The new leader visited his mom, then went on to Varanasi along the Ganges, India’s most threatened river, where under a canopy brightened with marigold flowers and cheered by his constituents as millions watched on television, Modi promised the sacred river would be clean in five years. Full story and video
Caption: Men search for coins and gold in the polluted waters of the Ganga river at Sangam after the Kumbh Mela festival in Allahabad, on April 2, 2013. In India, 53 percent of the people have no access to a basic toilet and defecation along water bodies is common. Photographer: Sanjay Kanojia/AFP/Getty Images
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vicky wills
this is to much.
Nilesh Rana
Sos,thank you.good news.
salim mahmud
betty evangelist
I wish I had lots of money I would help them poor people it is so Sad**
vicky wills
vicky wills
it need to in india
Desrai Moody
Would feel so good help these people,,,,,my heart feels so sad for them !!!!!
Selby Dhliwayo
Sad. It's painful to watch..
Mary Taylor
Victims of capitalism.
Mudassar Arafat
these are human,,, how they dong me sad for them
wahyudi wijaya
what wrong with this? the human or religion?
Eskina Mekuria
+Asha Naraine
F Siddique
What is this
Sataullah Choudhari
May be better pm of INDIA.
Lorelei Pechacek
thats so sad
Mudassar Arafat
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Para eu isto e uma tristeza. Pessoas entrando em um rio altamente poluído que e usado como sanitário, total falta de higiene, muito triste!
Dixie Jos
Capitalism has destroyed communities and ripped the heart of their future. Very sad that humans must suffer like this, when we have so much for everyone. Xx
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Do not blame capitalism, but administrators
Sataullah Choudhari
Luck Labour chance.
Nafhan Naeem
Oh my god what, india is like this?
Jian Kandt
So incredible…how can this people in power go to bed every night! And fall asleep…?
Regina Littlejohn
OMG OMG!!!!!!!!
sharrie evans
Dietrich Lombarde
Horrible Government . I would have every single one shot ,but not before throwing them In the Ganges River. Swines .:(
Even better : I would trow these shits in Government right admits the People .
jhon robin
what the hell
perm inder
Indian leadrs cant see this
ThePanthomOf Pete
David Ateenyi
Very sad.
Neera Malhan
Go to Rishikesh,and see the beautiful,Ganga river,flowing. I have been there,at least 50 times,and have not seen this.God alone knows, where u picked up this picture from.
Peter Andrews
Perhaps the newly elected politicians can donate 10% of overly generous income packages to an audited provision fund to quickstart the cleanup and continue donations to maintain the standard of cleanliness – FAT CHANCE !!!!!
Neera Malhan
Peter Andrews!Why don t u visit Utrakhand,Rishikesh,India. And see for yourself.Its such a beautiful place,with Ganga flowing with force.It seems, so megical,and religious,songs going on.The whole place is very clean.U have see it, with your own eyes to believe it.
ThePanthomOf Pete
+Neera Malhan
He's talking about the ugly part of India that needs more immediate attention.
Nicholas Henseleit
Why is the balance of equality so fucked up in our modern society. Honestly it sickens me that people that have almost everything still manage to complain about shit like not getting the next iphone. Its absolute crap
Neera Malhan
Ugly parts r everywhere in the world!But I don t want to talk about them.I would still invite u to visit Rishikesh,with your friends and see it yourself.U will never regret it.
Regina Littlejohn
I have been to KENYA 3 times , I always said I want come to India , and support the poor. This makes heart cry.
Neera Malhan
Regina!U r most welcome to come to India!But not for support!We r a great country!U ll love it
Asha Naraine
This is so disgusting but so common
matavai Aloiai
Hope the clearance work will be done soon. That is totally not healthy for the Indian people. A healthy environment and community is needed for that part of India for a healthy living of its people. GB
anita gupta
Hii friends i have no followers in my friend circle it is my humble request plz "add me in your friend list"…..
Chrystal White
This is Absurd.I mean the Bollywood Stars are making Millions whilst their fellow county men are Living in squalor.Shame on the rich
Faruku M. Bawa
naija na wawooo!!!.
