34. King Kosala asking the blessed one whether he admit himself to be the Buddha
The Buddha was dwelling at the Jetavana Monastery after his first arrival at Savatthi upon the invitation of Anathapindika, the Millionaire. At that time King Kosala came to the Buddha and asked “Venerable Gotama, do you also admit that you are the all-knowing Buddha?” The Blessed One replied, “If you call any person as Buddha, you will be calling it correctly only if you call me so”.
King Kosala then said. “Even elderly teachers of sects such as Purana Kassapa, Makkhali Gosala, Nigantha Nataputta, Sanjaya Belatthaputta, Pakudha Kaccayana, Ajita Kesakambala, do not admit themselves to be the Buddha. Why should you Venerable Gotama, since you are younger than those teachers, admit that you are the Buddha?” The Buddha said, “A Prince, a fire, a snake and a virtuous monk should not be treated lightly with disrespect though small”.
by ASHIN JANAKA BHIVAMSA (Aggamahapandita)
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Bahum sahassa’ mabhinimmita savudhantam
Girime khalam uditaghora sasena maram
Danadi dhamma vidhina jitava Munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu me jayamangalani
1. Mara, the Evil One, assuming a fierce form with a thousand arms; each brandishing a deadly weapon, stormed forward roaring, accompanied by his formidable hosts and riding on his elephant, Girimekkhala. Him the Sovereign Sage conquered by evoking the might of his exalted perfection of giving, among others. By his mighty triumph, may joyous victory be mine!
Marati reka’mabhiyujihita sabbarattim
Ghorampanalavaka makkhamathaddha yakkham
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava Munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu me jayamangalani
2. Even more fiendish than Mara was Alvaka,the impetuous and haughty yakkha who fought a night-long battle with the Lord. Him the Sovereign Sage conqueredthrough enduring patience flowing from his unequaled self-mastery. By this mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine!
Nalagirim gajavaram atimattabhutam
Davaggi cakka’masaniva sudarunantam
Mettambuseka vidhina jitava Munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu me jayamangalani
3. Provoked to run amok, Nalagiri, the king tusker, like a raging forest fire murderously assailed all in his path, and struck such horror in them as would Indra’s thunder bolt, the irresistible destroyer. Him the sovereign Sage tamed by sprinking over him the cooling water of all-embracing love. By his mighty triumph may joyous victory be mine! Continue reading