― Nike Thaddeus
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― Nike Thaddeus
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Uday Joshi
True Friends Are Forever, They Are Really Difficult To Find, They Are Most Difficult To Leave And Go, And They Are Truly Hard To Forget, So, Cheers To Our Friendship!
swarup dhar
I lyk it
ghiasuddin ahmed
v true beyond doubt
Darren Koopman
Thankful for you…hope and pray that we be together one
Darren Koopman
I want to say this every minute of the day I love you with all my heart and soulxxxx
Cranky Banshee
That is why we all benefit from beautiful beings sharing their beautiful minds. Thank you, sweetheart.
sriman kamma
Nice quote jen and beautifull place
Julius Mwaniki
Goodmorning Jen.
Kishan Sondarva
Nice…dear jen…!!!
Akshaya Patil
great pic..Hv a Nice day!!!!
MAM Merchant
Good Morning have nice day to all
Jendhamuni Sos
+Kishan Sondarva Have a most beautiful day!
Darren Koopman
Thanks love you always xxx
Terry Nganga
Thats true coz through other peoples experiences ur able to learn bt experience is the best teacher
Darren Koopman
Thank you c mwahhhh
Meenakshi Sharma
Darren Koopman
Jayesh Thakkar
The true way of living life is a theory of result of research for thousands of years by our ancestors, we can only add something to it and can follow and realise it. Good morning Jendhamuni Sos.
Ruth Estigoy
Very much true
Jayesh Somani
I.loveyou toyuimw
Darren Koopman
I've told you no need to fear..I'm honest as can be!!♥♥♥♥
EdwArd Emembo
May wisedom rule over ur love life
Cosmas Arinze
Hey, just passing by & decide to say hi
Darren Koopman
You matter more to me then anybody else so cute..mwahhhh
Jil-Israel Olayinka
There is no man who can be great in life when he depend on his experience only, you can only be great when you look at other people experiences , it will save you time, mistakes it will also help you in getting a new idea from what they have experienced before.
Darren Koopman
So true..