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This post has been reshared 15 times on Google+
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Naveen Akhtar
Animesh Ankhi Pal
Positive post.Good Morning.My little friend J Sos.
Animesh Ankhi Pal
Positive post.Good Morning.My little friend J Sos.
Animesh Ankhi Pal
Supported by suitable pic.Thanks.
sulaikhal beevi
Good morning ..with a great post…friend…have a happy nd blessed Thursday…
yes…we ca change ourselves….
Meenakshi Sharma
Jendhamuni Sos
+Animesh Ankhi Pal Good morning!
Jendhamuni Sos
+sulaikhal beevi Thank you, my dear. May your day be peaceful.
Marilen Rowena
Wonderful qoutes…great day morning to u +Jendhamuni Sos every body can change his/her ownselves the way how they want to do it and express with deep smile will be a lot…
Allan Paul
GoodMorning! Great words, Awesome.
Ajay Agnihotri
Great quote and beautiful post Jendhamuni thanks. Good night and sweet dreams my friend.
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
R K Mahajan
Good Morning Very beautiful
Kirit Shah
Good morning friend
Mamta Aggarwal
Wow. Positive thought. Wishing you a lovely & peaceful day☺
Jendhamuni Sos
+Mamta Aggarwal Thank you, my sister. May Peace be upon you always.
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos You Gotz tha Gudz ther Jendhamuni…. That's street talk for thank you again for being so very brave….
Alicia Calimlim
yes that is a wonderful words. Thanks sister jen
Mayur Shah
ramkumar gupta
Terry Nganga
Good words and words of advice
pramod jain
good suggesion
Larry Tom
This so true…. I guess this wht i need at this moment thnks Jendhamuni
peter otolim
u are 100% right are da prophet i have been waiting for
Albert Dawson
A smile goes a long way.. and your right I have lost good friends in a blink of a Eye. Thanks for the look at reality, i think i'll smile today
Cranky Banshee
In a crowded world, smiling is the best and easiest way to acknowledge the presence of others. (It's up to your own judgement whether you employ a small smile or one with lots of teeth. Smiles can say so much.) 🙂
James Marangu
A smile cures
James Marangu
smile while asleep
Raghav panday
Yes correct ,,,, so next time every dose with smile only right ,,,,
wish u happy weakened ,,,,,,,,,,,keep smiling ,,,,,,,,
Imtiaz Rathore
True. Great.
Krishna Jadhav
खूबसूरत विचार ईसी विचार धारा पर भारत का गायत्री परिवार चल रहा है "हम बदलेंगे युग बदलेगा "
Deane Sagato
Thinking logically before engaging is the best way to proceed!
And if I want people to respect me, I must first sacrifice my own pride, put away my ego, and turned my being inside out to reveal my heart in it's true colours for the whole world to see, and do it all with a smile upon my face.
Only then, I will be able to bring others to my level, and together, we can change the world!!! You're an angel Jen!
Shiva Kumar
Thanks again
michel larm
thats perfectly tru