachjang Phnom Tbeng សច្ចំ​​ ភ្នំត្បែង is a very long and interesting story written by Mr. Chhea Sokoan, read by Jendhamuni Sos. You can click on the links below to listen. Part 1 | Part 2

Beauty in nature

A beautiful object has no intrinsic quality that is good for the mind, nor an ugly object any intrinsic power to harm it. Beautiful and ugly are just projections of the mind. The ability to cause happiness or suffering is not a property of the outer object itself. For example, the sight of a particular individual can cause happiness to one person and suffering to another. It is the mind that attributes such qualities to the perceived object. — Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Nature is loved by what is best in us. The sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves. — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our journey for peace
begins today and every day.
Each step is a prayer,
Each step is a meditation,
Each step will build a bridge.

—​​​ Maha Ghosananda