There is only one important point you must keep in your mind and let it be your guide. No matter what people call you, you are just who you are. Keep to this truth. You must ask yourself how is it you want to live your life. We live and we die, this is the truth that we can only face alone. No one can help us, not even the Buddha. So consider carefully, what prevents you from living the way you want to live your life? ~Dalai Lama
Photo source: Keefers animation
Nagendra Rai
Pieter Hibma
The part is the great obstacle. Can a spider live without a web?
Jesse H
I love that. Great post +Jendhamuni Sos
rajesh kumar
shah bhupendra
Nice pic telling truth
Bhagwan Shukla
ya sos I agree with u. Death is truth in the world.
suraj palghamol
first fight to ourself live in life.
manoj soni
akshada vankudre
Lovely nature one should experience
Zabit Usman
silent mood for some reason
Phyllis Wagner
The Hope of Eternal life given through Jesus Christ the Messiah
kamlesh sahu
great friend
kamlesh sahu
great friend
ArUxZ ZaAn
Zabit Usman
Hi and how r u?
ArUxZ ZaAn
hlw… m fyn nd u?
Jitendra Darji
nice bird
Rizel Santiago De Guzman
I like it… looks lyk real
Gaurav Kothyari
Nice yar
Sweety deepa.g
prakash b
Live the life u want
Bt dnt live the life wd others curse on u
Never try to tease steal r put others in immense hardship fr your greedy gains
Emaan Imtiaz
The pictures cute but didn't see the video cuz it just doesn't load:(
Angus Jobs
Dinesh Kumar
baoooooo….wenderful the great picture.
Ashima Dogra
Great! message sister +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
manee pradhan
So beautiful and peaceful
Gul Muhammad
Vary nic subhan allah
Dharmesh Dave
Truthfully true
Dan Lettington
Yes, this is so true!
Michal Raj
Amjad Ijaz
Very prety
Rizel Santiago De Guzman
How can I save it?
John Said
Your kindness and awesomeness is an inspiration +Jendhamuni Sos :)) thank you & Wishing you a nice day
Lerene Labiandes
So cute,i have a bird before thatz why i like it.
Aldair Cota Machado
Linda postagem!
Vernon Laviolette
good post
Sreejith Ktk
Your poto exellend very butyi
Mahmood Ahmad
Hi such a wonderful collection Regards . Mahmood Ahmad ;
Mahmood Ahmad
.Hi Dear thanks to join with Love and God bless you
nirbdr ghising
Birendra Rawat
so beauty
Tone Beck
You seem soooooo free !!
Ramdarash Bharati
bhavatusabbh mangalam
My.goad lord buddha …………..!
pradeep upendra
sumit diwakar
Madelyn Parojinog
Very nice
Tone Beck
Love it 🙂
amgad mohamed
You said the truth . Very nice
vishal virwani
Lorena Perafan
Qué maravilloso
jas min
Narindersingh Boparai
Nice very nice
Srinu Sir
Its very nice
sandar yaryaa
lovely …