"Even today we don't pay serious attention to the issue of poverty, because the powerful remain relatively untouched by it. Most people distance themselves from the issue by saying that if the poor worked harder, they wouldn't be poor.” ― Muhammad Yunus
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So sweet
Sweet dreams friend
Heart touching post
Toda força de trabalho dos pobres são sugadas pelos que tem o poder, os ricos so são ricos graças ao trabalho dos pobres . Não existe reconhecimento da força de trabalhos dos pobres no 3 mundo! Nossa esperança de um futuro melhor esta nas crianças do mundo, que elas possam crescer com sabedoria e uma coração cheio de respeito e amor com todos os seres humanos!
I admire your emphasis on mother, family and homeland. Must be nice to be a part of something so important .
Thank you +Leonard Lee All humans are my family. Wishing you a peaceful day.
Thank you +Aldair Cota Machado for the caring feedback. We will do our best on our end. Wishing you a peaceful day.
+Jendhamuni Sos Desejo a voce uma linda noite!
appreciated your shares.
God given a good caring mentality
Very nice post & words Sos
Good morning my lovely friend Sos have a peaceful & bless day
Good morning +Murari Hasrajani
Infelizmente os dirigentes não se preocupam com a miséria das pessoas, pensam somente em seu bem estar, não se preocupam com saúde, escola, habitação, alimentação e tudo o que e básico para a sobrevivência de uma pessoa.Fazem promessas e depois simplesmente esquecem!Jendhamuni, boa noite!
So sweet
Your concerns and your posts are really heart touching. Thanks for sharing such posts that makes people aware of the human sufferings and the situation outside the developed world.
Thank you for your support +Shri Ram Singh May Peace be upon you and your loved ones always.
So sweet
Very touching, I think the key to eliminate poverty is education.
What a little cutie pie. When I see things like this , I just want to sit down and cry. Wishing I could do more
Nice pic…! This pic have a story in it
Now a days much more .homework one has to do after class is over and hence kids do not get time for play . dear friend much compitation.
baby habit
Hie j
Hi iyam sri