"You don't do kind deeds expecting kindness in return. You don't do kind deeds because you deem the recipient worthy. You do kind deeds because it's who you are, and because you understand the powerful difference your gentle hand makes in this dreary world."
~Richelle E. Goodrich
Statue of King Jayavarman VII, the greatest and most compassionate king in Cambodia
solotolife soli
becaus the humanty conacted with the creator GOD of the univers we share from his caracter, he speaks and tell to humanty to love each one and to respe also becaus he is the only GOD have mercy and full of power to do that with unconditional love !!
Sofie Løve Forsberg
Robin Puddicombe
Happy Sunday Jendhamuni!, my belief is the world can do without kings and queens and presidents etc, i believe we should have a "communal" system where everyone has a say not some bloodline or elected representative .( to live like a king while you sleep on straw) Power Corrupts and your king may have been good but he still had the power, and lived like a king,and maybe he did do some good deeds, his best good deed would have been to have abolished the kingdom and handed the power back to the people a communal system where everyone had a say so one man or women did not decide the fate of a whole nation power should not be concentrated in one place! Leads to wars!
Keith Whitaker
This King had plenty wisdom especially for his time. Thanks for the quote.
asif ali
Wrong.god is one onlye ALLAh
Keith Whitaker
+asif ali This " I'm wrong" is the position my 13 year old son takes. Hopefully when he grows up to be a man he will be my voice of wisdom.