I get laughed at,
I get ignored,
I often feel trapped,
and keep my thoughts stored,
people can be cruel and very mean,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams
life has waves,
I know that,
but i stand brave,
and take the crap,
I may feel exhausted and totally creamed,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams
I know what I want,
and I wont stop trying
Quitting? I can't,
for now I'm flying,
it's impossible it seems,
but no matter what,
I follow my dreams!
~By Crystal Nelson
(Georgia, USA)
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Abid Mansuri
aapki tarah sundar
Abid Mansuri
good morning
Abid Mansuri
nice day
Carter Edwards
Abid Mansuri
i like
Sunny Wadhwa
gud morning
Jed Lloyd
Nice pic, and I liked the poem writing also 🙂
Abid Mansuri
Tazein Mirza Saad
Beautiful! God bless you! +Jendhamuni Sos
Paul Garcia
V.B Reddy
lovely poetry……
Khinmaung Oo
I like this allegedly very much!
Charles van Dijk
Dreams give inspiration, deeds results. Nice poem.
Abin Kanashpakadas
So beautiful scene
Pasan Madhusankha
Try and try .one day you can fly
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
Roland Wolfgang Friedrich
Wonderful picture and also wonderful words…
Balram Panikkaserry
Lovely post Jendha….
Cherish Kuloloia
Michelle Taane
Mark Moshchinsky
+Jendhamuni Sos Nice, how is it going Jen ?
Are there any people in your Buddhist community who do Wing Chun ?
Rd Turnbow
Nicely written.
pankaj singh
hi jendhamuni sos
analia amaya
The dream, Jorge Luis Borges poem ( looking for a correct translation because the translator of Google puts antonym):
Si el sueño fuera (como dicen) una
tregua, un puro reposo de la mente,
¿por qué, si te despiertan bruscamente,
sientes que te han robado una fortuna?
¿Por qué es tan triste madrugar? La hora
nos despoja de un don inconcebible,
tan íntimo que sólo es traducible
en un sopor que la vigilia dora
de sueños, que bien pueden ser reflejos
truncos de los tesoros de la sombra,
de un orbe intemporal que no se nombra
y que el día deforma en sus espejos.
¿Quién serás esta noche en el oscuro
sueño, del otro lado de su muro?
Lee todo en: El sueño – Poemas de Jorge Luis Borges http://www.poemas-del-alma.com/el-sueno.htm#ixzz2MvIrosCF
analia amaya
dreams, individual expression of a planetary feel
Jose Luis Larios
Beautiful. I like this picture very very nice
Charles van Dijk
Sunsets come and sunsets go
Just look at this marvellous glow
It shine looks so pretty
It even penetrates the shade of the jetty
It's structure has decay
It teaches us it's meant like that, it's God's way.
Just me in a sentimental mood.
june cochran
that was so nice thank you
rita bendezu
Gift for my eyes ! Wonderful !
Jose villa morin
…Me too…
Jesus Ricardo Garcia Bautista
Muy bonito el paisaje
Munna Mohib
+Jendhamuni Sos I respect your following of dream, heart teaching photo with beautiful poem,thanks for beautiful gift.
Joey Martin
Si el mar hablara…
Yamil Torres
Que hermoso lugar
I like
Pilar Calleja
huyyy lo q daria yo por estar hay pufff q pasada
sasi clade
Que lindo paisaje!!!
Francisco Jose Roeder Flores
Sehr Schoenn;hast taleentt und bist eine Kunsttlerin.
alan guzman
Me va llevar el tsunami jaja…
Gelin V.F
Parecida: Amanecer – Döria
desh raj
nice ……..
Francisco Felguera Unguetti
Patrack Muyambo
Why can't i chat with Sos?
Noey Dontes
Mar Azul Hdez
Hermoso paisaje
Aldair Cota Machado
As vezes nos sentimos cansados, mas não podemos desanimar para alcançar nossos objetivos! Bom dia! Jendhamuni Sos!
Angel Shively
thats so cute
Jose Alaluna
excelente filosofía de vida adelante!
Erick Santos
enrique gasperi
Angel Shively
what i cant speak =spanish
Jendhamuni Sos
+Angel Shively you can use google translate too. It's the best.
Erick Santos
es cierto 😉
Teresa Lynn Johnson
Absolutely MAGICAL!!!! OH…………. So Very Beautiful ~~~ God I Beauty <3
Elvira Yerro
Magnífica y espléndida Fotografía.
pankaj singh
very nice sos
Elvira Yerro
Es muy muy buena.
Erick Santos
me adherem?
yanira marenco
sencillamente espectacular
jonessi rosario
wow thats cute and so true and i know how that feels
mari bonilla
es un sueno
Elvira Yerro
Increíble Cielo.
PiLar H
Muy inteligente el poema…las cosas a veces pueden parecer crueles pero..sigo mis sueños..hermosa foto Jendhamuni
Cesar Garcia
wao demasiado espectacular
Elvira Yerro
Lástima no poder traducir tu poesía.+Jendhamuni Sos
Jesus Ricardo Garcia Bautista
Muy elegante
Elvira Yerro
Da Paz su Conpemplacion.
Allana Lutchman
sunsets are so beautiful its like we are looking through the gates of haven
Elvira Yerro
Desde luego son Cielos extraordinarios.
yes,dearest jendhamuni…how are you?
Angel Shively
thats so pretty
Elvira Yerro
Magnífica Marina.
mady sach
manifique sunset,nice colors,in the sky nice view also
Jesus Ricardo Garcia Bautista
Muy bonito
Angel Shively
Rob Robinson
Beautiful pics u av
Angel Shively
yeah i know right