Timothy Crooker
It breaks to my heart to see how much we are destroying the world . :,(
Chrystal White
+Timothy Crooker This is just the tip of the iceberg.You obviously haven't been to Africa recently.
Peter Andrews
Sorry Neera, I was only referring that photo site. I agree with the beauty and varied sights of India and would make India top of my bucket list to visit.
Rajgopal Ramachandran
Yes, you are correct. You have world wide uptodate information, I salute you +Jendhamuni Sos
Joseph C
Modi said. "“Ganga needs someone to take her out of this dirt and she’s chosen me to do the work.”In effect he has agreed to be the Ganges scavenger for the next five years. The shit bucket industries in Gujarat will all become Ambani-like enterprises !
Satish manangi
First of all mind set of us to b changed
Neera Malhan
Peter Andrews! Thats ok!I full understand,because that photograph was really disgusting and misleading!I said all that because i have been there.People from all over the world,come to see river Ganga flowing,and its surrounding mountains,and jungle.So hope your next holiday destination will be Rishikesh,India.Come with a Tourist Group and not alone.All the best and ENJOY!
supriyo gupta
stringent laws needed
Vishnu Nage
Touchy situation.
Atul Sharma
Ram teri ganga male ho gayi logo ki ………..dote dote. It is not supposed to be cleaned it is we people who r supposed to clean our deeds rest will get cleaner automatically. Har har gange. Jai maa gange
kamal patel
oh like
shankar raj
Best wishes…….
Aamir wazir wazeer
I rqwst modi pm india first
Cleen ganga nadi
Atul Kumar
nirasha wisidagama
Ohh what a pollution
shubh patel
bahati msenye
oh! it is a sad situation!
Deepak Sharma
Again you are making wrong image of India
Do you know about ganga it's came from heaven
Thk u sir u will make us happy
mohamed mnasser
Bollywood shows only the beautiful India.
Juan garza
what's today Wednesday? y'all must've been born yesterday because poverty is in every hemisphere and country. you see those documentaries showing the poor working in subhuman conditions to make the wheels of capitalism go round and so that you can wear your "Levi's " . give me a break and stop all the moaning, the oohing and ahhing.
this will continue until the wealthy pay there share
Piyush Bindu
dianne cruz
So sad situation 🙁
Deepak Sharma
Jendhamuni Sos..why you not talks about your country..you always show India's wrong image..ganga is our mother..
Piyush Bindu
Ravindra pal
+Nafhan Naeem This is the ugliest , filthiest 'part' of India. It's like clicking the interiors of dirtiest slum in U.S. Chill out dude. M not saying it isn't India but there is much more and better as well.
Piyush Bindu
Zubair Shaikh
Juan garza
hey! if you want to see ugly in the US, check out Detroit or the ghetto of DC
Jose Lukose
Tdv Pathy
I hope on this PM that he will do good and florish Bharath Matha .
Aslam Waseem
killa white
that's nasty
Azminer Manu
Ooh Mama Mia,What India like this
Very Sad
Murari Hasrajani
Modi is great
Deepti singh
Nobody can alone change things,it is the time to introspect and contribute to cleaning of rivers by taking pledge no to pollute it at first place and taking strict measures to stop those who r doing it.
Innocent A Christian
Sad sad sad OMG help dem
Anita Shinde
Amith s kumar
Indian constitution in blind.
ajeet singh jurel hari singh jurel
pls cleen to ganga
lalit kumar
ganga main phool maal mat dalo bhai logo tabhi ganga saaf ho paye gi…
ganga hy he gandi pak us mai kahak ho ga shaks
Mahesh H
Good News for Gangs mata
Ankit arora
We can help them
Cleaning Ganga, a good work
Akshaya devi
Modi planned a gud job
Alexander Kachowski
Is this the Ganga? This is the End of the Days!
Rashmi Raj
political stunts
Erika Luna
Wow so nasty
Amith s kumar
Beyond our reach.
Ranjit Mahananda
Verry nice dear awesm..erika
Paritosh Rout
Educate the people near to the river. Teach them that, cleanliness is next to Godliness. then automatically we can achieve 50% of our goal.
Meena Mukerjee
Lets hope for the best.
