Learn to face all kinds of problems on your own, without begging anyone for help or mercy. Do not bow your heads before any one, except to the Great teachings of the wise. Do not cry over every little thing. Your tears is more valuable, do not let go the value of your tears. It does not matter how bad anyone hurt you, never let go your Kindness and Compassion. ~Jendhamuni
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Carles Guerrero
Nepali keto
Shameer basha
Sreejith Ktk
hai nice
Naandkumarr Bagwe
Dear how you are maintaining life style in USA?
Zac Dean
Very beautiful
Surendra Agrawal
Its true of life . Even In bible it is said
Silvano Niccolich
Beautiful picture. Strong and wise words.
prakash b
Begging r mercy
Seeking fr yourself
To survive is a shame of life
Nt only u get shamed bt u put your near an dear ones in shame of life
Before u beg
Wt u r begging think that
No need to become big
Be satisfied wd wt u have
Mercy fr wt when u r truthful
No need fr mercy
Money thrown at u is nt money
Money earned by u is money
U pardon others
Bt never seek mercy
Aapmaan bhari zindagi
Sae maut aachi hai
Living an unrespectful life
Its better u die
Gd post dear sos looking smart like ir good night dear
very beautiful words
NSKalimuthu Subramaniyam
be smart..
John Said
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you again for your words Jen.
Ibrahim Rangrez
I agree
RAna AdNaN
Nice words my friend
Raghubeer Khatri
Beautiful smile jendhamuni
Jendhamuni Sos
I will be on g+ later, hopefully in the next 6 or 7 hours. I have urgent tasks to take care of first.
John Said
– Wishing you well on your tasks 🙂
Melvyn Fernandes
I agree with this +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you very much +John Said Take care and smile too.
Jendhamuni Sos
+prakash b Great words, Good night. See you later.
prakash b
Tx sos take care gd nt
Sofie Løve Forsberg
True words, my dear Jendhamuni!
raymond pedere
Nice smile frend
Jesse H
That's excellent
Darmendra Kshatriyaa
Kanhaiya Singh
hi take care
Kanhaiya Singh
hi take care
Reg Dawn
Well said sister. I agree with every word…never lose compassion and kindness. YES!
Stay happy, stay save and be happy my dear sister +Jendhamuni Sos
Solomon Fahey
That is great advice you give it seems so hard to do but really it is not if you you retain this wisdom you can be at peace forgiveness is the most powerful thing in the world besides love I once told someone this and they laughed and said no it is not a nuclear bomb is the most powerful thing in the world and I replied and said ignorance is bliss if that is what you wish.
Safia Abdi
Nice and nice
shaikh salim
Looking good
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Uma ótima mensagem Jendhamuni, tenha uma boa semana!
Ramdarash Bharati
You are greatmy dear friend love you
R Srinumantgpg
Close your mouth because egalu lopaliki velthai
asim ali
Wow Nice u r Smile…Jendhamuni
Khalid Jameel
I love you too w
indiana L.keith
james riker
very pleassent smile_mi-laddy
Timothy Mckiness
Una told me to tell you ( hi ) to you my master teacher kindness and compassion always walks with you. Lov T
vidya sagar
excellent lines u have presented sos. they are for the path to success. i liked them much friend.
mohammed khaja moinuddin
How greatness your personality don't let mistakes u cannot face all excuses
david martin
I agree with you
Nagen Rai
I'm agree with you dear
Good morning
Mohamed Irfan
Pieter Hibma
Don't beg but select your allies, you will be protected by protecting others the rule of a good formation.
Ana B.E
Yes! This is true;)
Syeditehad Kazmi
Surender Singh Parmar
very good words
Shashwath Ms
Hi…what u said it's true..thanks .jendhamuni
gonesh shil
Bhupendrabhai Patel
beautiful pic
very nice message like u,frnd
Zeelai Zara
Chantay Lor
great… i wish i could do that
ranveer poonia
really right but not easy…..go on
Bentley Beasley
One day I awoke to the realization that my perceived enemy was non-other than another aspect of myself. Therefore, considering physical or mental harm to this perceived enemy was really harming self.
We are "One Human FAMILY" and should realize this Here and Now!
nadeem bhatti
real; beauti
Gyarab Dorjee
You are thinking ABSOLUTELY WRONG WAY. You should have to think deeply from your Good Heart about this words, which is you write this all are Objection. so change your way to think about the Mercy.
Vasant Patel
Nice Sweet
Anil Tiwari
wow u looking so hot
Anil Tiwari
wow u looking so hot
Shariq Maqbool
U too
Lav Prasad
how the interesting message you passed to the world. It change the life. I am from India love with your thought.
akash ghodke
can i have an autograph plzzzzzz………
Dhruv Thapa Thapa
Looking so nice…..
Daman Dhillon
teresa fernandes
beautiful thought i love it n i love u dear.
Rajan Sinbmar
Looking so nice……………..
vishnu sahu
Sia Rajput
Very nice
Shoaib Shams
Sakrhi Tkkeej
sylvia mckenzie
Very beautiful shot
chalmers thain
hi love this picture
srikanth mudiraj
ilove u u smile…..
chalmers thain
love it
meena bathija
Hi look v v nice
Lau Barros
Muito linda .com todo respeito!
Missbelle Legada
very well said,,:)
Roland Hylton
Love it
Atul Shukla
Beautiful Thoughts.
chalmers thain
Binoy Pathmanabhan
now I feel happy
chalmers thain
i like this
Mohasin Mohamed
Uiel Bereket
You have anice aidea so Iam happy contnu
Ita Efiakedoho
Your right, for the LORD grace is beyond anything
arun kumar
nice words and nice picture also……………..