If your cat’s eyes are closed, it’s not necessarily because it’s tired. A sign of closed eyes means your cat is happy or pleased. Collectively, kittens yawn about 200 million time per hour. Cats have a 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on each back paw. Source: AnimalPlanet
Learn how to carry a friendship greatly, whether or not it is returned. Why should one regret if the receiver is not equally generous? It never troubles the sun that some of his rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space, and only a small part on the reflecting planet. Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion. If he is unequal, he will presently pass away; but thou art enlarged by thy own shining. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
When we look deeply into a flower, we see the elements that have come together to allow it to manifest. We can see clouds manifesting as rain. Without the rain, nothing can grow. When I touch the flower, I’m touching the cloud and touching the rain. This is not just poetry, it’s reality. If we take the clouds and the rain out of the flower, the flower will not be there. With the eye of the Buddha, we are able to see the clouds and the rain in the flower. We can touch the sun without burning our fingers. Without the sun nothing can grow, so it’s not possible to take the sun out of the flower. The flower cannot be as a separate entity; it has to inter-be with the light, with the clouds, with the rain. The word “interbeing” is closer to reality that the word “being.” Being really means interbeing. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Cats are such fastidious groomers that we recommend bathing only if they should “get into something”. Excess bathing can dry their skin and remove the natural oils from their coat. Cats with long hair should be combed or brushed on a daily basis to help prevent matting and clumping of the hair. Shorthaired cats should be brushed weekly with a fine-toothed comb or soft brush. Changes in Sleeping Habits- From sleeping more often to being awake more in the night. Some cats will start to vocalize or “yowl” more at night. You may find your cat sleeping in unusual places when they are not feeling well- or even that they appear restless like they cannot get comfortable enough to rest. Source: Cats Veterinary