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Syed Mostafa
Goog moening ..
Jendhamuni Sos
+Syed Mostafa Morning!
mohamed fazrulla
bashir meah
+Jendhamuni Sos hi h r u moming
mohamed fazrulla
Jendhamuni Sos
+bashir meah I'm doing great! I finally finished cleaning my entire house for real! So excite!
Sequence sensitive !
Annette Marie Harlow
I wish humans were as kind n greatful. Wouldnt it be so much easier to go threw life Loving each other…;~}
Jendhamuni Sos
+Annette Marie Harlow Agree! ♥♥♥
Tiyuanna Baudoin
bashir meah
+Jendhamuni Sos hi sos
Jendhamuni Sos
+bashir meah Good morning!
Mlp Artie Brush
ratan poonia
Don Landry
Love this dog!
chanda teli
Good morning jen.
Nathan Vanderpol
wow how cool
buogi kennedy
terrible adventure
Drex Lesgaux
Dogs are abgenation.
buogi kennedy
hi gyz…op your morning is blessed with
madison soloff
buogi kennedy
add me to your circles if we are not yet friends
buogi kennedy
add me to your circles if we are not yet friends
Kaitlyn D
Wow! That poor dog though…No front legs… DX
Klayton Casper
it must have taken a long time to learn to do that and im sad for this dog
Brenda Goicochea
Creepy soory doggy
simran kartha
I am really emotional at the moment. My salutes to the dog! I am really touched!
Edwin Rodriguez
That's Faith! Faith is her name. She is a happy dog. Doesn't realize how special she is. :o)
angelica margaret
poor doggy
Lorraine Boston
He is
Declan Hill
That dog has no front legs and the dogs ok with that and great to know. You go Dog!
harmeet bahra
uth gaye tusi?
harmeet bahra
ki breakfast karoge?
かわいそう (/。\)
Christine Lynch
God bless this beautiful animal!
Elena Davila
Awww, god bless that doggie!
GIL 710
Looks fake
Dogs are fuck*** awesome !
Yogoo C
Raaj Bhusaal
Good dogs
Raaj Bhusaal
Ad me friends
Elena Davila
Just did.
harmeet bahra
Ajay Agnihotri
I wish we people also love each other without any expectations. ..
Halimah Jjemba
Allahu akbar!!
Jasmine Martinez
This is God's gift to teach us how strong his creations are
Kamini Deb Barma
Hi jen that's very funny
Merry Anne
What a sweet heart .
Tammy Neu
So precious…
Valerie Neal
Bless his heart!
Mahesh Chainani
Good night dear +Jendhamuni Sos sleep well. ..
Shelia Harris
Smart and Cute!!
Mithril Ajootian
That poor dog…
Jason Colby
That's rad. Love this dog.
Margaret Foster
I hope TSA doesn't pat me down
Vivi Lily
Looks cute!
Bernice Smith
Gotta luv this guy!!! He never knew he was spose to have 4 legs..i think he lives in Oklahoma..
kapil khambra
Tamara Novak
Unapologetically himself! Do u have the courage haters?
cha Dacles
I love this dog!
O'block Bobby
aweee 🙁
Hafiz Eleias
How are you
Mikayla Schullian
Awwww poor thing
Eloisa Jane
He's looking really good 🙂
Jay Collins
That dog is a boss
Nanjappa. Mahadev.
Very Challenging.
Belle Turner
Incredible!!! The will to survive successfully is truly incredible.
nicholas evans
is it just me or is he missing he front legs???
Geralynn Gillogly
Skip the licks: u can have all of mine
kallyan limbu
If I there of course i kiss him..not funny..situation is funny…..i know that…from hk..
Janae Lynn
+Mithril Ajootian It seems happy-Loved. You can tell. Its us.
murulidara dara
very talented
mj casper
Cuteee..miss u my baby loue boy 🙂
Timothy Crooker
Poor pup, I hope he's getting a good home and lots of love.
nanditha srinath
Yup that's the only creature which is selfless
Alberto Resendiz
I.beat u
Even. He
Gonna. Go.sports.competencies
Altagracia Urena
It hurts to see a dog like that!
adarsh kumar
Samantha Tedder
He has no frint legs but he's still AWESOME!
