By Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
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By Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
This post has been reshared 54 times on Google+
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Niranjan Patil
so beautiful
Jo Anne Roos
Ranil Thilakarabhla
nice. sweety. how are you I. need. youer. sexy. photos
ashok sharma
Gud mrng jen,mutual understanding is the key of happy married life
Prescilyn Gaspar
Very well said…
Animesh nandi
Wow beautiful..Post..
Ravi Nithy
hi jen good morning & hav a blessing day.
nice post jen thanks for ur post.
Kumar AM
Absolutely I too also feel like you.
Thomas Farr
Hi Jen. I don't know if 2 people can stay in love for the long haul. When things go wrong its so . easy to walk away. I see it all the time. Nobody wants to work it out at all, crazy thank you good night
savita patole
very true"sos mam"good morning"
Alicia Calimlim
Marriage does not guarantee u will be last together forever.It's only a paper…it takes love,respect,trust,faith in a relationship to make it last.
Carlos Bation
Lunch time ,communication is the best way to stay in love
dileep jha
yes, marriage is completely depends upon understanding and tolerance.,
Octomus Prime
you are perfect one in understanding..
rouby amalane
Jayesh Thakkar
Even the tween brothers or sisters have the different nature and habits , marriage is an experience to adjust and make a bridge of understanding between two different persons of different nature, having different ideologies, having different aims of life. Have a nice day Jendhamuni Sos.
nandita nag
Reads very well but every marriage is unique. The same rules or ideas don't apply in the same manner. When you are married you just know your own marriage and not anybody else's. You cannot. It's good to observe good values as a human being and uphold social etiquettes between husband and wife. That will ensure harmony just as it does between neighbours but again there is an urge to let your hair down while you are with your spouse because you are in an intimate circle with him or her. Besides there are totally unpredictable turns and twists of life which sucks you in like a twister and vomits you out like a python. So I guess good manners don't apply but trust does. It's the single binding factor.
Muslim Always
that's so very true, Sis.
Madhu Singh
arif Member
Very nice
Desrai Moody
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post Jend,,,,its so true,,also many marriages lack communication,,,hugs sis,!!!!!
Vinod Raj
hmmm very nice truth…
Irfan Ullah
Charles van Dijk
Like buying a house and mortgage easy but hard to get out of.
Aamir Raja
So nice same to u
Mohammed Irfan
Accordind to me to lead a very happy married life you should read and understand the glorious quraan and hadees. Because everyone say couple have good mutual understanding, tolerance and patience if they want lead a happy life. How to implement all these, it is mentioned in quraan and hadees.
Tony Dillard
This is especially true in magickal marriage!!!
Charles van Dijk
+Mohammed Irfan not every wife tolerates 3 competitors.
arif Member
Married Life very bad
S. R. Singh
Very True.
jay kan
Arif tell me ,why married is very bad
can u explain please . have you been married before ? c'mmond you are my friend .
Sonu Gets
I agree to it….
Shidah Kiwoo
So true! Every every true
sagi sridevi
yes, i do agree to it, but many of us know this but still..
Favour Amarachi
nice post, said bast
Draha Kučerová
+++o tom to je a jak je to jednoduché
Draha Kučerová
o tom to je a jak je to jednoduché
In our tradition, v so believe that marriages are made in heaven. Its a celeberational event & agreement that the two are willing to repect each other, be mutually sincere & honest for the rest of life.
Abhilash zone
Octomus Prime
+MANJUNATH MH u r true, also believe it..
Lyn Arales
I resPct.u.but i dont blve im marriage.u. Can be happy if both of u have undrstanding to each other.
Kamran Ali
Really true.true fact of happy marriage
james nwankwo
Good Word.
Arthi Mohan
Very true. What do u do if your partner s not faithful
Raphael Emmanuel
+Favour Amarachi nyc
Raphael Emmanuel
christian chukwuka
is good to be good.
