1. How to calm down when you are angry


    Visualize a peaceful scene. Close your eyes and imagine your favorite place in the world, whether it’s the beach where you used to vacation as a child or the beautiful lake you still remember from your teenage days. It can also be a scene from a place you’ve never been before; a forest, a field of flowers, or a beautiful landscape. Pick a place that makes you instantly feel more calm and at peace and you’ll quickly find your breath returning to normal. 

    • You can even find your “go to” scene — the scene that calms you down any time you close your eyes.
    • Focus on every little detail. The more details you see, the more you can pull away from your angry thoughts.

    Source: wikiHow

  2. What Friendship Means To Me


    By FRAN, May 31, 2011 | Source: Franspiration

    Friendship is one of the greatest gifts ever bestowed upon mankind. While making friends may be easy, finding true and loyal friends who provide a lasting and fulfilling friendship is a much greater challenge.


    F: “F” is for forgiveness. I believe that when you are truly friends with someone, you are free to make the occasional mistake. With mistakes, there is sometimes anger, sadness, hurt and, hopefully, discussion. After the discussion, if the friendship is true, there should be Forgiveness.

    R: “R” is for respect. Friends are really important to me! They Love you for you are, they trust you with their deepest secrets . Everyone needs somebody to respect and trust.

    I: “I” is for inspiration. My friends always inspire me to do more and to try hard. I hope I do the same for them.
    E: “E” is for encouragement. My friends always encourage me to be a better person. They also encourage me to keep spreading Love and Gratitude! There is a beautiful quote that fully explains this point. This quote says: ”Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.” – Helen Keller

    N: “N” is for nice. Your friends will treat you with kindness. There is no need for excessive drama or for being mean. Friends should treat each other nicely.

    D: “D” is for Doesn’t give up on me (my friends). When I have a problem or a challenge to take, they are always by my side.They will never give up on me an vice versa.

    S: “S” is for support. For me, this word is one of the keys of any friendship. It has happened to me a lot of times this year, that I needed the support of my friends and they were there for me… Sending me beautiful messages, phone calls, etc.

    H: “H” is for happiness. Happiness is a great gift, and it comes from within. Pursuit of happiness through friends is the loftiest thought of being spiritual, as friendship is immeasurable. And most of all, our pursuit of happiness through friends encompass continuing pleasure and peace of mind.

    I: “I” is for ingredient. Friends are one of the most important ingredients in this recipe of life.

    P: “P” is for platonic Love. Platonic Love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a Love does not always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate Love. Crossing that line, between friendship and Love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult.

  3. What F R I E N D S H I P Means To Me


    Friendship is one of the greatest gifts ever bestowed upon mankind. While making friends may be easy, finding true and loyal friends who provide a lasting and fulfilling friendship is a much greater challenge.

    F      R      I      E     N      D     S     H      I     P
    F is for forgiveness. I believe that when you are truly friends with someone, you are free to make the occasional mistake. With mistakes, there is sometimes anger, sadness, hurt and, hopefully, discussion. After the discussion, if the friendship is true, there should be Forgiveness.

    R  is for respect. Friends are really important to me! They Love you for you are, they trust you with their deepest secrets . Everyone needs somebody to respect and trust.

    I  is for inspiration. My friends always inspire me to do more and to try hard. I hope I do the same for them.

    E  is for encouragement. My friends always encourage me to be a better person. They also encourage me to keep spreading Love and Gratitude! There is a beautiful quote that fully explains this point. This quote says: ”Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.” – Helen Keller

    N is for nice. Your friends will treat you with kindness. There is no need for excessive drama or for being mean. Friends should treat each other nicely.

    D is for Doesn’t give up on me (my friends). When I have a problem or a challenge to take, they are always by my side.They will never give up on me an vice versa.

    S is for support. For me, this word is one of the keys of any friendship. It has happened to me a lot of times this year, that I needed the support of my friends and they were there for me… Sending me beautiful messages, phone calls, etc.

    H is for happiness. Happiness is a great gift, and it comes from within. Pursuit of happiness through friends is the loftiest thought of being spiritual, as friendship is immeasurable. And most of all, our pursuit of happiness through friends encompass continuing pleasure and peace of mind.

    I  is for ingredient. Friends are one of the most important ingredients in this recipe of life.

    P is for platonic Love. Platonic Love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a Love does not always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate Love. Crossing that line, between friendship and Love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult.

    Source: Franspiration, by Fran


  4. One breath at a time is enough


    This is how we go on: one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pain at a time, one breath at a time. Dentists go on one root-canal at a time; boat-builders go on one hull at a time. If you write books, you go on one page at a time. We turn from all we know and all we fear. We study catalogues, watch football games, choose Sprint over AT&T. We count the birds in the sky and will not turn from the window when we hear the footsteps behind us as something comes up the hall; we say yes, I agree that clouds often look like other things – fish and unicorns and men on horseback – but they are really only clouds. Even when the lightening flashes inside them we say they are only clouds and turn our attention to the next meal, the next pain, the next breath, the next page. This is how we go on. ―Stephen King

  5. Heartbreaker


    Lyric by Dionne Warwick
    I got to say it and it’s hard for me
    You got me cryin’
    Like I thought I would never be
    Love is believin’ but you let me down
    How can I love you when you ain’t around
    And I

