Have any of you tried out the sample love letter Jendhamuni posted the other day? Any luck? If not, oh well! That means your soul mate has not born yet. Be patient! And please do not write one to Jendhamuni! Okay, here is the link to 'Love letter'
Mohan M
Good friends
prakash b
Someone did write fr me
Bcs i found it
Sos amazee
This smile remains wd u always
Be blessed de love u
Moshin Siddique
Rosemary Rojas
+Jendhamuni Sos, beautiful day dear friend, hugs 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rosemary Rojas Thank you, dear. Big hug for you too! Warmer today, here.
Rosemary Rojas
+Jendhamuni Sos, when you posted the sample love letter I would like to see it, thank you. 🙂
Ashok Kumar
Good afternoon Ms. Jendhamuni Sos
Feeling good to see you and smile
Kenneth Chow
My dear +Jendhamuni Sos You're so beautiful, i love this picture much more than you avatar >> so sweet smile makes happy for the rest of day >>>
Gopalkrishna Gopal
U are so beutiful dear and wht u say f d lines vry touchble lines
noor alam
Ramdarash Bharati
You Veri veri besutiful
Ram Hari Shrestha
Looking cute pic,
akil hussain
Aby Nisari
Endaro mahanu bhavalu
Nathaniel Prince Coulter
Will Meinhart
This post made me smile so very much +Jendhamuni Sos :))
Have a good sunday please….:-)
mady sach
Hello Again,Welcome glad to see you
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Good night.
Raghubir Mandal
Nice pis
mahtab amtali
nilkanth keshave
David Starr
Your beauty shines in that photo…
Gene Daniels
How did the sample letter to turn out for you and I apologize for not reading the letter I missed that post I hope it works out for you
he baloch
so nice,dear
N. M. Scuri
I think I missed the post +Jendhamuni Sos. When did you post it??
Jendhamuni Sos
+N. M. Scuri So happy to see you! I'm still on gplus, visiting friends. Here is the link to the letter: https://plus.google.com/117879909215135297796/posts/io4kFukCPob
Jendhamuni Sos
+Will Meinhart So glad to hear this! Hope I will make to your page soon! Such a long list of friends to visit 😉
Jendhamuni Sos
+mady sach Me too. Always missed you, my dear.
N. M. Scuri
Thank you +Jendhamuni Sos. It's slays good to hear from you. 🙂
Zahurul Haque
Hi Jendhamuni ! very cute pic. dear
Titan D
Very nice my dear friend , with love .
+Jendhamuni Sos
Ram Mahidharan
hyyyyyyyyyy..good morning ftiend,have a niceday.
Pat Lillethun
Beautiful picture. Thank you for nice photo and meaningful quote you post.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Pat Lillethun And I love your smile too! So cute. I have to smile back, my dear.
Motior Rahman
I can't but admiring u! Its so cute.
Sanjay Salve
How are you
Suliman Khan
I love you
Amol Bhise
Devang Shah
Basava Reddy
Rana Singh
Very pure smile my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos Keep always :))))
Kiran Lama
pretty looks and nice smile +Jendhamuni Sos
Yin Yin Htay
Atul Shukla
Very Beautiful Click Jendhamuni Sos. Wish you a very happy and peaceful week.
Munawar Hussain
nice smile
Shereen Khan
peetala swarna Kumar
you are most welcome dearest Jendhamuni……
Garrepelli Sadashiva
Shereen Khan
I am call to you
Jayabalan Sundharrajulu
its a very long time since we met
hony iftikhar
Nice my dear
Ghulam Mohmad Rather
Mg Mg Smith
+Kenneth Chow
anil bhadouria
you are beautifull
wasim akram
Mg Mg Smith
O my dear
Noor Mohammed
shahid nazir
Golu Jain
Nice smiling face frnd
Hayat Khan
So good nice…….J
Dharmendra pratap
Валера Бычков
Любовью дышат небеса.Покой Твой и Твоя роса.Настроен снова инструмент.И разногласий больше нет.Объединившись два в одно.Как небывалое звено.И как кипела там вода.И не осталось и следа.Вот небосвод,а вот земля.Они имеют свой наряд.И небывалая краса.Вздымает в небо паруса.А мы как звезды на земле.Как огоньки в Твоей руке.Бывают ярче и тусклей.Бывают добрые и злей.А где то вовсе свет погас.И растворился в сей же час.А где то яркая звезда.У Бога ценная она.И не угаснет до конца.Доколе тут бежит река.Да будет свет Твой возрастать.Дабы ко времени предстать.Кристально чистою водой.Чтобы нам встретится с тобой.Проходит день проходит ночь.Гоню все злые мысли прочь.Хотя их трудно оборвать.Но ты поможешь мне опять…………………..
Marlo Howard
you are so beautiful to me i would love to meet you one day
abdulmanan abdillah
hakkkkkk bro don't be over tripp…
Marlo Howard
we speak english..you sound like you have a speech problem.when you have somthing to say to me speak dirrectly to m e like a man rag head
Marlo Howard
Pork chop control your swiney mouth
Elvis Bissoon
You are very lovely i love you
Elvis Bissoon
Can i call you you are so cute
Evans Donkor
Cute smile wish to meet you one day have a lovely week out there
Vernon Manuel
Your smile is illuminating.
My Phuong Tran
Thank you for your meaningful posts
You have a radiant look <3
Elvis Bissoon
awesome smile…