I have almost nothing in my house. No bed, no pillow. Only empty rooms with white curtains. Meaning, there are plenty of reasons for me to smile, because I am not attached to this material world at all.
+Kathy Grimm+Margaretann Hudson I have been sleeping on a hardwood floor over 26 years already. I'm doing fine, dear sister. Please do not worry. I was trained to live a homeless lifestyle at a very young age.
Yes +Jendhamuni Sos for sure, letting go of material things literally "creates" space, space for higher awareness, greater compassion, greater connection with the Buddhas too :))
when a single smile which has no language cast creed community religion and colour prejudice is foreign to such a charming smile automatically the world will come under you. besides, almost all the days you are giving nice messages too which are sunk in the culture and meaning where at the bottom lie the bedrock truths of life.
In summary, you are content with what you have; little be it or much but, God contentment still you crave! May His contentment fill you, remain blessed.
You're still lucky Jend, god loves you and always with you your shinning armor, be happy for what you have, what's wealth and riches those are material things,anyway be happy, I like to see you always having smile in your face, I'm happy for you Friend, good morning. .
Good morning Jendhamuni. These things doesn't matter. But you have lots of care taking friends & as the same we have a nice friend like u & that's our real property. Have a great day.
+MANJUNATH MH Thank you so much for your kind words. I have learned that the less I have, the more I have and the the happier I am. I can go anywhere at anytime without having to spend so much time packing. I feel so light, knowing I have nothing, but my body and soul.
+Gwendolyn Davidson Thank you so much, dear. One day, when we have to leave this earth, we cannot bring anything with us, but our kind deeds only. So I do not need anything. My ultimate goal is to help others and make them happy. May Peace be upon you always.
You. r. Very. WISE…… I thank THE ALMIGHTY for U……I c HIS IMAGE N YOU….U R on a beautiful journey, chosen 4 U.U have humbly accepted. …..PEACE and Love shower you every waking moment of your destined existence!!!!!! ISMILE
I am of the same mind set….just like the Apostle said, when he found the truth…"It is no longer I who dwells but Christ in me the hope of glory….I want to hear,"well done thou faithful servant".
That's true you shouldn't attach your self to this material world…life is fleeting and we only leave our good deeds behind… let's hope they are many…:-)
बिंदास मुस्कुराओ क्या ग़म हे,ज़िन्दगी में टेंशन किसको कम हे अच्छा या बुरा तो केवल भ्रम हे जिन्दगी का नाम ही कभी ख़ुशी कभी गम हे। शुभ प्रभात दोस्तो आई लव यू…
Sos, I like ur simplicity, it always makes u happy becuse no attachments, as lord buddha said, I don't know how far u hve go through from his thoughts nd meditation. Also , I cn tell u some thing for sure. U r happy to this much of comments fulfilled ur life from happines, and its proven from the hundreds of comments.
This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.
A Handful of Leaves
Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.
Major Differences
Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day ...read more
Problems we face today
Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected...
Sure your smile fills the house
never reglet for what God has given you
Keep Smiling my Friend
good one
Boa noite pra você Jendhamuni!
Good photos
Hello dearest sister Jendhamuni. You looks so beautiful dear +Jendhamuni Sos Much love to you. Peace.
I miss you, big sis +Reg Dawn Was planning to go look at your flowers. Going over now, sis.
Good evening +Aldair Cota Machado
Thank you +Polynomial -C
wow wow wow simply beautiful
Beautiful picture
You are so pretty! I love your photo.
I love u
que bom se todo o mundo tivesse este pensamento seriamos muitos mas feliz
have a pleasant morning to u jen …wow ur beautiful as u are love it<3<3<3
Minimalist is the way to go, Omnia mea mecum Porto.
Good morning Jen, well….well thnks very much for your wonderfull though n its so true, i love it too.
Que belleza de imagen esa mirada es tan tierna que enamora,saludos
I love that!
+Jendhamuni Sos, simple live my dear friend,
That's it. That's where happiness dwells, within yourself guided by God. Not within objects. Lovely smile… :-)))
I downloaded your photo!
But it is enough to me that you have a nice kind heart….
Very nice life to you and all friends….
Y r so beautiful, love ur smile. JSOS
Great thoughts…I love u my dear friend.
nice picture
Great picture. Awesome enlightenment. To coin a phrase : you can't take it with you.thank you my lovely friend.
