the power, beauty & heroism
of a mother's love.
~Edwin Chapin
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~Edwin Chapin
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Captain Bedi
Nawal Kishore Malhotra
Good Morning Sos, You choose the right topic in Morning .
Jendhamuni Sos
+Nawal Kishore Malhotra Good morning.
Ajay Agnihotri
It's so true Jendhamuni. ..mother is mother. ..best creation of God. .
Patel Patelp
Very nice words with lovely post!! Its absolutely true. Good morning!!
John Said
🙂 always good to see your posts. Have a great day jen
rajan mulleri
murugan powergrip
g m
Jayesh Thakkar
Mother is the symbol of love, care and security for a child. Have a good day SOS.
Karan Singh
Good morning
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning.
Aftab Baloch
Good morning friend
chanda teli
Good morning sos
jungwoo yoo
Rajeev Kalia
caring mother…
catherine Cummings
Timothy Mckiness
:-). !!!!!!
silvia azhara
Bety goout
Diana rose Sangar
~So true 🙂 I love you.. Mom!
sopha hunedu
All this and called animals.Because it's an instinct
Is it different from unreasonable.
Mohammed Falqi
Love is master language
سعديه الشمري
Situasi alam indonesia
Glenn Beck
Michel Levert
Epic !
hope uzo
So good to be with de one u lov
Veronica Hernandez
Sweet and cute
nimal shantha
Sajudheen Ln