This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That's where people go on missing…. This pain is just to make you more alert–because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them. Otherwise they don't become alert. When life is easy, comfortable, convenient, who cares? Who bothers to become alert? When a friend dies, there is a possibility. When your woman leaves you alone–those dark nights, you are lonely. You have loved that woman so much and you have staked all, and then suddenly one day she is gone. Crying in your loneliness, those are the occasions when, if you use them, you can become aware. The arrow is hurting: it can be used. The pain is not to make you miserable, the pain is to make you more aware! And when you are aware, misery disappears. ~Osho
Faisal Shaikh
Chinda Gee
Faisal Shaikh
Shital Kumar Harnal
Yes, My Sweet Sister.
Jogie Lumaghan
Beautiful post ma'am and those written is really true I agree with it 100% happy weekend God bless you more
amar rana
Arun Rajbhar
Good Noon My Friend.
Jayesh Thakkar
Excellent. "QUOTE OF THE DAY".
vishwa ilkal
So nice
Annette Marie Harlow
There you go Again Jen….Making me See the Positive♥….
YOU are Truely a Jewel.
Kishan Sondarva
Good Morning Jen..very nice quote and beautiful picture….Awesome my friend…
Lawalabdul Dauda
Priyanka Jain
Irin khatun
very nice
sneha bhattacharya
so nice
Juan Reyes
Nice +Jendhamuni Sos ..have a good night!
Anjali Binani
Irin khatun
very nice
priya ananth
very nice
Lexi Otaku
Kelcey Putri
Carlos Bation
Right beautiful post thanks for that ..happy week end jenh ..Ingat
Raghav panday
That's fine but don't say that ever again even jokingly ,,,,, because my lady is not like others ,,,,
She doesn't throw her heart to everyone ,,, she does not try to impress people by showing off ,,,,
She is wise ,,, spiritual ,,, kind ,,, of course beauty full there is NUN like her in the world ,,, she is in the air ,,,,she has come from heaven ,,, she is known in the world ,,, she is not changing lovers every weak ,,, neither I do that ,,,,, NO NOT AT ALL ,,,,,she can't go away ,,,,,,
If it is not possible in this life I will remain like this and with,,,,,,, don't joke like this please ,,,,LUA,,,
nadine dilani
it is unique ,very creative
tina tina
Sofie Løve Forsberg
True again, dearest Jendhamuni.
Papu Oswal
Khalid Chudhary
Mayur Shah
Awesome!!!! Jen
chacha samwel
in fact when everything is OK no place for alert big up lady.
Nelson Jacks
pishkekar deepthi
so creative
Harindra Kumar
Very marvelous and great post.
Harindra Kumar
Very marvelous and great post.
Jeanette Servano
/wow how nice
Gwendolyn Davidson
STRONG post…..Very helpful to those needing to use pain or loneliness positively…ggd
Therea Pasci
Wow please comment back to me your posts are beautiful amazing i really love this one love theresa
dwaine hampton
Bojon Sil
Hello my friend like sex you fix a nice
Ramesh Chandra Dash
fabulous pic
Irfan Diwan
Nice jendhamuni Sos
Sukka Oram Sukka Oram
Barbara C
I understand.I received more than I can express.beautiful photo.
Marcus Nadeau
wow, very cool 🙂
Harindra Kumar
Very true and a very right figure of burning, every day and every night when we are loanly we feel this pain of burning and no one else can feel it. It is true that we become more allert in future but if wife dies then no body can take the place of first love
Gwendolyn Davidson
Hasan Ali
Yep it's true
siva prasad
Errol Cormier
Chuckowry Maneesha
Like it very much.
Faisal Sumaila
Faisal Sumaila
Bharati Wardekar
G Evening jen.U r truely "Dimond"god gave u rich thoughts.♥
mekonnen moges
The dimond around you is the thought U THINK!
xena jackson
Enough said