1. What the Buddha said about metta




    Bhikkhus, whatever kinds of worldly merit there are, all are not worth one 16th part of the release of mind by universal friendliness; in shining, glowing, beaming & radiance the release of mind by universal friendliness far excels & surpasses them all. Itivuttaka 27

    As a mother even with own life protects her only child, so should one cultivate immeasurable loving-kindness towards all living beings. The Metta Sutta

    He who both day and night takes delight in harmlessness sharing love with all that live, finds enmity with none.
    Samyutta Nikaya. I, 208

    What are the eleven advantages of Metta ?

    One sleeps Happy!
    One wakes Happy!
    One dreams no evil dreams!
    One is liked and loved by all human beings!
    One is liked and loved by all non-human beings too!
    One is Guarded & Protected by the divine Devas!
    One cannot be Harmed by Fire, Poison, or Weapons!
    One swiftly Attains the Concentration of Absorption!
    One’s appearance becomes Serene, Calm, & Composed!
    One dies without Confusion, Bewilderment, or Panic!
    One reappears after death on the Brahma level if one has penetrated to no higher level in this very life!
    Anguttara Nikaya XI.16

    They may address you in an affectionate way or a harsh way. They may address you in a beneficial way or an unbeneficial way. They may address you with a mind of good-will or with inner hate. In any event, you should train yourselves: ‘Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic to that person’s welfare, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading him with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with him, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will equal to the great earth — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.’ That’s how you should train yourselves.
    Majjhima Nikaya 21

    When one gives birth to hatred for an individual, one should direct one’s thoughts to the fact of his being the product of his actions: ‘This venerable one is the doer of his actions, heir of his actions, born of his actions, related by his actions, and is dependent on his actions. Whatever actions he does, for good or for evil, to that will he fall heir.’ Thus the hatred for that individual should be subdued.
    Anguttara Nikaya V.161

    I have good will for footless beings,
    good will for two-footed beings,
    good will for four-footed beings,
    good will for many-footed beings.

    May footless beings do me no harm.
    May two-footed beings do me no harm.
    May four-footed beings do me no harm.
    May many-footed beings do me no harm.

    May all creatures,
    all breathing things,
    all beings — each & every one –
    meet with good fortune.
    May none of them come to any evil.
    Anguttara Nikaya IV.67 Continue reading

  2. Reduce your anger…


    Do good. Reduce your anger and (try to) do something to train the mind through right understanding. Change the mind through our own experience of understanding what is right and wrong. ~Ven. Dr. K Sri Dhammananda

  3. A Beautiful Day


    Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend
    With lots of happiness without end
    And even though we are far apart
    You are a friend that warms my heart.

    A beautiful day brings butterflies
    Birds and flowers as a gift
    They enrich our lives like friends,
    That give to us a special lift.

    So I am wishing you a beautiful day
    Oh yes, one more thing I want to say
    May God send many blessings your way
    And may you always walk in joy, I pray.

    Glenna M. Baugh @2006

  4. Don’t live your life with Hate in your Heart


    Don’t live your life with hate in your heart.  You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate.  Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.”  It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”  Forgiveness is the answer… let go, find peace, liberate yourself!  And remember, forgiveness is not just for other people, it’s for you too.  If you must, forgive yourself, move on and try to do better next time. ~Marc and Angel


  5. How can I hate this World…


    Sometimes the world gives so many reasons to hate it. But whenever it happens I just stop and think of you, and say ‘How can I hate this world when you are a part of it…’ sms4smile

    ព្រះ​តេជគុណ ចេស ជាកូន​របស់​ពលរដ្ឋ​រង​គ្រោះ​ឡពាង​បួស​ជា​សង្ឃ​ ដើម្បី​មាន​ទីជម្រក​និង​អាហារ​ទទួល​ទាន។ ហេង ជីវ័ន

  6. Reasons why hate is time wasted


     Hate Doesn’t Really Hurt Other People

    You don’t even want to imagine where you could end up because of this. Hatred has a way of making you care about what someone thinks of you.

