Photo credit: Randy Neufeldt
Spend a day with nature.
Start before the sun.
Leave your cozy house
For something new and fun.
Walk along a path,
Close your eyes and see.
Feel the cold wind brushing
Your skin so tingly,
What do you hear? Listen now.
Listen for the voice.
It whispers softly to your soul
Through all of nature’s noise.
The sky is growing slowly brighter
The breeze seems to quicken,
As if to hide from what is coming
O’re the East horizon.
What is it saying as it hurries,
While foliage laughs in song?
It’s changed its tune as the sun
Comes out to greet the throng.
Feel the warmth now penetrate
Where goose pimples had been,
And a fresh rejuvenation
Fills you from within.
Open your eyes and see the beauty
That you had not yet seen:
Dew on the grass, white butterflies,
Different shades of green,
Mist rising from the earth
Almost like a dream,
Busy bees check on blooms,
Working as team.
Petals on the tiny flowers
Seem more delicate.
And the breezes rise and fall,
Telling the day’s fate.
Breath in the fragrance of the morn’s
Mix of musty smells,
With pollen, dew, earth and such things
The breeze will carry well.
What is it saying? Do you hear?
The wind is whispering.
It’s asking you do dance among
Its fairies on the wing!
The birds now sing the chorus loud
From every nook and cranny.
And if you join in nature’s dance,
You find your joy uncanny.
As you whirl to nature’s song,
You start to feel so free,
You forget all but the sound
Of the wind and trees.
When you’re dizzy and
Breathless with relief,
Have a seat in a field.
Forget any grief.
Feel the noonday warmth upon
Your face, and all around,
The sounds nearby will multiply,
And animals abound.
Birdsong, quacks and chipmunk chatter
Join the choral wind;
Scratching sounds of foraging
For insects left behind.
The ground and grassy field beneath
Seem to radiate
The warmth of nature’s mid-day heat;
A warmth well worth the wait.
The day wanes on, so take a walk
Among the thicket trees.
Here, there’s shade to cool your soul,
And light, a dappled tease.
The trees, so tall, they make you dizzy
If you glance straight up.
Somewhere off in he distance,
You hear a barking pup.
All sound seems muffled, yet with echo,
Like a great cathedral.
You’ll start to understand why people
Heed to nature’s call.
What beauty, what grace and majesty
In all you hear and see!
Come to where you view the west;
Where land will kiss the sea.
The smell of salty ocean dusk
And sounds of crashing waves
Mix with the calls of seagulls.
The sun the ocean craves.
It seems to draw it down, painting
The sky with bright crimson.
The crashing waves draw back the sand
Pulled just like the sun.
Take your shoes off. Walk along
The beach so calmly loud.
The sand caresses your bare toes,
Like a pleasant shroud
The wind pulls waves up from the water
With iridescent glows.
It sings a song of satisfaction
For those who listen close.
As the sun dips so softly
In the ocean’s wake,
A new song breaks out suddenly
That will make you quake!
Look and see the colors that
The sky will offer now!
Every color of the spectrum
From black to white will show;
Reds and yellows, blues and orange
Burst from every cloud!
The wind picks up and critters stop;
Even they are wowed.
Listen to the wind as it
Sings its overture:
Another glorious day is finished
In God’s perfect nature!
As darkness comes, the winds die down
To sing the song of night.
Frogs come out and play their song,
Which includes no fright.
Go home and think on what you saw
And all you heard today.
Listen in your memory to
What the wind had to say.
You will find more peace in life
And maybe contentment
When you realize your drama is
Not quite so important.
A day with the wind is a day with life.
It sends you peace and warnings.
Listen to the wind, my friend;
You’ll never find it boring.
When life just bogs you down
And trouble’s at no end,
There Is a way to peace again:
Just listen to the wind.
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