Photo source: Photo source:@YahooNews
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laxman chinna
Good morning my friend
Shiju Thomas
R u journalist
Annette Marie Harlow
THX for the Info. Jen…Nitey Nite.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Annette Marie Harlow I'm able to stay awake tonight. So you go to your dreamland first, dear. Make sure you wake up with a super big smile!
sirajudheen kolar
Jayesh Thakkar
A message of nature to the civilisations. Good morning from my side Jendhamuni SOS.
Jesse H
I got hit 2 times so now days I'm in hiding when storms come.
Rana Singh
Informative post .. Thank you my friend +Jendhamuni Sos :)))
Kelly Robinson
Ohh that is mad mad