Avoid Swearing / Shouting – Many people think that this calms them down because it releases bottled up energy / anger. This is a common misconception. Yes. Release your anger. Do not hold it in all the time or you will explode. Do not take out your bottled up anger on those around you. Swearing only hypes you up more. You think you feel better but really, all you’ve done is put yourself in a destructive habit. If you need to shout, find a place of solitude and let out your anger. Cry. Do not punch a wall. Find a pillow or something that you won’t cause any harm to and scream into if you must. Just avoid taking your anger out on others because then guilt will stress you even more. Talk about your problems as they occur; don’t put it off. Taking care of the problem now, can eliminate the possibility of blowing up later because your anger was taken out a long time ago with civilized discussion. Source: wikiHow
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