Hydration is an extremely important part of your cat’s overall health. Exactly how much water should your cat drink every day? How can you make sure your feline is getting enough? The amount of water consumption depends on a variety of factors, including the size of your cat, the time of year and whether your cat’s diet includes wet food or dry cat food only. If cats are given dry food only, they will require significantly more supplemental water to stay acceptably hydrated. Normally, a cat will require 2-4 ounces of fresh water in addition to its food. Dry food is only 10 percent water, while canned is approximately 80 percent water. So obviously your cat is going to drink a lot more water if you are providing dry food only.
How Can I Tell If My Cat Is Getting Enough Water?
There are a few simple signs that will give you a pretty good indication of your cat is staying hydrated:
- Skin elasticity. Gently pull the skin at the base of your cat’s neck (scruff). The skin should spring back when you release it. If it does not, your cat might not be getting enough water.
- A shiny coat without dry flakes is a sign of hydration
- Your cat should exhibit normal physical activity and not be overly lethargic
- Is your cat urinating 2-3 times per day? You can tell if this is happening by checking your cat’s litter box for medium-sized clumps.
Source: Catster
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