What do you sleep on then
Beautiful ! ; -)
+Jendhamuni Sos My Sweet Girl, What do you sleep upon? I worry for you. As a mother, Grand Mother and Christian. My Sweet Girl, I'm worried about you.
God will provide our every need if we just trust him
+Kathy Grimm +Margaretann Hudson I have been sleeping on a hardwood floor over 26 years already. I'm doing fine, dear sister. Please do not worry. I was trained to live a homeless lifestyle at a very young age.
+Keith Charles I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, Keith.
Yes +Jendhamuni Sos for sure, letting go of material things literally "creates" space, space for higher awareness, greater compassion, greater connection with the Buddhas too :))
wat do u sleep upon ma dia
I could not live in your country im sorry
U ar looking cute.love your smile
you've so many treasures for the world to love you.you are great!
+achuthan vatakketath ravi So kind of you. Thank you so much.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.
when a single smile which has no language cast creed community religion and colour prejudice is foreign to such a charming smile automatically the world will come under you. besides, almost all the days you are giving nice messages too which are sunk in the culture and meaning where at the bottom lie the bedrock truths of life.
Not of this world….but of the spiritual dimensional realm. No. Problem….plenty of gold streets ahead….NO need fir stuff.that's. Why U R 4 REAL. ISMILE
Do you live out of the state's
heaven and hell are simply our imagination s. but they become real when you make them on earth ….
You have a very beautiful smile god bless you dear we can be friends
Mr #Vaughan. .YOUR post is very intense. …u have a deep understanding of SPIRIT life..
+Gwendolyn Davidson I agree. I said the same thing to myself.
Good morning friend have a nice day. beautiful photo
+Nikki Manaj Jr. Hmmm….. Miss your Alex?
Good night beautiful.
Your smile is worth everything that I own. Because your smile I can take with me in the next life
So true
In summary, you are content with what you have; little be it or much but, God contentment still you crave! May His contentment fill you, remain blessed.
That's the smile I knew you had the time I say greetings everyone with it!
I like
You have everything to smile for. Leave yesterday in the past. Tomorrow is a new day with treasures and pleasures
I like your life style Dear # sos
Good Nice
very good…interesting!!!
you have your house full of light an love, like your heart.
If you leave the materialistic world you can attach with soul and peace. Good morning Jen.
Hi love keep smiling
You are the happiest person I believe Thank you.
Good Think
Beautiful jendhamuni. Nice pic.
Marvelouse thoughs.
So this is the secret of your kindness .I am proud upon my friend.long live.
You are admirable.
Blessed beyond measure. ….ISMILE
So nice to know about your routines Jen. U r great. Now v know what keeps u apart from ordinary people like us.
You're still lucky Jend, god loves you and always with you your shinning armor, be happy for what you have, what's wealth and riches those are material things,anyway be happy, I like to see you always having smile in your face, I'm happy for you Friend, good morning. .
Good morning Jendhamuni. These things doesn't matter. But you have lots of care taking friends & as the same we have a nice friend like u & that's our real property. Have a great day.
+MANJUNATH MH Thank you so much for your kind words. I have learned that the less I have, the more I have and the the happier I am. I can go anywhere at anytime without having to spend so much time packing. I feel so light, knowing I have nothing, but my body and soul.
Stuff fades away but your SPIRIT remains undaunted.
+Gwendolyn Davidson Thank you so much, dear. One day, when we have to leave this earth, we cannot bring anything with us, but our kind deeds only. So I do not need anything. My ultimate goal is to help others and make them happy. May Peace be upon you always.
You. r. Very. WISE…… I thank THE ALMIGHTY for U……I c HIS IMAGE N YOU….U R on a beautiful journey, chosen 4 U.U have humbly accepted. …..PEACE and Love shower you every waking moment of your destined existence!!!!!! ISMILE
you're a very pretty woman
very nice
Oh! Thank u Jen. I am quite very elder to u but i wish i could just take a leaf out of your blessed life & follow it.
i like you ….fd
I am of the same mind set….just like the Apostle said, when he found the truth…"It is no longer I who dwells but Christ in me the hope of glory….I want to hear,"well done thou faithful servant".
So cute ♡
Good morning friend
So hot
Amen sweetie keep the faith you are beautiful inside and outside,I thank you!!#
God bless you
Naturally simple!
Powered by 艺术专业镂空或透空大师
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo.
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
May because you are poor?
You beyuteful your all photos beyuteful
lovelyy girls
Let me share with u d beautiful setup. It remind me of my childhood n I love it.
