Sometimes, no matter how much
faith we have, we lose people.
But we never forget them.
And sometimes, it’s those memories that
give us the faith to go on. ~smsrange
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sulaikhal beevi
so beautiful post….have a beautiful nd blessed Friday to you ….tc my dearest sister…..
Shital Kumar Harnal
Hi Jen,
You are the most beautiful
flower in my garden of
friendship, remain the same flower…..
Have A Good Day My Sweet Sister.
Always keep smiling.
H,. Highlander
People walk away from us.
But we have to walk before faith
When faith does not walk before us.
Remember Jenny it's our faith
that wants us go on with life.
Thank you dear Jenny.
dyed ghost.ssyefghouse syed6789
Good morning looking good
Carlos Bation
Beautiful post ..good health and god bless..Ingat my dear my Love
Niranjan Patil
Kishan Sondarva
+Jendhamuni Sos …Beautiful picture and line very very good…nice post…
P Prisco Dias
Qasim mir
Jayesh Thakkar
Faith is a part of direction blessed by the supreme positive power. so always believe in the source of faith, we are only the instruments, when your faith flows through the source to instruments it never fails. Have a good day +Jendhamuni Sos.
Atul Shukla
Beautiful Post.
Balasubramaniam Somu
wonderfull post
Cathy kish
Yap sister.
Abrar Alam
Hidayat Khan
Ana Kurisu
Nice post my friend & beautiful pic.
Aye Min
Same to You
rana naeem
Dear jendhamuni you have sent a beautiful post while you are also very beautiful. Good night
Lawalabdul Dauda
Sanjay Sharma
Good post..losing a faithful person pains for life; especially in case you take rash decision and other one never argue and leave…
Akhiraj Suthar
ye chand sa rosan chehara zulfo ka rang sinera tarif karu kya usaki zisane tuze banaya .. zee kare dekhata rahu
Ajay Agnihotri
Nice posting Jendhamuni.
Susy Golf
Sweet both.
Raghav panday
I like the rose but not the pic,,,,,
Joseph Ngoroi
You have a good sense of beauty.
Thameem Nk
Tum bahut hi acchi ho
You are so Wunderschoen
Bahut Achaa
Kumudu Darshika
So beautiful dear friend
srahman sahil
Hi how r u
Dan Kim
Faithful in our own business, is the key.
justine robert
Good idea sister god bless you
Tulika Sharma
Hafia Tariq Hussaine
Pheakdey KM
shireen xec
True said