We do not need to wait for a great leader to bring peace to the world. Do not forget: A journey for Peace begins with us. Each step is a prayer, each step will build a bridge. We must build a strong shelter, through the practice of pure kindness and compassion, in order the keep our faith strong, so we can be protected from all kinds of weather in this wicked world… ~Jendhamuni
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haroon m
Hi good morning
Kashem Sarkar
My sweet friend
Howare you
Jesse H
Now you are cooking where there is fire. Be who you are and just enjoy life as best as you can Jendhamuni. Now you got me smiling.
John Said
Thank you +Jendhamuni Sos :))
Diwang Lepcha
wow so beautiful dear
good morning Happy Sunday .
Sudheer Babu
attraactive one dear..feel happy,,,
jay kan
Oho I love cooking yum !!!
Jayesh Thakkar
You are right, faith is only the base of life. Good morning SOS.
Alabama G Man
Great Smile. My favorite shot of you. Thanks my friend. I like cats.
David O
❤•.¸✿¸.•❤Lovely❤•.¸✿¸.•❤ +Jendhamuni Sos
Maheswar Ojha
The change we expect from others , should start from us in fact .
Ibrahim Stanikzay
من میوه جات را دوست دارم نه حیوانات را؟
Shiju Thomas
Nice yar
Ajay Agnihotri
Good morning Jendhamuni. .beautiful post. ..enjoy your Sunday. .
Roland Wolfgang Friedrich
Soooooooo true, dear +Jendhamuni Sos . Go your own way of peace. I try it every day..:):)
murugan powergrip
so nice
Dr M.K.Vyas Vyas
Yes Never give up Faith, i agree 100%.& thanks for such Postings.I like it.
Alicia Calimlim
Yes sister it is true .
Bukar Maina Nguru
Indeed it's a beautiful philosophy.Tnx .
Vijay Raj
Lucky Triana
I like this writing of yours 🙂 Thank u
Vijay Raj
+Lucky Triana 私も好きだ
Jenny Yee
+Jendhamuni Sos
How are you my friend wish you a happy Sunday.
shameer gudalur
vary nice.
garylee joy
Jendhamuni Sos, my dear friend, I am praying for your safety. May you know that the LORD of heaven and earth, who sent His only Son, wants you to know and trust Him.
Charles van Dijk
I stopped watching TV for that reason. But lately you supply the bad news. I think people just get conditioned by all the negativity. Report cute Pit Bulls instead of the nasty ones. I think they are balanced in numbers. The same applies to the human species.
Maria Dib
Yaa good not bed
Mickaël Hertsens
Ma belle journée
Mickaël Hertsens
Moi Nice
Wooo it lovely and sweet photo :))))
Thanks so much my sweet friend:))))
Melvyn Fernandes
Good Day +Jendhamuni Sos have a wonderful day……good words.. * ♥ ♥ ♥ ^ _ ^ /
Satish Sharma
Hope is necessary4 living.
Mama Clinton
It all starts with love. ..
Ma.Theresa Cainglet
hi jen, what country you came from???
gopal thapa
So cute
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
pramod jain
sobar quotation.
Abdul Khader Nebil
Hai you are beauti
Frankie Randolph
Locking good to day hope ever thing ok and good for you
Asha Kumari
101 % AGREE with u . its meditation
Frankie Randolph
That the way the world is now day's thay no one carries about pipple just how thay can us or get something out of thim but you can help pipple but some of thim dont even carry about thair saif and you are the one that get heart
Md. Deluar Hossain
Abdul Manan
Lovely pic dear
Bumble Bee
to decide every step one must know the perfect in real except texts,in between direct involvement gives perfect moral clue,then decesisiveness only takes own…thats' the true measures of own amount for everyone..we can assess our life spending and decsion is thus….
Abdul Manan
Hyeeee dear……
rogelio perero
me gustaría aprender de tu sabiduría tienes una linda forma de pensar y sentir, expresas muy bien tus pensamientos
petey pete
David Gery
Beautiful post, faith is what keeps me going especially with all the sad news everywhere. Thank you so much for another wonderful post, beautiful photo of you, have a wonderful Sunday.
