This morning, as I kindle the fire on my heart,
I pray that the flame of God’s love may burn in
my heart and in the hearts of all I meet today.
I pray that no envy or malice,
no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.
I pray that indifference and apathy, contempt and pride,
may not pour like cold water on the fire.
Instead, may the spark of God’s love
light the love in my heart,
that it may burn brightly through the day.
And may I warm those who are lonely,
whose hearts are cold and lifeless,
so that all may know the comfort of God’s love.
~From the Gaelic tradition
The Jatakas
A story that is often depicted in Buddhist art is the one where the Buddha in a previous life is a Bodhisattva-turtle (that is: a turtle who has vowed to save all sentient beings).
A group of merchants were sailing, when a storm hit. The giant Bodhisattva-turtle saw the ship wrek and saved the merchants by letting them climb on his back. He brought them safely to land. Tired from the long swim and heavy load he fell asleep on the sand.
The merchants were hungryand thirsty and after the ordeal were still not sure of their lives. They discussed amongst themselves how to find food. One of them said that they should kill and eat the turtle.
The Bodhisattva-turtle heard this and out of compassion for the merchants, decided to stay put and be eaten.
Jatakas are stories of previous lifetimes of the Buddha.
There are two things important to keep in mind: self-examination and self-correction. We should constantly check our attitude toward others, examining ourselves carefully, and we should correct ourselves immediately when we find we are in the wrong.
I have written the above lines
To tell my constant feeling.
Whenever I meet even a ‘foreigner’,
I have always the same feeling:
‘I am meeting another member of the human family.,
This attitude has deepened
My affection and respect for all beings.
May this natural wish be
My small contribution to world peace.
I pray for a more friendly,
More caring, and more understanding
Human family on this planet.
To all who dislike suffering,
Who cherish lasting happiness –
This is my heartfelt appeal.
~Dalai Lama
A loving person lives in a loving world,
A hostile person lives in a hostile world,
Everyone you meet is your mirror.
~ Ken Keyes, Jr
Without a spiritual background, man has no moral responsibility; man without moral responsibility poses danger to society. Virtue is necessary to attain salvation, but virtue alone is not enough. Virtue must be combined with wisdom. Virtue and wisdom are like the pair of wings of a bird. Wisdom can also be compared to the eyes of a man; virtue, to his feet. Virtue can be likened to a vehicle that brings man up to the gate of salvation. But wisdom is the actually key that opens the gate. Virtue is a part of the technique of skillful and noble living. Without any ethical discipline, there cannot be a purification of the defilements of sentient existence.
~Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda
To hate another is to hate yourself.
We all live within the one Universal Mind.
What we think about another, we think about ourselves.
If you have an enemy, forgive him now.
Let all bitterness and resentment dissolve.
You owe your fellow man love; show him love, not hate.
Show charity and goodwill toward others
and it will return to enhance your own life
in many wonderful ways.
~ Brian Adams
Forgiveness is not a moral issue.
It is an energy dynamic…
Forgiveness means that you do not carry the baggage of an experience.
When you choose not to forgive,
the experience that you do not forgive sticks with you.
When you choose not to forgive,
it is like agreeing to wear dark, gruesome sunglasses that distort everything,
and it is you who are forced every day
to look at life through those contaminated lenses
because you have chosen to keep them.
~ Gary Zukav
Cats talk with their eyes. Squinting their eyes however is a form of communication, sometimes blinking one eye at a time and much slower than a human’s blink. Ever noticed your cat look at you and slowly squint their eyes closed? That’s a sign of deep affection and you should return the gesture. Cats have rotating ears. Their ears can rotate in various degrees with even the capability of making one of their ears point backwards to listen. Their intuitive hearing can help make the cat a very successful hunter by pinpointing the exact location of their prey within three inches. Source: Victoria Swanson, Smart Living