I was busy last night.
Only came to post for friends,
but did not have a chance
to respond to anyone.
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This post has been reshared 12 times on Google+
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Rick Vaccaro
Hi pretty young lady 🙂
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Yogi Jain
Hws u
Diana rose Sangar
Natural beauty gift from God… Hello my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos
prince adel
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
calum thesecretwriter
Have a great Sunday Jendhamuni! 🙂
Yogi Jain
Hws u
jola joney
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you, dear +calum thesecretwriter Same to you. Wishing you a pleasant day.
Carlos Bation
Hi jehn happy sunday night
Asad Ali
Thanks God bless u always .
Jendhamuni Sos
+Diana rose Sangar Good morning from here. Wishing you a beautiful day!
jin yuan Wang
+Jendhamuni Sos
Very beautiful shot~
Hi dear friend~Jendha…
Have a nice Sunday~
Jendhamuni Sos
+jin yuan Wang Thank you so much! Wishing you a wonderful evening!
Anthony F. X. Rodrigues
Wow, very pretty much
wiwsky khwan
Cute… ♥
Rosemary Rojas
+Jendhamuni Sos, happy day my friend, enjoy this beautiful day, a big hug❤️.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much, dear +Rosemary Rojas A gorgeous Sunday here, but I don't have time to go outside. Have so much works to get done at home. Can only look through the window 😉
Kishan Sondarva
Hello my dear Jen, i happy to see u in picture, how look you are my dear ???? Sooo cute..so lovely…very beautyful..god bless you my dear, happy sunday..!!!
ghiasuddin ahmed
Bhagwan Pakhrot
Dear sos your v lovely
Mahaveer Rathore
Thanks Jen.
Mahaveer Rathore
U r great. We all of love u & good wish u.
Riad Dbouk
Welcome, your presence is valuable
Best wishes
mike the hamer
So are we frinds jendhamuni sos?:-(
Carlos Bation
Night na lang jenh
Rosemary Rojas
+Jendhamuni Sos, yes my dear, many things to do at home, take care.
Angelie Laly
Nalin Jayawardena
Hello..gud evening df Jendhamuni Sos. ..wish you more happiness and love.
Rajgopal Ramachandran
glad to see u back, good night
Dinkar Lipne
Nico R
You never did answer my question as to why your pet has no front paws.
Steve Bundy
Jendhamuni Sos
+Nico R Sorry, I thought you were joking. Max does have front paws. They were hidden in photo with me the other day because of the angle of the camera. Sorry about that.
Nico R
Okay. Have a good evening.
mike the hamer
+Jendhamuni Sos oh i see you can be frinds with all them but not me.
You hurt my fellings.:-(
Jendhamuni Sos
+mike the hamer Why you said that. I am friends with everyone here 😉
Carlos Bation
Thanks jenh for friends w/ everyone
mike the hamer
+Jendhamuni Sos will everyone hurts my fellings on here.all i want is frind ship and no one wants to be my frind.i must be a ugly monster. Sorry about the crying :'(
Raghav panday
beautyful , good evening jen, as I hv visited ur post by mistake I touch that leelaveeflower ,,,,,and I found ,,,,in you ,,,,,,it is blessing to see that fresh pond and,,,in you,,,a new thing in the last day of weakened , it was so touching ,,,,,
Jendhamuni Sos
+Raghav panday Thank you so much for your kind words. It's still Sunday morning here, not noon yet. Still have some more time to relax at home for a little. Wishing you a peaceful dream.
lekhraj kumar
Very beautyfull
Very nice pic +Jendhamuni Sos ji
nazrul sumon
lekhraj kumar
Good night dear +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
+lekhraj kumar Sweet dreams. I'm still here, visit friends and multitasking.
patra rosongnern
Good dream to you
Raghav panday
+Jendhamuni Sos ,,,where is that place can u tell me please ,,, hv a good time ,,do Wt makes u happy Jen,,,thanks for reply I feel v good when u really mention my name ,,,God bless uuuuuu ,
mike the hamer
Jatinder Chourasia
Hay sweet lady i am wating a new massg
Jatinder Chourasia
Nice photo
Raghav panday
+Jendhamuni Sos ,sometime I think ,,not sometimes every time that why Got blessed me with such a beauty ful friend who stay
across the see very very far , I don't even know which country ,,,would I be able to see this friend in this life ,,,,,,,,,,? I love you Lord ,,,,,
mike the hamer
Does god love me.? If he did why do i have no frinds and no girlfriend to love.go haed all of you pock fun of me laugh at me.i all riedy have a broken hart and my soli is riped a part.:'(
santhosh santhosh
very nice pic.. Dear
Divakaran V
Very nice
chanda teli
Very nice.