    You end up doing things, succeeding at them, and looking at this person to see what they say or how they’re going to react. Please don’t waste your time.

    Half of these people couldn’t even think farther than they could sit in a love-seat adjacent to their body. Why would you expect them to have consideration, respect, or anything for anyone else?

    Yeah sure, maybe some people will get jealous and feed that dark desire, but what if they don’t.

    What if you get to the pinnacle of success and happen to be standing among the world’s most successful people? You look up and see this person, this doubter, this high school bully, to name a few, and you manage to get their attention. You walk up to them, greet them, and ask if they remember you. And for the life of them, they can’t remember you at all. And guess what, even if they could remember, a smart jerk, male or female, wouldn’t give you that type of satisfaction.

    All I’m saying is, if you’re going to move-on then do that and leave the past where it is. You will find yourself very disappointed for climbing to a level that someone is on that you hate, just to be better than them. And when you surpass them on their ladder, nothing happens. You’re just there, and they’ve moved on so far they don’t even remember you or care to.

    Don’t let hate waste your valuable time and capabilities in life.

    Source: sonquioey10

  7. Spiritual experience


    Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. ~Unknown

  8. The flower of health…


    The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together. ~Kurdish Saying

    “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha

  9. In a child’s eyes… a mother is a Goddess


    A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. ― Washington Irving


  10. Purity of the heart is the gateway to God


    Each of us in our own way can try to spread compassion into people’s hearts. Western civilizations these days place great importance on filling the human ‘brain’ with knowledge, but no one seems to care about filling the human ‘heart’ with compassion. This is what the real role of religion is.

    When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some immediate convenience. When we are able to recognize and forgive ignorant actions of the past, we gain strength to constructively solve the problems of the present. ~Dalai Lama

Live & Die for Buddhism


Khmer Tipitaka 1 110


ព្រះត្រៃបិដក ប្រែថា កញ្រ្ចែង ឬ ល្អី​ ៣ សម្រាប់ដាក់ផ្ទុកពាក្យពេចន៍នៃព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធ

The Tipitaka or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism. The three divisions of the Tipitaka are: Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Maha Ghosananda

Maha Ghosananda

Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism (5/23/1913 - 3/12/07). Forever in my heart...

Samdech Chuon Nath

My reflection

វចនានុក្រមសម្តេចសង្ឃ ជួន ណាត
Desktop version

Listen to Khmer literature and Dhamma talk by His Holiness Jotannano Chuon Nath, Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia Buddhism.

Shantidevas’ Bodhisattva vows

My reflection

Should anyone wish to ridicule me and make me an object of jest and scorn why should I possibly care if I have dedicated myself to others?

Let them do as they wish with me so long as it does not harm them. May no one who encounters me ever have an insignificant contact.

Regardless whether those whom I meet respond towards me with anger or faith, may the mere fact of our meeting contribute to the fulfilment of their wishes.

May the slander, harm and all forms of abuse that anyone should direct towards me act as a cause of their enlightenment.

As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, so the wise are not shaken by blame and praise. As a deep lake is clear and calm, so the wise become tranquil after they listened to the truth…

Good people walk on regardless of what happens to them. Good people do not babble on about their desires. Whether touched by happiness or by sorrow, the wise never appear elated or depressed. ~The Dhammapada

Hermit of Tbeng Mountain

Sachjang Phnom Tbeng សច្ចំ​​ ភ្នំត្បែង is a very long and interesting story written by Mr. Chhea Sokoan, read by Jendhamuni Sos. You can click on the links below to listen. Part 1 | Part 2

Beauty in nature

A beautiful object has no intrinsic quality that is good for the mind, nor an ugly object any intrinsic power to harm it. Beautiful and ugly are just projections of the mind. The ability to cause happiness or suffering is not a property of the outer object itself. For example, the sight of a particular individual can cause happiness to one person and suffering to another. It is the mind that attributes such qualities to the perceived object. — Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Nature is loved by what is best in us. The sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves. — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Our journey for peace
begins today and every day.
Each step is a prayer,
Each step is a meditation,
Each step will build a bridge.

—​​​ Maha Ghosananda