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This post has been reshared 11 times on Google+
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lamin tmg
Haha I will come to drink tea every day from ur hand if u selling tea Modi Baba:-):-)
ansari chand
He become p.m. Like his brand lotous
Muslim there is one god
Happy time for all
Syed Mostafa
Welcome to indian p.m.
lamin tmg
Ahmedabad ralway station reserve for Modi tea stalls only just comet
I always respect to him
Mannish Kanz
Was proud tht he was our CM nd now m soo proud nd happy tht he is goin to be our PM! I 'll say proudly tht he is my role model he is my hero..he is our hero! I wish became like him!
S. R. Singh
The first speech in the Central Hall of Parliament today was very impressive. It may be the starting point of our journey to progress in real sense after 10 years of total absence of governance.
Anju Ranka
Negative mind always absence mind. Modiji our intelligent nd powerful PM so broad you thinking.
Anju Ranka
…. that time . Modiji is PM in our India.
Mahesh Chainani
I know mr. Modi personally I m from Gujarat Rajkot is my city and MODI's first elected by rajkot he is a magician. ..
lamin tmg
Yeah sure no dout
Lokesh Soni
Apne to sare netao ki nind uda di……
mukesh patel
differance in western politician and true Sanskruti of Hindutva +Jendhamuni Sos ji he was in teras today – uppkar of Maa!!
Jendhamuni Sos
+mukesh patel My PM who just congratulated Modi is nothing like Modi. He's a land grabber and killer, most corrupted one. He should feel shameful when congratulating a PM-elect Modi 😉
Jendhamuni Sos
+S. R. Singh Thank you. I will look for the video when I get home.
salman butt
Xaxe video 2014 http://www.viber.com
mukesh patel
+Jendhamuni Sos west never let Humanity growth in world that is the reason of Cambodia-PM lacks ancient true human values.
Shiju Thomas
Good mind
Juan Bedoya
I agree
Jayesh Thakkar
Self confidence makes the life successful. Enjoy a wonderful evening Sos.
Sanjay Kotangde
We all wish him best he is hope for country
Mohandas Earath
Just a casual talk..nothing great
Jayesh Thakkar
Mr. lamin tmg if u wanna have "MODI TEA" you must be stand in a queue of billions of people. Thanks and have a nice day.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Jayesh Thakkar Wishing you a peacefuld dream.
Jayesh Thakkar
Thanks Sos. You too. Its time to go home. C ya later.
Manoranjan Singh
Akinyemi Agbejoye
a Good day for u my friends
Syed Mostafa
Muhammad Saeed
goog ida
Timothy Mckiness
Good men always have a simple solution
Akinyemi Agbejoye
Timothy hw are you doing Nice 1 for u
Syed Mostafa
Good night..
Shawn Falagan
Great words from a great man thks Jen <3
Waqas Qashi
Dog Dog Dog
Jayesh Thakkar
Mr waqas Qashi now read it in urdu style and way from last to first .
Reg Dawn
Syed Mostafa
Good morning all friends
Modi 100% p.m..
Chander Alexxis
It's only nice to hear but in actuality do u think he will do that.
Syed Mostafa
+Waqas Qashi
Deeparaj Nil
Great! Well said modiji!
Divakaran V
Super Great Leader In India Our Best Prime Minister Modi Ji
Syed Mostafa
Anju Ranka
Thanks u
Severin Vhora
Well said modiji
Michel Levert
impresive, yet so true !