of the mind and exercise of the body;
the two are ever united.
~Wilhelm von Humboldt
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~Wilhelm von Humboldt
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Shiju Thomas
Nalaka Chaminda
wow good, very funny dear Jen. Good morning to you.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Nalaka Chaminda
Jendhamuni Sos
+Shiju Thomas Lovely day to you!
Cruz Richardson
rafiq raja
Wow nice good morning too
Ajit Kumar Singh
Good yaar, fantastic
Julius Mwaniki
+Jendhamuni Sos good morning. Nice moves
Deane Sagato
Oh, my word! Is this for real? Hihihihihi!! So cool, Jen! Wow!!!
Ajaz Ali
Well done, be fit
hendry nugroho
wow… its so good, morning +Jendhamuni Sos
jungwoo yoo
Carlos Bation
Wow repeat again
rogelio perero
muy divertido
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
very nice
Angela Joan
Vijendra Kumar
very nice…….
David Gery
Wow that's neat
paul arsan
Hahaha nice
Rajeev Kalia
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
Ash King
Sarady Kim
Animals are also sentient beings and not to be abused by violence
This shows how animals have feelings
Like us
Nice one
Allan Paul
Nice pic
Davis E.P
Interesting :
Ali Binzaid
Menzi B kaGwabini- Zungu Olundi
lol that is not a dog
Manirul Haque
very funny.
Raghav panday
Very funny thanks for making me smile , I like exercise and I do every morning ,,,,,above that my work is walking and talking at least 3 ,hour everyday ,,,,
irshad Khan
Good dog
Cathy kish
Hahaaaa l like this,
rebeka sakthi
so cool.
Suvarna Prasad
so cooool
Bonga Ngcobo
I have to do something if Max can do something like this. Woooow!!!!
Veronica Oliver
Unbelievable I like it
hemant valecha
Good training
Ajay Agnihotri
Well said Jendhamuni ! Good morning and enjoy the day.
Murlidhar Rao
Harmony between man and dog, Amazing, Nice Video Jen.
khan feeza
I like it
Nayra Ugie
Kan Kan
Muhammad Safdar
What a training realy good to see that
Michael Cammock
It makes me laugh on times of trouble…. I will never be the dog in this video, in other words!!!
Deepak Joshi
I like this!
Shilah chemutai
Jackson Mosole
Wow its so nice
Shilah chemutai
indeed it is
Shilah chemutai
indeed it is