Cause you greet me with your words…
They bring me smiles…
They bring me laughter…
They bring me hope of peace in this world…
I am fortunate to be able…
To enter the world filled with beauty…
That brings me smiles…
That brings me laughter…
That brings me hope of peace in this world…
Poem tittle: Believe in Yourself
~By Luisa Doraz
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babu r
Yes Agreed My Friend +Jendhamuni Sos have A Peaceful Day Blessed !!
Wasim Akram Halder
Pieter Hibma
Peace on earth has been an illusion sofar keep trying and good night. 🙂
Eddie Bull
U. To. Cutie
zeke Folliard
Dear friend magnificent oh to stand under this. Wonder post and words +Jendhamuni Sos
Geoffrey Okot
How is Jendhamuni Sos. Hope u are having a great time
George Ford
I LOVE waterfalls 🙂
Lorenzo Luciano
Rainold Lazar
Thanks U dear +Jendhamuni Sos for the nice poem and ur nice sharings
hussein farhan
wow so nice
Dan Lettington
Thank you, need more smiles & laughter. The hope for peace should be in the prayers of us all,
Sanjay Sharma
May love, peace, harmony, moral character, kindness, good health and just sufficient wealth prevail over its adversaries… this world of ours will automatically become more beautiful and friendly…it will definitely improve…
Rob Robinson
Luvly poem my fren, av a most peaceful time, I'm not sure if it's day or night. U & ur team r in Cambodia, yeah? Or r u in the US? Wherever u r I wish u all peace & happiness, take care my fren 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rob Robinson Thank you. My team is all over the world. But the ones at risk are in Cambodia. I live in USA. I should be find.
Rob Robinson
I was wondering if u were in Cambodia, I hope ur team there is safe & I admire their & ur compassion, I hope u r avn a peaceful time. I av family in Colorado, but avnt bn 2 Boston. Ur selflessness is admirable & th@ of ur team, I hope ur day is filld wit happiness & peace, keep smilin JS 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
I am not welcome by the government in my country +Rob Robinson They don't like my work because I fight against corruption. Once day I will return to my country when the next prime minister take over the seat. The current prime minister lost, but he refused to step down. Thanks to social media. We were able to reach out to many Cambodian to vote for the opposition party and spread out the real news by real people. Amazing!
Reg Dawn
Take care please dearest sister +Jendhamuni Sos
We need you and your beautiful sweet smile and your great posts and your peaceful person.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Reg Dawn Thanks big sis. I miss you. I am going to buy something for my mother now. See you later.
Atul Shukla
Beautiful Poem.
Vernon Laviolette
9ice post
Rana Singh
Beautiful post dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos :)))
Ashima Dogra
Great! poem and picture sister +Jendhamuni Sos 😀
Ranjan Jha
as like heaven
Rob Robinson
It is amazing wot we can accomplish, especially now that we're all linked by social networks, it's not so easy 4 a gov 2 isolate it's people as it once was. I would take it as an extreme honour that the gov there feels ur worth so much, I like it that ur doing it from the US, by the sound of it u would vanish if u went ther, ur in a good position 2 help ur people, ur media access & ur blief that people deserve the truth make u a powerful influence wen utilised wisely, which I blieve is not a quest. Ur a person, but ur a strong person +Jendhamuni Sos & ur bliefs lie deep, may peace b upon u 🙂
adnan siddiqui
dear jendhamuni r u from cambodia? can contact me at""
We need peace and laughter. In these world of war, bombing, and crimes in daily news. Happening around the world.