Just get happy now! “But I can’t until I get a better job” Just get happy now! “But I can’t until I get more money” Just get happy now! “But I can’t until my body looks better”…
…If you’re waiting around for someone or something to change, before you can feel better, you’re in deep doo-doo! Everything you ever wanted is for one reason only, you think in the having of it, it’ll make you feel better…just find a way, anyway to get happy now, and what you want will be able to come into your experience. Like attracts like. You can’t be happy now, if you’re angry at yourself for not having it. ~ Abraham/Esther Hicks
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Sarady Kim
j'ai impression qu'elle que chose ça va pas, comme je ne comprend pas trop je près faire que mon esprit tranquille !
Carlos Bation
I wish U a wonderful day ahead..Ingat my Lady
Timothy Mckiness
I have to show my friend wena this post it fits her perfectly whine whine whine lol
smilley brown
Dan Lettington
Yep, ive been stuck in all the doo doo its no fun.
Wow beautifull!..
Demone Torain
Very inspiring
Jayesh Thakkar
Feeling better invites the better circumstances . Hope everyone is fine at home +Jendhamuni Sos .
Ahmet Mircan
Ajay Agnihotri
Amazing post Jendhamuni..and nice thought.
Ahamed Jezzeel
Susan Fuchsman
So very true
Rogelio Ortiz
Confía en Dios y todo estará bien.