siddik Ali
Beautifull nice pic
Hws i +Jendhamuni Sos
Roskin Ahmed
Very nice looking friend
Gamini Rodrigo
Rất vui được gặp bạn
So nice!
mike the hamer
+DressUp121.com what's there to be happy about? 🙁
Dixit Mehta
Jena like
Chandramani Baladkar
Nice jendha
Mahesh Chauhan
jefthe solomon
You look very pretty.
Parthiban Pather
Abdul Khadar
Jendhamuni Sos
+Raghav panday This is in Western Massachusetts, USA. This Lotus Pond is next to the Japanese Pagoda, right near our Meditation Center, in the forest. The most peaceful place for spiritual seekers.
Rohit Sharma
beauty of earth
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos Beautiful picture. Should you have a chance, can you kindly snap lotus flower and post it. I love lotus! Have a great Sunday. Take care & God Bless.
Tanweer Ahmed
what is the secret of your astonishing beauty?
sajjad ali
Nice pice
Sikandar Mussa
Nice smile
Dhan Basnet
Jayesh Thakkar
Looking beautiful JEN.
Mahashe Tennakoon
Ashwin Jadav
Nice pic
Jashavantray Kalsariya
So nice….
Gordon Lee
+Jendhamuni Sos Your presence always brings a ray of light to the many who need their lives to be inspired by beauty, tender kindness, and gentle friendship.
In a world filled with so many struggling, and suffering to find a reason, and means to live, you provide hope to inspire many to live another day.
Alexander Lwiza
Sharon Wright
Glad to hear from you
Sharon Wright
Love it.
Alicia Calimlim
Lovely one sister jen
Wali Khan
Viry nice
bri rich
your beauty is more vibrant than anything upon which my eyes have ever set.
your faith sustains and nurtures my own beliefs
the wonder of you is irrepressible ,
and your kindness and tolerant nature are the ingredients for a life lived with hope , belief and true human compassion.
Saif Ur Rehman
She's so beautiful…
Carlos Bation
Morning jenh
Jendhamuni Sos
+Carlos Bation Good morning! Just got here again!
Carlos Bation
K ingat always
Ratirat T.
…GM..Dear Jen..So pretty..error long time………. 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning, dear +Ratirat T. So happy to see you always. Sending you many smiles!
Tahir Islam
Tahir Islam
Ibrahim Mohammed
Francisco Barreto
Nice picture
Chuckowry Maneesha
Nice picture
Shayan Shakil
Hi maneesha
Shayan Shakil
Hi maneesha
Tanka Limbu
Hey beautiful person
rebeka sakthi
beauty in not only outside what we see,if u will beautiful in said it will reflect out side jendh,u are beautiful person.
Kishor Kumar
Diane Tomlin
Pleasant and peaceful
Jendhamuni Sos
+Gordon Lee I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to tell me. As for the glowing smoothie for healthy skin I am only playing with my gplus friends. I never think I am beautiful. I am just the same as everyone else. Also I talk about this because I want to promote healthy diet especially the smoothie.
ramkumar karma
Bhagwati Charan
Saifee ch.
So pretty
Diane Tomlin
Your day starts when you wake up and it is a beautiful day
Rhadsar Baladji
Henry Ocampo
You look beautiful !!
Ariyo Disan
hi dia how a u?
Ratirat T.
…Dear Jen..kd..Keep Smiling..I'm very happy that see U again..Thx..so much for ur kindness..n..GN..too..bye..bye..See U later………. 🙂
Bom dia!
Diane Tomlin
+Rick Vaccaro are you married? The reason is that I'm asking I have a friend that is 35 years old and single or maybe you have a friend for her to get to know her and hook up. She has never been married because she hadn't met tje right guy. Her phone number is 662 609 8824 give her a call and thanks.
Diane Tomlin
+Ariyo Disan im fine and you?
Pushplata Hirve
so sweet
Shaina Anjum
Wellcomback SOS.
Ma.Theresa Cainglet
luv your photo..
shukran elias
amazing photo, I like it
rais ali
Nazmul Haque
Hai.how are you