Santosh Singh
It is very difficult task, but it is very good
effort. My wish is with modi sarkar.
Sometime, reality of life
Gurbaksh Ramgariya
Beautiful work from the pm N modi
Alley Wilson
Garry Godinez
what is that….
Deepak saxena
it was the real status of ganga in kingdom of congress but it now will be changed in bjp's rule.
Dil Bahadur
What is this
sajeed gul
ahmed khan
An Ros
The poor people work something for only stomach they don't think another
منصور العتيبي
Thank God for the blessing of Islam, cleanliness of the faith and the impurity of the devil.
ashok loya
He Will definitely do this job
Usama Bhagal
Dilip Babug
Definately i'm with ur thaughts. Now there's need to clean up Ganga Mom.
khushboo kesari
We can not be think what we loss……………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tahir Mahmood
Victim s of capacity
Rajmohan Mehta
holy shit, it is ganga. really!!!
Santosh Singh
+Deepak saxena very correct.
Bassem Alameddine
From my heart, I really pray for you all. May Allah bestow upon you all that is better than this. Ameen.
Raj Kumar
We all indian want to clean the ganga but we are making ganga a river of shits
antoheen paul
Only नमो नमो नमो नमो, सब ठीक होगा,अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं, I will post gangama's photos after 1 year and u comments that time
Hindi xxx
Lesleyjane Jane
प्रकाशितवाक्य 11:18 — मगर राष्ट्रों का गुस्सा भड़क उठा और तेरा क्रोध उन पर आ पड़ा और वह ठहराया हुआ वक्त आ पहुँचा जब मरे हुओं का न्याय किया जाए, और तेरे दास भविष्यवक्ताओं को और पवित्र जनों को और तेरे नाम का डर माननेवाले छोटे-बड़े सभी दासों को उनका इनाम दिया जाए, और पृथ्वी को तबाह-बरबाद करनेवालों को खत्म कर दिया जाए।”. http://www.jw.org
Arun Gpillai
Modi can do it something.
Robert Hollingsworth Jr
+Mary Taylor You are so very right.God Bless you.
Robert Hollingsworth Jr
This world is dyeing faster and louder than mankind can change it.
Ravi Jawansher
Whose fault is this "our"
Shiva Lakshmikantha
look thire
pravinkumar m
u kan think indian poverty through this lake..
Haleema K.A
Poonam Parmar
Lesleyjane Jane
प्रकाशितवाक्य 21:3-5 — फिर मैंने राजगद्दी से एक ज़ोरदार आवाज़ सुनी जो कह रही थी: “देखो! परमेश्वर का डेरा इंसानों के बीच है। वह उनके साथ रहेगा और वे उसके लोग होंगे। और परमेश्वर खुद उनके साथ होगा। 4 और वह उनकी आँखों से हर आँसू पोंछ देगा, और न मौत रहेगी, न मातम, न रोना-बिलखना, न ही दर्द रहेगा। पिछली बातें खत्म हो चुकी हैं।” 5 और राजगद्दी पर जो बैठा था उसने कहा: “देख! मैं सबकुछ नया बना रहा हूँ।” उसने यह भी कहा: “ये बातें लिख ले, क्योंकि ये विश्वास के योग्य और सच्ची हैं।” http://www.jw.org
Really it is bad+1
eric orme
seba Nada
India .. one side very rich and other side too poor … its sad how people living .. 🙁
dayanidhi jena
O no
sameer quraishi
o no wht u doing now
Alam Gir
Bangla sexy
madhavi kesana
Ashok Padhye
great job should be neat and cleaned
Gud job
Haruni Juma
ooh my god
charuhas mudvedkar
It should happen
That is not it
Tammy Baker
I can never complain again
Buddhi Pokhrel
WhAt this
RJS Sohail
dirty river
Hussein Mndeme
Amarjeet Kaur
Whose's responsible 4 this.
Haruni Juma
why life is hard
Durgeish R Shrivastava
This should have been done by the people who live there at the banks of holy river Ganga.
We are thankful to Mr.Narendra Modi taking a step forward to clean GANGA.
saher ali
abki baar modi sar kaar badlegi tumhe?