You are a great Saint…
Wow simply beautiful
+Jendhamuni Sos May the Buddha's great teachings guide you like a lamp that lights your way. Thank you with love and respect for you forever.
That's true you shouldn't attach your self to this material world…life is fleeting and we only leave our good deeds behind… let's hope they are many…:-)
Powered by 艺术专业镂空或透空大师
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo.
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
what about laptop
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo.
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
Powered by Smartfren
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo.
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
Powered by Smartfren
you are fine and good chance
how to upload u r messages
May I have
Ya always be realistic n Thankful to God
Gods gift women
U are so sweet and beautiful god bless you dear friend
Looking nice
I love you jaan
i love wirh your thinking Sos
obviously simple life is always perfect &you are so nice
OMG!..so…wonderful….dearest Jendhamuni..I am with you ha,ha..
Nice pic
Looking so nice
lovely photo, thank you for sharing, your so lovely smile
Good to see you and hope you lest us see mour of you
nice post and smile
Nice looking.
Dear Nice Lok
U seem true follower of Budha.
Contentment is the real wealth
Good proverb, is encouraging
Hallo how r u my name is adel for uae and I am new in hear u r my first friend
You are very blassed and Wise ,,,I wrote earlier also ,,,u are jadu ki Mani ,very precious ,very ,very , special ,close to God,,,,,,,,,,,
Love it
You are Gorgeous Lady g…bless you
Really. Nice & wonderful laugh.
Jen I agree, I'm not caught up in things in this world. I Love me some JESUS! Because it's about Him! All of my help comes from JESUS! Amen!
good thought
Lovely pic u have here a little smile love that
Gorgeous:-) thank you , awesome post you have
बिंदास मुस्कुराओ क्या ग़म हे,ज़िन्दगी में टेंशन किसको कम हे अच्छा या बुरा तो केवल भ्रम हे जिन्दगी का नाम ही कभी ख़ुशी कभी गम हे। शुभ प्रभात दोस्तो आई लव यू…
Don't worry my friend I am also like you only
thaks 4 encouraging me in particular.
Soooooo touching. Wat a wonderful life! Ua sense of contentment is sooo amazing. God bless you dear
You are beautiful
Goodnight jen…….. u r very simple and beautiful by mind……………
Nice you
+Vrushali Rana Good night!
Same 2 u
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop words when speech becomes superfluous
Ok good night………
+nishantha kumara Sweet dreams
Same 2 u
I agree!!**
that seems 2b wise of .
We should master both worlds, both dimensions!
Nice yar
Nice smile.Jedhamuni sos
Very nice..
Verry nice
You so buytiful
Sooooo cute ♡♡♡♡♡
So long as it is well with your soul, nothing else should matter
O really I m also same friends
U a cute
4some time
I like this picture
You are so nice to see in this smile, your quotes are so inspirative and thanks for the smile and quotes
I love my home you and my
Come here i am you happy
nice friend
I love you
life is beautiful
I love you to jaya rajani
attached u r photo
Nice pic
Nice picture and i like your hair:-)
Hiiii jeni
Thank you for sharing, our Lord Jesus Christ bless you
me 2 i could nt find ma plce
Salutation ma belle. Lanature en joie
Jean robbert fortune gmail @com
You are so beautiful dear!!! I LOVE you
I love this statement
I love this statement
Your memory keeps
Me. Radiant
Cool and refreshing like blue mountain's wster.
Don't thinking alot my dearest sweet heart friend
Ur smile very nice
My dear friend,wish country are u
Probably a very good way to live…. But I would like to have a pillow to
lay my head… In a mattress to lay my body… A little comfort
Allo. Jesuis ocupe mercie. Vous. Pense. a. Moi
What an original pretty portrait ! Yes no attachment to earthly materials.
Woww very nice
Lol wow comment you chose to post I like funny ne
Thank you…(:
+Nonceba Sigqwagqwa
me also like you.siple life but great looking ..i like you
Hi. You very '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''v.'nice
Nice line with beautful smaile
Sos, I like ur simplicity, it always makes u happy becuse no attachments, as lord buddha said, I don't know how far u hve go through from his thoughts nd meditation.
Also , I cn tell u some thing for sure. U r happy to this much of comments fulfilled ur life from happines, and its proven from the hundreds of comments.
You god
Very nice
Still looking sexy get nnaked show off your body
Good looking smile
Hello how are you