When you practice mindfulness

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Myanmar’s former beauty queen May Myat Noe (R), holding the box containing the 2014 Miss Asia Pacific World crown, stands next to her mother before giving a news conference at a restaurant in Yangon September 2, 2014. May Myat Noe, who was crowned 2014 Miss Asia Pacific in May, disappeared with the $100,000 jewelled crown after being stripped of the title for being rude and dishonest, organisers said. May Myat Noe denied any wrongdoing and said she would not return the crown until she received an apology from the organisers, media reported. (REUTERS/Soe Zeya)
Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s latest creation, a 25 meters (82 feets) white rabbit, leans up against an old aircraft hangar as part of the Taoyuan Land Art Festival in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014. Hoffan’s big yellow duck drew millions of visitors as it toured the island last year and festival organizers are hoping the rabbit will do the same. The Taoyuan Land Art Festival will take place from Sept. 9-14. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)
Landscapers trim grass in front of Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s
latest creation, a 25 meters (82 feets) white rabbit, as it leans up
against an old aircraft hangar as part of the Taoyuan Land Art Festival
in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014. Hofman’s big yellow duck
drew millions of visitors as it toured the island last year and festival
organizers are hoping the rabbit will do the same. The Taoyuan Land Art
Festival will take place from Sept. 9-14. (AP Photo/Wally Santana)
In a video that has gone viral, Georgia native Kelly Gunderson captured a precious and unpredictable moment while lying in a hospital beside her ailing mother. For a brief moment, the older woman was able to reflect and recognize her loving daughter.
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Reshared post from +Randy Neufeldt
“Lotus Blossom & Lilly Pads” shot at Muttart Conservatory. Whenever I see a lotus blossom flower I think of my friend +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂 Have a nice Tuesday evening!
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Cutting off what? You cut off your anger, your craving, and your ignorance. Another way of saying this is ‘letting go.’ You gradually transform your craving, anger, fear, and delusion. If you don’t have this kind of self-mastery, you can cause yourself and others great suffering, and people will not respect you. We only need to remember the many politicians and leaders whose careers were ruined by sex scandals to see the importance of cutting off the craving for meaningless sex. This is why cutting off brings power. When you encounter someone who has the virtue of cutting off, who is free from her afflictions, you have respect for her and you listen to her. The virtue of cutting off brings liberation and lightness to body and mind. We can’t buy it in the supermarket. We must attain it through our own practice. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Population: 10,000 to 50,000 | Extinction risk: Endangered
Our peace-loving cousins are still a mystery
Bonobos share 98.7% of their genetic code with humans, making them, along with chimpanzees, our closest living relatives. As the last great ape to be scientifically discovered, much still remains unknown about the bonobo.
Poaching: Humans hunt bonobos to eat them, trade them as bushmeat, keep them as pets and for use in traditional medicine. Specific bonobo body parts are believed to enhance sexual vigor or strength. The number of bonobos lost to poaching each year is not known, but the number of bonobo charms available in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo suggests that poaching may be common.
“Bonobos are fascinating creatures and little understood. They have the only great ape society led by females, with a sophisticated social structure that encourages cooperation and peace.”
~Dr. Richard Carroll, Vice President, Africa Program
Source: www.worldwildlife.org