Borra Divya
u r the real hero
goutham praneeth
rekha kumari
Niaz Amandi
adarsh kumar
I Like This Dog
Anya Kent
Respect. Wow
Norma Reyes
Aww I love him
goswami krishan
Vivek Mannali
Sherrie Francisco
Awww what a strong hearted puppy♡♡♡ Got to love him for his determination…this isnt funny at all… : (
Neha Sharma
Pia E. Parker
Fabiola Claros
Actually this dog is a hero. He's a k9 veteran from the stupid war our country keeps financing. He needs to get some leg wheels done or else the pressure and strain put on his lower spine will give him even more problems. The fact that in spite of his challenges this dog keeps on should be an inspiration to anyone who thinks they can't do something. This dog is a war hero and beautiful. I truly hope his pet parents or caregivers have gotten him the help he deserves so he can stroll without hurting his spine.
Naomi Lewis
Scooby do!!
Lorraine Bryan
Hes walking very fast lol
Chuckowry Maneesha
Really amazing
kimberly barr
Dogs are truly amazing. They can compensate for all kinds of issues. I love my dog!!
Kimberly Woodruff
Dey Kung
Raffaella Frimpong
Samantha Margis
Awwwww, poor thing doesn't have its front legs
Peter Palmer
So true
kiran kumari
EC Padian
That's a wonderful dog. I'm not happy that he lost his front legs but I'm happy it didn't stop him. I've met other dogs like that and they are all happy wonderful creatures. My aunts cat, her baby, couldn't walk at all and was an angel. He was perfect and sweet and touched everyone who met him. He became a true angel about a year ago. These creatures are gifts to the world.
Praveena kuna
strong by heart
Chandler Pittman
mimi iwaii
Finley Howell
Chandler Pittman
But no frount legs that would be horrible
Charles Prabhu
very correct and heart touching ; . ;
Khristina Perez
What a strong happy lil guy!!! Im proud of him!!!
Jason Curtis
So sweet, tails still waggin' 🙂
vinay vyas
Nice video
Alagesh kumar
nice video
Elizabeth Tchwenko
Amazing!! What happened to his fore paws?
Amy Crowder
patricia ensey
You are a kind good person to see that .
Dave Stone
awesome! Finally, a dog that doesn't beg at the dinner table. Hey, I bet his all time favorite dinosaur has got to be the Tyranasaurus Rex right? At any rate THAT dog.. is making the lemonade. .!!
Емо Гуневски
Чудо !
Furwa Tamang
Sky Ploeger
Eddie Phipps
So cute but sad cuz its lost its arms. OH NOOOO
Aryan Malik
Lilit Arakelyan
Aww doggy
Prutha Ramanuj
Good that he learnt to walk like this. Atleast he'll be able to walk independently
Aedan S
Taieb Alaya
Smatr dog
David Sosa
Aedan S
+Prutha Ramanuj lol too funny
Arshad Saleem
Ary wah ji wah
deepmala tiwari
wah wah
carol davey
Adorable – give him BIG hug from me and my dog
Crystal Spriggs
Bless his heart.
Megi Patel
This is amazing
kavyavinod vinod
jay nargass
So nice he is cute one
Alice Croasdale
rajendra kumar Chaurasiya
Alice Croasdale
obala henry
obala henry
pat chopper
Bless your heart my baby you are precious
obala henry
Leah Meredith
So funny x
Gheo Huertas
Aarushi Suri
ha ha
Chumki Bhattacharya
Brave doggy ,keep it up….
queen rivera
awesome show…
Louis Plombirs
He just wants to live
Paquita Santos
As the dog hasn't got front legs, nature compensates with strong hind legs……
Liam Foster
not sure its good for his/her back
Prutha Ramanuj
+Aedan S Its not funny, he's just walking like dat juz cause he hasn't got his front legs!
keerthi cute
hats off
Evelyn Abayon Watson
Dog is very intellegent with loyalty and understanding whatever it takes or what ever happen still brave and continue to leave.that dog in that situation but still can see that face continue the happiness in life love that dog
Simon Jarbrant
This is really terrible, the poor thing has no front legs 🙁
Pamela Garcia
Talented dog
kallyan limbu
+harmeet bahra are you crazyyyyy? we talking about poor dog.. but.you looking girls for lovely breakfast.. don't worry brother.. I'll manage raakhi sawant for you, today`s dinner…..fu** sick people…….