Haruni Juma
Stoluh Alex
Modi will be failure if he fail to clean it up. Poor yet strong. Lord grant them peace n send a helper
Dave Hutchins
It looks like many people make boom-boom in river.
Naoki Plays
surendranath reddy
p.m.modi needs to run that extra mile to achieve his set target of cleansing india's most sacred river.
Makhsoom Afridi
so sad
Haruni Juma
Hamza Ameer
lalit jakhotra
Mokarram Hossain
This is 2 much.
Neil Patel
This is a result from 66 years of Congress in power.
surendranath reddy
this is result of 10 years italìan rule
Ashok Gupta
+Asha Naraine can i chat u on hang out, i just added u
Hamza Ameer
+Dixie Jos chopppppp
rubylyn traversin
If this river is holy, it should be clean and always be clean. Only represents that people who worship here is disgusting!
Neil Patel
+Amarjeet Kaur Capitalism, Corruption, lack of education and facilities and Congress. They are responsible.
Adnan Shah
Varun Kumar
Modi can't do anything unless the people are awared. Let suppose even if the cleaning process started, it won't change the mind of the those people who are totally dependent on ganga for their day to day life. let's hope its not another political gimmick because even the congress sanctioned millions, but all in vain, instead they should have put that money for those who are eliciting the shit in the image atleast it might have helped their poverty.
Meena Uthappa
One step at a time a million steps can be taken by millions of people along its banks along with NGOs and government agencies and factory owners polluting the river- all need to be educated and stringent fines imposed on those violating the rules that prevent polluting the river.
Meena Uthappa
One step at a time a million steps can be taken by millions of people along its banks along with NGOs and government agencies and factory owners polluting the river- all need to be educated and stringent fines imposed on those violating the rules that prevent polluting the river.
tohid Hassan
It is shameful for us.
H N Venkatesh Nayak
Linda Hinton
This is so sad.
H N Venkatesh Nayak
vivekanand pai
This what we got from subsequent. Govt?
OMG….Ganges is really in a pitiable state….people should stop polluting it….!!! very sad…
H N Venkatesh Nayak
Seha Mansul
H N Venkatesh Nayak
Kofia K
Fouad Elfanj
What are those savage people doing in shit dirty rivers , are they eating someone's else shit or left over…
Theresa Aranha
I think v r d people, who r responsible for this. Our attitude n lethargic behaviour, n not willing to change our inborn habits have ruined our own beautiful planet. ! Why blame any govt. ? Government z not run by aliens, they r also humans like us. While v travel abroad, how well v behave. Dare v dirty, because v feel embarrassed what people will think of us. In India, everything z allowed. Nobody can question, too much freedom. No discipline, no big fine. Everything z allowed here. What a free package with democracy. .!!
Fouad Elfanj
Is this true in India men they worship women's pussy…and women worship men's dick
Nimana Saab
Thanks modi ji
i think for sometym mass congregration of people to this holy place Varanasi should b stopped …till the water is again crystal clear like mirror….c'mon people, lets make the Ganges pure again…its now our turn to make it pure!!!!
priyanka bcomca
whate is this
Egbo Fidelis
Thank God for tin
zahra fathi
Horrible religion!
Egbo Fidelis
Yse I think dis have to stop
Riyaarora Arora
Pak main to bahut jyada gandgi hai…..
Azrul Deen
Pity of them
enparasa Rasa
sikander akram
hmmmmmmmmmmm OMG?
Egbo Fidelis
Erika how are doing
Satish Marape
Ye kya kar rahehai bhai
Timur Mammedov
Kelcey Putri
Saala ganga bolke gande naale me kuda diyaaaa
Josefino Aguirre
Be positive all my Indian friend. It can be done. As long as there is a leader who want to ďo it let support him. Be mindful of the situation and help for the implementation. Positive aspect of the plan will happen just like Pasig river in the Philippines
enparasa Rasa
todd trader
…it's sad to think you need a leader to NOT shit in your own well…
Ali Khan
Ooo shet
Jermayne Johnson
That's a shame
D Kumar Babu
Too many hopes on MODI..
