—Chinese Proverb
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This post has been reshared 60 times on Google+
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Abu Minar
Ho ho ho
Ibrahim nourin
Hasnath Ahmed
murali karthi
Hay hay funny
Janice Liddle
That is really funny.
Mame Boateng
Omg lol
genilson genilsonluis
q coisa
Saseendran Neeliveedu
really very very funny
Nawal Kishore Malhotra
Sos do you need any helper, If then call me for free services.
Saji Saji
It's realy magic
Elvira Young
Lamont Adams
Hilarious he tried to get somewhere with that hub cab…..
Ashok Kumar
Good afternoon Ms. Jendhamuni Sos
Nalaka Chaminda
rose jones
christian kingsley
zainul islam
oh cuit
Mitha Raflesia rets
Ooww good
lamin tmg
Be carefull……………………..????????? Hahahahahaha
Babulal Prajapati
वाह वाह वाह
saqib ali
+Janice Liddle wow ya really funny
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
realy funny monkeys.J…Sos.
Gwendolyn Davidson
This is too funny!!!!!!! ISMILE
Saijyothi raj singh
hi sos how r u ? u have very good sense of humour u r very unique.you r all in all i like u very much my friend.
Jully Anne
Very funny.
Jai Kishan Saroja
Wow so funny
Jayesh Thakkar
Thanks for smiling. Good night Jen.
catherine Cummings
How cute are they.
Jayesh Thakkar
Thanks to everyone who brings a smile on your face. Enjoy your evening JEN.
patcharintra oscar
Hahaha they were having a fun.
My ex partner wore my gold neckless with square gold pedal while visit Zoo in Bangkok.
Got snatch out from his neck by monkey.
I called Zoo keeper to help. Only chain neckless is remain.
Ruel Malaque
Hahaha nakakatawa na itong panaurin..
+Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning! Too funny video very cute, I began to smile like to laugh, thank you dear sister brought a wonderful day, and today is a good day. Hahaha ^________^
Zlata R
So cute +Jendhamuni Sos🙂
Sana Manal
Nice time
Marilen Rowena
Smiles is the greatest tool to wins everybodys heart to smile u back…Good morning to u +Jendhamuni Sos :-*
Alicia Calimlim
thier having fun have s great day.sistet.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Marilen Rowena
Gwendolyn Davidson
Sweet Post, Miss Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you, dear +Gwendolyn Davidson Warm and pleasant day for you with many smiles too.
Mamta Aggarwal
Nice post☆
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Mamta Aggarwal
Raymunda Vargas
That is is funny
jay nargass
He is doing nice job
Mukesh Shukla
goodmorning dear
Aldair Cota Machado
O que sera que ele vai fazer com aquilo?
Mama Clinton
Keep smiling people. …good morning. …have a day full of blessings.
Gwendolyn Davidson
Good Morning Mama Clinton…..the sun is go n down where I am…so U Share all those LOVE blessings as U R Led…
Mama Clinton
Thank you so much Gwendolyn Davidson. ..it's morning in Kenya. …
George Bolton
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +George Bolton Sending you many smiles.
Gwendolyn Davidson
O Wow mama Clinton…..MY earthly father's first name was Clinton…..will NOT forget meeting You. …praise b to Our Heavenly Father.
Muhammad Aslam
I like very nice vedeo
rafia razaq
Kiran Lama
Dinna lhyn cabrejas
Dennis Haislmaier
Mama Clinton
Amen Gwendolyn. …my first son's name is Clinton. .he is now 19. …have a lovely day my friend.
Farzana Siddiqui
Awesome !
Yasir Muhammad
whow very intelligent thanks sos very nice
Ali Shan
Very naughty
maria d
Saif Ur Rehman
Good post
Bhargavi R
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
sopha hunedu
Gwendolyn Davidson
Good Morning, Mama CLINTON!!! U have a fun filled W/E……l. love You
SO NICE……………..
abu syed
Mama Clinton
….love you too Gwendolyn. ..may you and your family enjoy your day and remain blessed. ..will be heading to sleep in the next 3hrs. ..guess it's good night from me….
Mehar sufyan Shakir
Jenelyn Montefrio
Very god
mohammad aliazam
Monica Misore
Md Anik Ovi
So funny
muralee menon
he he he
Jesse H
Hahahaha. Too funny
Nirmala Rajeshirke
Funny…laughed a lot..
hope uzo
Wear did u get dis form