and one million tomorrows,
there is only one “TODAY”
and I will not let it pass
without remembering you.
Source: funsms
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sylvester bunch
mia rivers
Beautiful …
Mame Boateng
Nice picture
Nice even my country it rain now-Tanzania
Uday Joshi
Friends and Friendship it's a package of
nobody can "Make" it.
nobody can "Break" it.
nobody can " Explain" it.
only "me" and "you" can "Feel" it.
Diana rose Sangar
~so beautiful shared!
Animesh nandi
Good morning and have nice..day.
Nawal Kishore Malhotra
Both r beautiful .
Little Bea
fakhar.alishag Goo
Rajeev Kalia
nice thinking nd beautiful pic..
Muhammad Naveed
indrabhushan keshri
Very nice. Good morning jendhamuni
Ghazi Riman
God bless you. +Jendhamuni Sos:))))
Patel Patelp
Very beautiful pic with so nice lines
Pravin Gala
Good Morning and Have a Blissful Day Ahead…
Dwight Preston
That's nice Jen,don't let pass you sweetie have a blessed day 🙂 🙂
Animesh nandi
very beutiful meaning
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
shah niaz habib
Today is everyday.
Chris Williams
Beautiful my friend n bless you+Jendhamuni Sos
GayHari Uday
Nice post jendha
Samira Muduli
Its true
Nysa Urbina
abdur razzaq
Beautiful Seen
Jayesh Thakkar
Only "TODAY" this "HOUR" this "MINUTE" an this SECOND" has been given to us. We don't know about tomorrow and yesterday will never come back again. Good afternoon from my side, come on join us for a lunch.
Ravi Nithy
nice dr jen.ur words simply super. goodluck.
Dmafir Ahamed
verry nice
lyn Aharad
Insh Allah nice lines
Murtaza pti sidu
sopha hunedu
Buz Carroll
Good morning young lady. Thank you for the wonderful post. I hope your day ahead will be just as beautiful.
goswami krishan
delhi ka mosam
Mervin Odiongan
Mama Clinton
…thanks. …you have a heart of gold. …blessings my sister from another mother. …
lamin tmg
Very nic e
Fooz Alshoroqy
woooow v.v.very nine
Tudor Dumitru
Ffff frumos
nirmala patidar
Very nice
Margaretann Hudson
Shiju Thomas
Nice dud
Pravin Moon
I don’t have free time so didn’t noticed this important facts as I'm ignorant for everything’s, Thanx
Josie Dagumboy
That was one of the best ived seen
Ashraf tantawi
You are too nice , perfect friend ,and v. nice ….
My very best wishes to you and all of you…
Somayeh Ghasemi
Carmen A
Love this
apd drda
Lovely every thing every time no words to describe u Muni
Mint Modgil
Asad Khan
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Good morning J…Sos. have a nice day.
Shabel ahmad
Nice baby