Saif Khan
Saif Khan
+Madhu Singh hello
Michael Kwesu
True marriage is a blessing from God and it doesn't matter you are rich or poor. Once the two parties keeps on disagreeing then the marriage should be cancelled through proper divorce procedures. Its better to part ways when both of you are alive
Rickysingh Potshangbam
Reading your comment I want to get married
Milind Somkuwar
Shareing of pain n pleasure makes a happy family.
apd drda
S, u hv rightly said
Bumble Bee
marriage is a true sense of humour among two diff. body,mind,soul which act to concentrate with a definite goal.I f the coincidence adheres to with its least concerns of suffocation/airyness in minds at any instance is relates to a true marriage..where both the ends extracts a definite taste to each.
indrabhushan keshri
Very nice.Thanks jen for beutiful post.
Magige Duncan
True……..even the Bible states…
Roxina Cano
Yes is true and I will be with all the good things and bad things because I know we are powerful together we love is strong and real and we can do anything together l love you ♡
jaskaran kumar
Roxina Cano
Margaretann Hudson
Gorgeous rose bush and roses
rofiq hasan
Roskin Ahmed
Yeah ! Marriage are made in heaven broken down in the earth
Meenakshi Sharma
light dove
i agree with u
vimal shah
Very true jen
Lim Pauline
natraj s r
Umema Wasim
It's true
DAN Terry
some people dont know what that is
Jacques Blanc
I agree totally
sankar m
Nice post
lisia short
Amen I like that.
Resmi Muneer
Very nice post
krishana sitoula
Nice rose if red then so nice
Bruce Linton
Accepting unconditionally what you don't understand is even more important and basic to marital happiness than understanding. Matthew Kelly's "shared resolution to help each other become the best possible versions of themselves" is a key to both of the above.
ashrafuj jaman
Ruben a khan
Bruce Linton
Spousal Prayer – a book by Deacon James Keating, is a gem on what marriage can really be – invincibly powerful shared prayers in a life that is like one giant shared prayer – that's God's purpose in creating Marriage, why so-called "same sex Marriage" is contradiction in terms. In the beginning GOD created them male and female – period, exclamation point!
Sandra Nicole Payne
This topic is so heavy for me because I preach this so much. Marriage is suppose to be such a sacred union. And it has become so tainted and doesn't mean the same as it use to, seriously I want to scream right now because how polluted society has made marriage. PEOPLE DONT STICK IT OUT ANYMORE and its sad,
Bruce Linton
Sandra I couldn't agree more with your post. I too could scream, but by God's grace I find place and make time to pray! Father forgive them, they know not what they do, prayed the eternal WORD on His cross. God grant us serenity to accept what we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference…and as Isaiah prophesied, may we be kept in perfect peace whose minds stayed on God.
Elenia Apal
Perfect words
Greg Opland
True jendhamuni , to communicate and share thoughts makes positive progress
Relexmagar Magar
Usha Singh
Lovely flowers.
Jogie Lumaghan
Oh yeah…its hard to work out the marriage….when only one party will make the marriage work and the other part is dragging u down…..better be alone…as human we have limits….
Ravi Bharti
True jen
jack mahan
Blessing? It was a pagan ritual first .
Bruce Linton
Proof of the pudding in the eating.
md tufail
beautiful …:) ……:) ……:) …:) …:)
So beautiful
sarfaraz hussain
Very true
Reyaz Ahmad
I like rose
Girishekhar J. Chaudhari
It is said that marriages are made in heaven. If it is so, every marriage should be successful. Husband and wife must live like eachother's soulmate.
Dante Love Jones
It would be heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen
Divakaran V
Nice Rose
Raghav panday
Hi jen , it is right what u r saying , but I' would say if husbant and wife are really in love true love with each other it remain the same till they die,,,,,
Let me tell you one real story ,,,my mother died of heart attack when my father was 96 , years old ,,,and right after 1,year my father died you know why ,because he was continuely crying for my mother ,,,real love,,,
Just amazingly love at that age ,,,,,
its true
krishana sitoula
Krishna sitoula
Moeletsi Leballo
Yes true
Masauko Mayembe
Building stones of marriage.
s walles
Marriage mean love,trust,honest, respect sharing pain and happyness inbeween both respectvly in holy and peace heart share . Always trying to win each others heart anyway . It binding you a strong love thread .it named as marraige
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
A true marriage.. life is a God gift.J…Sos.
