1. It goes on and on


    Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel. It moves like a wheel: birth is followed by death, death is followed by birth; love is followed by hate, hate is followed by love; success is followed by failure, failure is followed by success. Just see! If you can watch just for a few days, you will see a pattern emerging, a wheel pattern. One day, a fine morning, you are feeling so good and so happy, and another day you are so dull. And just the other day you were so full of life, so blissful that you were feeling thankful to God, that you were in a mood of deep gratefulness, and today there is great complaint and you don’t see the point why one should go on living…. And it goes on and on, but you don’t see the pattern. Once you see the pattern, you can get out of it. ~Osho

  2. When we are too much in the self


    We are miserable because we are too much in the self. What does it mean when I say we are too much in the self? And what exactly happens when we are too much in the self? Either you can be in existence or you can be in the self–both are not possible together. To be in the self means to be apart, to be separate. To be in the self means to become an island. To be in the self means to draw a boundary line around you. To be in the self means to make a distinction between this I am’ and that I am not’. The definition, the boundary, between ‘I’ and ‘not I’ is what the self is–the self isolates. And it makes you frozen–you are no longer flowing. If you are flowing the self cannot exist. Hence people have become almost like ice-cubes. They dont have any warmth, they dont have any love–love is warmth and they are afraid of love. If warmth comes to them they will start melting and the boundaries will disappear. In love the boundaries disappear; in joy also the boundaries disappear, because joy is not cold. ~Osho

  3. Your Mother


    The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. And so in you the child your mother lives on and through your family continues to live… so at this time look after yourself and your family as you would your mother for through you all she will truly never die. ~Osho


    Check this out on Google+

  4. Living Genuinely – Embrace & Accept ‘Everyday Life’


    Give yourself a spiritual hug and say, “I accept you.” When we embrace ourselves – our faults and our best – we are quicker to embrace and accept others for their mistakes, their differences, and their best. This doesn’t mean we’re going to be best friends with everyone. It just means that when we let go of what doesn’t work in us and accept ourselves for who we are in this moment, we less likely to judge others harshly. We learn compassion for ourselves and for others. There’s a peace about living honestly and truthfully that translates into our relationships. As a result, we’re more likely to attract others who think and act similarly and help those who are hungry to do the same. Source: Live Love Leslie

    A beautiful artwork showing ‘Everyday Life’ of the  poor people in my homeland,Cambodia.
    This painting depicts a scene from the life of beautiful young couple selling food from village
    to village to make a living.
  5. Living Genuinely – Embrace & Accept 'Everyday Life'


    Give yourself a spiritual hug and say, "I accept you." When we embrace ourselves – our faults and our best – we are quicker to embrace and accept others for their mistakes, their differences, and their best. This doesn’t mean we’re going to be best friends with everyone. It just means that when we let go of what doesn’t work in us and accept ourselves for who we are in this moment, we less likely to judge others harshly. We learn compassion for ourselves and for others. There’s a peace about living honestly and truthfully that translates into our relationships. As a result, we’re more likely to attract others who think and act similarly and help those who are hungry to do the same. Source: Live Love Leslie

    A beautiful artwork showing 'Everyday Life' of the poor people in my homeland, Cambodia. This painting depicts a scene from the life of beautiful young couple selling food from village to village to make a living.


    Check this out on Google+

  6. Pause for a moment and relax


    Realize that not all movement is progress.  When stress and tension and chaos surround you, pause for a moment and relax.  The best time to take a deep breath is when you don’t have time for it.

    Select a specific challenge, deal with it, and then move calmly and confidently to the next.  When you’re being pulled in multiple directions at once, take time to remember what you value most.  Focus on what’s most important to you and you’ll naturally direct your greatest energy to the right source.

    Life is filled with either problems or possibilities.  What you see is what you choose to see.  On the surface life can seem tumultuous and perplexing, yet deep inside, where it truly matters, life is what you make of it.  Choose to see beyond the problems to the possibilities that await your attention. ~Marc and Angel

  7. Your heart has been telling you…


    Your body is free but your heart is in prison. To release your heart, you simply reverse the process which locked it up. First you begin to listen for messages from your heart—messages you may have been ignoring since childhood. Next you must take the daring, risky step of expressing your heart in the outside world. . . . As you learn to live by heart, every choice you make will become another way of telling your story. . . . It is the way you were meant to exist. If you stop to listen, you’ll realize that your heart has been telling you so all along. ~Martha Beck

  8. Just a drink…


    If instead of a gem, or even a flower,
    we should cast the gift of a loving thought
    into the heart of a friend, that would be
    giving as the angels give.

    ~George MacDonald

  9. Look deeply…


    If a tree wants to be strong, it needs a number of roots sent deep into the soil. If a tree has only one root, it may be blown over by the wind.

    Look deeply into the nature of your love and find out. The happiness of the other person and your own happiness depend on the nature of your love!  Of course you have love in you — but what is important is the nature of that love. All love may begin by being passionate, especially for younger people. But in the process of living together, they have to learn and practice love, so that selfishness — the tendency to possess — will diminish, and the elements of understanding and gratitude will settle in, little by little, until their love becomes nourishing, protecting, and reassuring. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  10. In a new light…


    Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them
    under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them. 

    If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only 
    see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you’ve made, 
    if they don’t realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” 
    ~Steve Maraboli

Live & Die for Buddhism


Khmer Tipitaka 1 – 110


ព្រះត្រៃបិដក ប្រែថា កញ្រ្ចែង ឬ ល្អី​ ៣ សម្រាប់ដាក់ផ្ទុកពាក្យពេចន៍នៃព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ

The Tipitaka or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. The three divisions of the Tipitaka are: Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Maha Ghosananda

Maha Ghosananda

Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism (5/23/1913 - 3/12/07). Forever in my heart...

Samdech Chuon Nath

My reflection

វចនានុក្រមសម្តេចសង្ឃ ជួន ណាត
Desktop version

Listen to Khmer literature and Dhamma talk by His Holiness Jotannano Chuon Nath, Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Buddhism.

Shantidevas’ Bodhisattva vows

My reflection

Should anyone wish to ridicule me and make me an object of jest and scorn why should I possibly care if I have dedicated myself to others?

Let them do as they wish with me so long as it does not harm them. May no one who encounters me ever have an insignificant contact.

Regardless whether those whom I meet respond towards me with anger or faith, may the mere fact of our meeting contribute to the fulfilment of their wishes.

May the slander, harm and all forms of abuse that anyone should direct towards me act as a cause of their enlightenment.

As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, so the wise are not shaken by blame and praise. As a deep lake is clear and calm, so the wise become tranquil after they listened to the truth…

Good people walk on regardless of what happens to them. Good people do not babble on about their desires. Whether touched by happiness or by sorrow, the wise never appear elated or depressed. ~The Dhammapada

Hermit of Tbeng Mountain

Sachjang Phnom Tbeng សច្ចំ​​ ភ្នំត្បែង is a very long and interesting story written by Mr. Chhea Sokoan, read by Jendhamuni Sos. You can click on the links below to listen. Part 1 | Part 2

Beauty in nature

A beautiful object has no intrinsic quality that is good for the mind, nor an ugly object any intrinsic power to harm it. Beautiful and ugly are just projections of the mind. The ability to cause happiness or suffering is not a property of the outer object itself. For example, the sight of a particular individual can cause happiness to one person and suffering to another. It is the mind that attributes such qualities to the perceived object. — Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Nature is loved by what is best in us. The sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves. — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our journey for peace
begins today and every day.
Each step is a prayer,
Each step is a meditation,
Each step will build a bridge.

—​​​ Maha Ghosananda