Only in heaven will we see how much we owe
to the poor for helping us to love God
better because of them. ~Mother Teresa
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This post has been reshared 7 times on Google+
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marjorie bryan
Ramiro Cruz Bautista
Hola amiga! Saludos desde méxico. Buenas palabras de reflección. La gente humilde son los que estan más serca de Dios el creador. Y el nunca desampara a nadie.
Dorothy Hamilton
I hope your life gives you some joy.
Animesh nandi
God bless to remove poverty..
Jayesh Thakkar
I think consumption of "MATERIALS" are subject to the limitations in our life and rest of it are for who need them. Have sweet dreams Jen.
Perooru Jaru
Poor pray; rich got the benefit. What a fate world or fake world!
Jesse H
Awesome post my dear. Amen.
pardeep soni
Yogi Jain
Yogi Jain
We can be frd on bbm if u don't mine yes or no
Yogi Jain
Add me 7BD8130D
Ibrahim Stanikzay
من همیشه شمارا خندان می بینم با دندان سفید صدف دار
giro nano
Potty cottage
Sylvia Nekesa
as long as u r happy & comfortable i dont see any problem
justin dawson
Your quoting mother Teresa! Your off your fucking head! She took millions of dollars! Hung around the rich and powerful! Gave most of it to the vatican, spent the rest on opening convents all over the world! While poor people died in terrible conditions in her death house with no pain relief and no comfort ! Im sorry she was horrible human being ! Fact !!
Emmanuel Onyia
This is a wake up call for humanity to the cry of many in this world. Thanks for the post.
Alex Nolasco
Dios esta cuando bera x eyo
David King
Does this post make you Christians feel better? It makes me sick.
Gamini Rodrigo
Nice hut. I use to be on this
maraga kora
sad and that's cut
abigail agyeiba
Ssetuba Adam
Hmmmm its a nice flat but you need players
Adam Monk
Amen to the creator. God bless!!!
giro nano
Sour. God blessed her many times. But some people haven't blessed themselves, why? Only ourselves are possible to help.
Hope in Heart+