Hananya Naftali
Love it!
Jessy K
Married life is a blessing and is in some sense a mixture of a tried and true wine. I don't believe it can be a curse only that it can be sometimes bitter, sweet, full or painful… and maybe empty, boring. Where does the Blessing come from? From Whom? and for Who? These are important to ponder. I suppose.
Jessy K
It's all about Love to me… love to make each other stronger in love.. for love.
Jessy K
through Love
Apurba Ghosh
Jessy K
together through and through…
Esther Emmanuel
That is true but u also need God's presence for a happy marriage
shayem patwary
But if u
Kenny Hughes
Faizanshoukat Shoukat
yes it's true
Giuseppe Pitasi
mi fai sognare!!!!
Damien Gibson
So damned true.
RaJaa B.
Very true post.
Damien Gibson
Outsiders kill marriages. When someone inside the marriage lets them.
Marriage is a partnership. A team. An organization. A unit.
However you put it, it is a group effort. A house (marriage) divided will easily fall. When one person quits, EVERYONE involved suffers.
Most notably, the quitter.
Denise Reynolds
You is so right about that
Asir Mohan Raj
Yes lack of understanding is very dangerous thanks jendhamuni good morning
achuthan vatakketath ravi
dear nandita nag
you are correct. etiquette is important. trust becomes always stronglinks to hold fast the happiness.if and when it's weakened the breach between the male and female becomes sudden and irreparable. all other things told and gossiped are simply certain external talks coming from the mouth not from the inner bowels.
md tufail
Chamling Rai
angelmeno meno
U said rit
abiola alfred
U are very right and others who post there comments are right as well becos thats there opinions but we all grace and mercy of God for our marriage to succeed.
angelmeno meno
May God give us a good life partner who understand us and our feelings.a kind of person who knw how to sacrifice for each other.
vaidya srivani
vaidya srivani
Very well said
chukwudi Eze
I choose tolerance and and endurance in relationship the rest will be a follow up.
angelmeno meno
Irving Griffin
Thank you for that peace of advice.
mahbu mia
Mtengwa Wema
rebeka sakthi
that is really good teaching for a good family life jendha,now a day marriage became a play are role of holding life long license for life,why do people do this i don't no,marriage is so beautiful relation ,which is full of love,caring each anther,sharing memories,u can holding hand walk for mails mails.hope every one enjoy their marriage life.
Emma Kokol
Beautiful pic from nature
Amaka Okoye
U re right some pple fail to understand wot marriage is all abt.
Balasaheb Gadekar
Very nice .
shristi bharti
nice 1
shristi bharti
nice 1
manjunatha l
Tatenda Moyo
That's true. Marriage is a blessing from God. Always be happy
Kennedi Scott
Do you like flowers
manjunatha l
CAl 8746999853 ur problem clear
Mtengwa Wema
Dat it's true!
Anita Campbell
yarmohammad abdulzaman
Loreto Boy
its true
Subramaniam Kasi
Its correct answer.
Manoj Kumar
Mohammed Qasim Masood Anwar
So True! Well said.
Rajya Acharya
100% right………
Kumaran Subramaniam
True ,beautiful and I love it.
ali Ghasemi
mirza mirza
Roxina Cano
You care you love you must to take care of it
And be strong with yourself because any other could confusing and you lose you bless is good marry with a real love I think women for a bed is in any place and any time but you change that for you really love is only for you and only you are the more affected and hurts
Think about it …..
That kind the woman is like that and you don't love to her….
Don't change you bless for trash
Mistake everybody doing but you are special because you have the opportunity to be really happy totally happy like I want to be with you….
Think about it! think again!
You know we can live apart anymore and it is true you know that! Somebody else can live without problems
But you and me we are diferent we are special and we can't live without each other…..
Manoj Kumar