How much we care till the end

Friendship is not about finding
the right person but,
Creating the right relation.
It's not how much we care
in the beginning but how much
we care till the end.

Source: sms4smile


  1. Alabama G Man

    April 2, 2014

    Thank you my dear friend. I have just the person to share this with. As always your Alabama

  2. Sujit Kumar

    April 2, 2014

    ग़लतियों से जुदा तू भी नही, मैं भी नही,
    दोनो इंसान हैं, खुदा तू भी नही, मैं भी नही … !
    तू मुझे ओर मैं तुझे इल्ज़ाम देते हैं मगर,
    अपने अंदर झाँकता तू भी नही, मैं भी नही " … !!
    ग़लत फ़हमियों ने कर दी दोनो मैं पैदा दूरियाँ,
    वरना फितरत का बुरा तू भी नही, मैं भी नही…!!

  3. Animesh nandi

    April 2, 2014

    Nice friends your quotes always impressive.unbeatable…

  4. Amit Lot

    April 2, 2014

    Gud morning very beautifull location

  5. Stephen Waterhouse

    April 2, 2014

    very, very beautiful .. I like how the silver-blue water laps at the bottom edge of the picture

  6. anita gupta

    April 2, 2014

    Friends plz its my humble request "plz follow me"
    i have no followers in my account so plz help me……..

  7. Eddie Del Rio

    April 3, 2014

    One can part ways with someone because that person has wronged you. Strangely you may still care about the person you parted with although they probably never cared for you.

  8. Cheryl Rodenberg

    April 3, 2014

    I understand friendship, it can be good and sometimes things need to be worked out. 🙂

  9. Trymore Sithole

    April 3, 2014

    U r break my heart u r everything in my heart bby just need good relashin with u

  10. Teresa Walsh

    April 3, 2014

    Beautiful to look at

    before bed. Nice dreams. Peace and tranquillity

  11. Mamta Aggarwal

    April 3, 2014

    Beautiful quote with nice pic like haven, I love it♡♡♡♡

  12. Reena Verma

    April 3, 2014

    wonderful thoughts & so serene and soothing 

  13. Shanada Wright

    April 3, 2014

    : friends comes once in a lifetime so when you find one you should never let anything or anyone come between yal if theres anything that can break yall up then you was never a friend from the begining. So cherish all friends if you have any

  14. Diane Green

    April 3, 2014

    Thank you Beki for many great years of memories and friendship.

  15. Noor Din

    April 3, 2014

    Nice compliments. for long lasting friendship every one must keep relation in the right direction.  

  16. Mohan Prajapati

    April 3, 2014

    So true. Nobody is perfect. Accept this reality n create true relation.

  17. mercy korir

    April 3, 2014

    I totally agree it applys to our daily lifes! !!

  18. Gener Gamez

    April 3, 2014

    Hello,very nice and beautiful picture.i like that so much

  19. Barun Sharma

    April 3, 2014

    just look like a paradise……..            NICE…….

  20. Kamarul Hamzah

    April 3, 2014

    Easy to put it words…..but most of the time its too hard to practise

  21. Zs V

    April 3, 2014

    Friend is just friend not like my love..

  22. April 3, 2014

    Thank yous

  23. April 3, 2014

    Thank you!

  24. Udaya Kumar

    April 3, 2014

    is they are good friends also they have good relatoins if they realise,, nice art work

  25. Swathi Sekar

    April 3, 2014

    feeling good is better than being good.. with friend

  26. April 3, 2014


  27. April 3, 2014


  28. April 3, 2014

    Thank you

  29. April 3, 2014


  30. April 3, 2014

    Thank you

  31. April 3, 2014

    Thank you

  32. April 3, 2014


  33. Vibhuti Shukla

    April 3, 2014

    from where did you find these type of quotes with gif images?

  34. Rosa M

    April 3, 2014

    Tots agree. Its teally pretty

  35. ayobami martins

    April 3, 2014

    realistically spoken,since u hardly find friends who can stand the test of time..u r very true..

  36. ayobami martins

    April 3, 2014

    realistically spoken,since u hardly find friends who can stand the test of time..u r very true..

  37. April 3, 2014

    Good night (-_-)zzz
    2014/04/03 20:49 "ふくもとちあき" <****@**>:

    > Hello!

  38. Vicki Bryson

    April 3, 2014

    Positively agree with what you wrote!! Seeing a relationship start out good and see it through life's problems to the very end hanging on to each other!! Nowadays it's rare!!

  39. huma afridi

    April 3, 2014

    that's true. i'll care till my life inshallah.

  40. Avinash Sood

    April 3, 2014

    Friendship is a bliss but Such a friendship is rare in this materlistic world.

  41. Donna Coker

    April 3, 2014

    I can hear the water lapping at the shoreline.

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