    Get to the morning and you never call
    Love should be everything or not at all
    And it don’t matter what ever you do
    I made a life out of lovin’ you

    Only to find any dream that I follow is dying
    I’m cryin’ in the rain
    I could be searchin’ my world
    For a love everlasting
    Feeling no pain
    When will we meet again

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    Is it a lesson that I never knew
    Gotta get out of the spell that I’m under
    My love for you

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein’ what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by
    This world may end
    Not you and I

    My love is stronger than the universe
    My soul is cryin’ for you
    And that can not be reversed
    You made the rules and you could not see
    You made a life out of hurtin’ me

    Out of my mind
    I am held by the power of you love
    Tell me when do we try
    Or should we say goodbye
    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein’ what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by

    Oh, why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    Is it a lesson that I never knew
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    My love for you, oh

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein’ what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by

  6. You don’t need anyone to tell you who you are


    You’re all geniuses, and you’re all beautiful.
    You don’t need anyone to tell you who you are.
    You are what you are. Get out there and get peace,
    think peace, and live peace and breathe peace,
    and you’ll get it as soon as you like.

    ~John Lennon

  7. It matters only that you Love


    It matters not who you love, where you love,
    why you love, when you love or how you love,
    it matters only that you love. ~John Lennon

  8. They have no real shelter

    Poor people in my country, Cambodia
    When you are sad, when you are not happy, because life does not turn out as you wished it to be, please look at this picture and think about the suffering of the poor. Having no bed, no pillow, no blanket, no food, no drink… miserable, indeed. You will be able to wear a genuine smile and appreciate with what you are having, if and only if you are able to throw your eyes this far… ~Jendhamuni


  9. Love should be everything


    'Heartbreaker' lyric by Dionne Warwick

    I got to say it and it's hard for me
    You got me cryin'
    Like I thought I would never be
    Love is believin' but you let me down
    How can I love you when you ain't around
    And I

    Get to the morning and you never call
    Love should be everything or not at all
    And it don't matter what ever you do
    I made a life out of lovin' you

    Only to find any dream that I follow is dying
    I'm cryin' in the rain
    I could be searchin' my world
    For a love everlasting
    Feeling no pain
    When will we meet again

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    Is it a lesson that I never knew
    Gotta get out of the spell that I'm under
    My love for you

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein' what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by
    This world may end
    Not you and I

    My love is stronger than the universe
    My soul is cryin' for you
    And that can not be reversed
    You made the rules and you could not see
    You made a life out of hurtin' me

    Out of my mind
    I am held by the power of you love
    Tell me when do we try
    Or should we say goodbye
    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein' what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by

    Oh, why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    Is it a lesson that I never knew
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    My love for you, oh

    Why do you have to be a heartbreaker
    When I was bein' what you want me to be
    Suddenly everything I ever wanted
    Has passed me by


Live & Die for Buddhism


Khmer Tipitaka 1 – 110


ព្រះត្រៃបិដក ប្រែថា កញ្រ្ចែង ឬ ល្អី​ ៣ សម្រាប់ដាក់ផ្ទុកពាក្យពេចន៍នៃព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ

The Tipitaka or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. The three divisions of the Tipitaka are: Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Maha Ghosananda

Maha Ghosananda

Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism (5/23/1913 - 3/12/07). Forever in my heart...

Samdech Chuon Nath

My reflection

វចនានុក្រមសម្តេចសង្ឃ ជួន ណាត
Desktop version

Listen to Khmer literature and Dhamma talk by His Holiness Jotannano Chuon Nath, Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Buddhism.

Shantidevas’ Bodhisattva vows

My reflection

Should anyone wish to ridicule me and make me an object of jest and scorn why should I possibly care if I have dedicated myself to others?

Let them do as they wish with me so long as it does not harm them. May no one who encounters me ever have an insignificant contact.

Regardless whether those whom I meet respond towards me with anger or faith, may the mere fact of our meeting contribute to the fulfilment of their wishes.

May the slander, harm and all forms of abuse that anyone should direct towards me act as a cause of their enlightenment.

As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, so the wise are not shaken by blame and praise. As a deep lake is clear and calm, so the wise become tranquil after they listened to the truth…

Good people walk on regardless of what happens to them. Good people do not babble on about their desires. Whether touched by happiness or by sorrow, the wise never appear elated or depressed. ~The Dhammapada

Hermit of Tbeng Mountain

Sachjang Phnom Tbeng សច្ចំ​​ ភ្នំត្បែង is a very long and interesting story written by Mr. Chhea Sokoan, read by Jendhamuni Sos. You can click on the links below to listen. Part 1 | Part 2

Beauty in nature

A beautiful object has no intrinsic quality that is good for the mind, nor an ugly object any intrinsic power to harm it. Beautiful and ugly are just projections of the mind. The ability to cause happiness or suffering is not a property of the outer object itself. For example, the sight of a particular individual can cause happiness to one person and suffering to another. It is the mind that attributes such qualities to the perceived object. — Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Nature is loved by what is best in us. The sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves. — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our journey for peace
begins today and every day.
Each step is a prayer,
Each step is a meditation,
Each step will build a bridge.

—​​​ Maha Ghosananda