Source: funsms
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Source: funsms
This post has been reshared 23 times on Google+
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Mohan M
Nice,,,,lines,,,,exists is all in God's hands,,,,it's nature
Diana rose Sangar
I LOve YOu sweet Friend +Jendhamuni Sos !!!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much, my dear +Diana rose Sangar
Jendhamuni Sos
+Mohan M Wishing you a beautiful day.
Uday Joshi
She is hot !
She is sweet !
She always Needs A lip 4 kiss
Whole world is Mad 4 her !
Who ? Who is she ?
Do you know ?
Good Morning Dear Friend
Mohan M
Thank u friend +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
+Uday Joshi lol!
Ajay Agnihotri
Beautiful post Jendhamuni and have a wonderful day ahead.
Mame Boateng
keneth ntanga
I never exist you in life cause i miss you so much
Rajeev Kalia
so nice Jendhamuni
Nyanoo Htay
Is me speicle like
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
So nice
Nysa Urbina
Now that speech is special !!!
floriam senerpida
lovely flower…!!!just like u!
Jayesh Thakkar
You are right one can not avoid the situation and truth. It is nature of life which provides us brighter hopes every morning so have a wonderful day ahead. Jendhamuni Sos.
Ravi Nithy
nice .
aynalem negash
nice flower
Margaretann Hudson
sopha hunedu
droji shepa
very nice flour.
noema capit
سونيتا نوا
Very nice
shaniece munchi
Nice rose
praveen kumar Yadav
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Nice words.J…Sos.
Raghav panday
333. You would do anything to stop me
from getting hurt …