Lewis Mutembei
this is ashaming
Luzanne Oppel
Bangaru Bharath
Hi how ru all of u
Brian Robertson
I hate to say I like this as this is very disturbing to view. How can people accept this as normal when it is disgusting and dangerous?
Somesh Sharma
This is the duty.of all us help the government for cleaning ganga apart the state government to close the holes of different points throwing dirt in the river like Allhabad Kanpur.and Banaras.
Naryan Solanki
We are all responsibale for it , now our duty to serve our mother.
Pooran Saini
Durty. Pic.
navnath gunjal
Merary Tanui
enparasa Rasa
Sandeep Saxena
David Jim-Bob
Wat a sight!
Manash Gogoi
Its not good we must help them
nwennyei konyak
Too much..
Udoh Aniefiok
Very bad situation
Aruna Joolka
People, state and Central government are responsible
Mangaraja Neethiraja
dnyaneshwar rathod
What app n
sanjeev mahato
It is first pirority to keep clean ganga
Pushkar Tripathi
we will cheng it very soon
becos now we have west PM in india
Manojkumar sagarkar
So much fun
farhan rizvi
Isi may doob marooo indians
Ujawal Sawant
Narendra Singh
Really need to do
Tenisha Pratt
Thats is soo very sad!!! And the government feels that this is way their people should live?? At least clean it up if you cant provide any other means of help or services!!! Politics is politricks!!! Smh
Taouab Khizioui
Thats horrible
Very regrateful , public awarness should b developed as well as law imposed very strictly.
vijay raju
ya its true……….
Sonu Bhai
To face real india
aitahang subba
Yes its true
ramkrishna sarkar
Very nice and natural.
Richard Shane
+Mary Taylor because of capitalism you now know the real story, because of capitalism we are fortunate to find solutions. How can you help the needy? Start at home with your own homeless population, have you saved anyone today? With respect and truth for us all.
ikupolati olumide emmanuel
I don't understand what is going on here? Are they swimming? Or a disaster? Ah! My god will help us from all these catastrophe one day. Is strange to me.
numero uno
they look just as bad as Mexicans, Africans and Muslims cant you fucking pathetic mongoloids do something right… for fucks sake
Neera Malhan
Richard Shane! Thanks for saying that! I still mantain that this looks like some little dirty pond,and not the real Ganga river.I said enough about it,ealier. I would like to mention, that three rivers,join together and become Ganga.That place,where they join,has a dam,which is called Tehri dam.Can u imagine,three different rivers,with different colours like greenish blue,dark blue and grey blue.The Tehridam place is a no entry zone,but u could try and take permission.
Kerwin Simpson
Lost of word
John Francis Angubu
pls, do something just right for once….! Pls…!
Dinesh Varma
Help them by Not dirtifying the Holy River…
Rakesh Aloney
Shainig india
help to them on my mine
allau theen
mustafa luqman
This is sad but want to say tht they have food so they need toilet but in most of the world no food like Africa wht abt them think abt it
Jim Knight
Perhaps India should invest more in sewage treatment plants rather than Space exploration! Perhaps they should also invest in educating the people on keeping their country and rivers and themselves clean! instead of investing in a space programme! Perhaps India should put it's people first before its space programme? Clearly India has it's priorities wrong somewhere!!!
Karen Layton
Sherifdeen Abioye
God help them
Haley Trace
What are they doing
shakeema smith
So sad
Neera Malhan
This photograph looks like somebody s backyard,and not river Ganga!
Zama Mbhele
Sies man!!!!
Zama Mbhele
God help them
sikander akram
Nil das
Its called India,
richard raphael
Hi jendhamuni
enparasa Rasa
Neera Malhan
Its so sad,that u all r believing,by just seeing this photograph! Without crosschecking,whether its the real thing or not!
Adel Alshammary
Help the poor first
Sataullah Choudhari
Fouad Elfanj
So many Indians and there are no chiefs .
Indians are Indians and cowboys are cowboys…
Tahir Khan
Nil das
Its a Indian traditions.So to be continue….
Shyamlal Sharma
+Buddhi Pokhrel
Buddhi Pokhrel
Buddhi Pokhrel
enparasa Rasa
Buddhi Pokhrel
Multazam Muhammad
Subhan allah