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I hope there will be a better PM soon. That is simply not right
Hi ma'm. Great. Ur fights for social cause is commendable
Very good~ +Jendhamuni Sos good sunday
Thank you +RaMo Th
I hope so too +Jesse H Hope you had enjoyed the weekend. Still Saturday here.
Boa noite Jendhamuni! Muito triste ver as crianças dependendo de corruptos para ter estudo e se desenvolver, mas tenho esperança que tanto o seu Camboja como o meu Brasil um dia terá governantes que saberá dar valor a seu povo!
Have a nice day +jungwoo yoo Good morning to you.
Yes all country's prime ministers corrupted
Really sooo btfl & pcfl,gd mrng friend
We can only pre to God
+Aldair Cota Machado Good morning, Aldair. Yes, we just have to keep fighting for that one day to come.
Good morning sos one day will change god is great blive him
Happy week end enjoy it sos
Have a wonderful day +Paresh Patel
And where is this?
Sorry Jen only. Had a heart attack can't hardly talk right now keep up the fight persistence always makes it through.
+Timothy Mckiness Hope you are okay.
Corruption is the malice rampant in almost all the developing world. We should continue our fight against this malice.
Some of bloody politicians think easy to govern uneducated people, same here in my country too
Gendhamuni, boa noite,aqui e a mesma coisa. A politica Brasileira e a coisa mais suja que existe!
+Aahil Aarib Cambodia.
+Osvaldo de Aguiar Good night, dear. Yes, I understand the situation there. Wishing you a pleasant dream.
Where is the teacher? and what is happening now in Cambodia?
Except money and power they (the worthless politician ) think nothing,I too feel sorrow for that jendhu..
With the new govt in the phils ..everything is being addressed esp education ..but more & more corruption r being exposed everyday ..i am praying for both our countries to finally have a government that truly is for, by, & of the people ..
I love your country..but corruption is for ever in the world.!
I like this picture because madhuri is on of my heroin
education in Cambodia might leapfrog the old institutional variety and go direct to online education.
they need 1 Good quality always online internet
2 each student to have their own ebook/tablet with long battery live and a renewable reliable means of charge.
3 Information at the basic level in Khmer language…
I feel remember when studied in the past, this class is better than my class, coz my class is under the tree.
so…beautiful…dearest jendhamuni..
under this condition full concerntration cannot be attained.however it shall be well with them.
+Timothy Mckiness wishing you well Tim! Take care
i feel proudness on those who are getting education in this shelterless school
What's rong with your prime minister. What's rong with your government.