Max cannot wait to show off a shoe
he took from my little sister today.
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Jogie Lumaghan
That's Nice take care God bless u
Maria Dib
good morning sister Jendhamuni god bless You
Allan Paul
Great take care
Carlos Bation
Hi max always bantay si jenh
Mujeeb Shah
Good morning dear have a beautiful day and wonderful week my sweet friend Jendhamuni
Nice noon my friend.
Bojon Sil
Mayuresh sonak
Vachhani Mahendra
Very good afternoon friend.
Bhagaban Panda
jen sis very nice
Bhupendra Sharma
Nice photo
narinder dhand
Nice dear sister
Ashok Kumar
Good to see you Ms. Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning
Have a happy and peaceful day
jungwoo yoo
saeed uz zaman khan
Ronald Harris
Nice post
ateeq khan
Duble evening my fried
Alicia Calimlim
Good day to u sister hope ur doing great always.
Rajgopal Ramachandran
have a nice day/evening
Danish Khan
Raghav panday
Wow jen you are looking awesome in this blue top it makes you more gorgeous ,,,,,,,,
Jendhamuni Sos
+Raghav panday I hardlywear blue shirt! I love white and pink and yellow!
Mizanur Rahman Sumon
Are you in Indonesia?
Zakirali Ali
Momtaz Uddin
invite visit for Bangladesh.
Carlos Bation
Good night jenh
Safik Ansari
Darlene A. Parks DAP
Max looks hungry and playful. Wanting quality time with you. I hope your sister is doing well. Tyvmfs +Jendhamuni Sos! I hope you have a blessed day! 🙂
Shriprakash Pandey
It is love and love
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
lovely post.J…Sos.
Millie Iden
Your dog looks like mine
deepak gurau
Safik Ansari
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos Beautiful caption.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Suzanne Tan Good evening, my dear!
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos dear, Have a gorgeous night. Can't see your lovely dog's face. Guess he was more interested in the shoe than the camera…hahahah. Hope everything goes well with you and your lovely family. Stayed blessed & be happy.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Suzanne Tan He does not care about the camera, but the shoes only. Thank goodness, he does not want my shoes this time. My family is doing fine. My mother goes visit my little sis at the graveyard almost every day. We miss her more and more…
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos Oops! I am sorry to hear the sad news. YOU will be in my prayers. Take good care your dear lovely mom.
Ratirat T.
…Nice GM..ja..Dear Jen..kd..So beautiful..!!!..n..Max..V.lovely..Feel Good..!!!….. 🙂
Darlene A. Parks DAP
Oh my +Jendhamuni Sos I am so sorry and now understand please forgive me I didn't know until now and I am very sorrowful for your loss. :-(
I pray that God blesses you and your family throughout the days ahead and gives you the utmost strength needed to endure while forging onward. Amen!
Safik Ansari
Ghano Immoune
Je detaiste les cheya