Frankie Randolph
Will it dont make a difnt wout day it is the way the world has got you see it no mader the day couse greaid and ourther one in this world dont carry just lock at all has daid in the last year and it at just pipple daiding it pipple the get away with hearting and useing out pipple just so thay can have wout thay got or keep thim down so no one now the trouth
Frankie Randolph
Just like a firend that lives in a small town the droug and ourth baid thing cousted hem has home and has kids all becouse has waife flamely in deep with drougcan he go to the low no he did one time wine hes boy got shout by now has stape dad at going in the hole stoury but the sheaf told this boy it was no ginst the law to tack a air gun put it to a kids arm and
Shout a kids or anyone now you tall me wour kind right we got in this world wine a man or woman is us just for monney wish my firend could meat someone stand up for has rights I seen the world and untill pipple start standing up for eachour dont maider if you got monney or you dont so everyone that see this until wout has happun like to my firend and to ourth and pipple rights on longee us to heart thim or kids us just for monney
Frankie Randolph
Will it dont make a difnt wout day it is the way the world has got you see it no mader the day couse greaid and ourther one in this world dont carry just lock at all has daid in the last year and it at just pipple daiding it pipple the get away with hearting and useing out pipple just so thay can have wout thay got or keep thim down so no one now the trouth
Frankie Randolph
Will it dont make a difnt wout day it is the way the world has got you see it no mader the day couse greaid and ourther one in this world dont carry just lock at all has daid in the last year and it at just pipple daiding it pipple the get away with hearting and useing out pipple just so thay can have wout thay got or keep thim down so no one now the trouth
Kim Jun
Amen to that! a persons faith in the Lord makes them always surrounded by His love, Mercy and Care and hence alleviating the daily pain of living this cruel life.
Kim Jun
Amen to that! a persons faith in the Lord makes them always surrounded by His love, Mercy and Care and hence alleviating the daily pain of living this cruel life.
Abdul Manan
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Abdul Manan
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Dwight Preston
Hi sweetie how are you today,beautiful shot of you 🙂 🙂
Dwight Preston
Hi sweetie how are you today,beautiful shot of you 🙂 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dwight Preston Have a lovely day and peaceful dreams. I have been busy cleaning my entire house!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dwight Preston Have a lovely day and peaceful dreams. I have been busy cleaning my entire house!
mohammad zahid
I love you
Muda Ogunsola
You hear bombings, killings, kidnappings, chaos, missing planes/plane crash, ship sinking, nuclear leakage, accidents, accidents that make the soul weeps. What next?
Only prayer for God to touch the hearts of all evil doers to have a change of attitude.
Ratirat Teeranitiwath
…Love U..Jendha..Big Thx..for everything…@
…I lived @ Bangkok Thailand…@
Jendhamuni Sos
+Ratirat Teeranitiwath I hope you are safe where you are, dear. I'm worried because of all the protests. May Peace be upon you always.
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
Fact to know
Ratirat Teeranitiwath
…* Big Thx..for ur kindness n worried about Me..I'm safe n pray to My Dear God n expect for ur family everyday too..ja..Dear Jen..kd….God Bless This Home..Smile..n be Happiness all times..Take care na..bye ja..Dear Jen…Love U..* …@
Siva Ranjani
Hi jen sis! It's too pretty!
Nirmala Rajeshirke
The world is nt that bad…alwys hope fr good things to happen n it wil hppen..u may meet 100 p'ple….. n 99 r bad bt 1 person out of 100 makes ur life wonderful..
zenzile magada
life is not easy dear
Mary Joe Ayang
Thank you for sharing, its inspiring
Lovely pic /miss you Jen Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a peaceful day +ASHLEY LAURA
suleman aziz
Mughal Dukhi
ahmed noor
All the best
Abuu Rahman
Luv it
manju avani
manju avani