James Sloan
Suma Sunil
Wow ! Wonderful dog .
Amy Goddard
Ahhh poor dog no arms
Violeta Portera
Romi Singh
Molly Mwampole
soooo funnny
Guillain ruchogeza
lol thats gud
Asim Raza Ali
very nice
Juanita Williams
I see does my dog use to smile an talk he was stolen while i was in the hospital. He has a lot of stanma.
Rukhsana Pinjara
I like this dog because of his cuteness
Vennila Bhavani
Ronald Harris
Good post
Michelle Charles
He is walking in style to
Neel Chatterjee
Sherri Sheeler
Dog does not have front legs
sany satapathy
ur right
Very Nice IWant Top Talk With You
Jill Jani
truely funny
Esmeralda Velez
Omg I wish my dog can do that he is so cute.
Myer White
He has to do it his to front kegs have been infected so they had to get chopped of
sany satapathy
whts kegs
Cat Chan
Awesome dog !!!!
Jeannie Carpenter
This lovely dog is amazing! Not funny,… anyone not having part of their body …is not funny.. amazing how she has compensated. It is so hard for a dog to walk like this for very long. Amazing!
Maria Bello
Sad but funny
great Funny
Tina Jensen
So sweet
Pallavi Angel
so cute
Surya kulakarni
Myer White
Did you read what Jeannie Carpenter put its nit nice to say that the dog is funny when the dog only has 2 legs and it is very hard for dogs to walk on 2 legs for a long time because my uncles dogs only have 2 legs because they were infected.
Grace ray
heshe has no arms !!!!!
marina blanusa
+Grace ray she.her name is Faith.she lost her front legs when she was a puppy. it was hard to train her to walk like this but she is unbelieveble and she did it.first she was standing in the snow to make her feet stronger.her owner….i think she have a site to stop people killing animals who are like her…without legs nose and have disabilities…..i am happy for her
alyn tumanon
Smile:) amazing!
Elisa Panjang
Will it affect the dog's backbone? I mean dogs are suppose to work on four legs. I'm just curious. But glad to see the dog is happy and healthy.
Grace ray
arr she's amazing XD :DDD
Emily colyer
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is so cute
Vera Bartholomew
poor baby
Kathleen Wilford
He looks so happy. Doesn't even notice he's different. Awww
Jo Stanley
u can't keep a good dog down. yes , dogs are full of love and truly mans BFF
Jason Quigley
So sweet and touching…
Anne Lally Rickerby
This is so true.
Maisie Tidmarsh
run for it he is chasing me!
Amy Scott
This soooooo cute it made me cry with sadness but happiness at the same time because it is soooo touching
bubban sher
+Amy Scott me too
Saisailasri Misra
ur more than human..do not worry………
cat chika
woo hoo…taLented lol……
allie suarez
Ashok Rane
urvashi siroya
Really dogs are brave
Sandra Oyuko
so amazing she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mohit Jain
U r nouty
Maria Penick
God Bless this dog from heaven
Sharyn Morrison
Awesome little dog. So hope she can eventually get some bionic legs. This must be so tiring for her.
Maritza Fraser
Hello whore. This is your boyfriends wife again. This dog deserves a better life than you. Have a great day!
Manuel Nhau
Maritza Fraser
Which of your 15 names will you use to post tomorrow?
Rick Bell
This dog has a heart big as a mountain, way to go fella.
Marilyn Petrie
Gail G Swineford
They teach us so much!
Sayed Kamran
Inshan ko sabak deta kutta
Sandeep Rajput
the dog is soooo cute
Aranza Vargas
This dog is amazing!!!!
Dong Shin
How could… 🙁
jose Calderon
Amazing how a living organism can adapt to changes. Great doggie.
Sandeep Rajput
yah i love dogs
mikeal wilson
he walkin like a human cuz he has no arms
Phalaporn Kob
Wow!! You 're wonderful cute dog. Long life to you.
Sandy Walters
Aww you poor sweet baby l dont think your funny l think your wonderful
cat chika
ohh my!…congrats hahahah…
Netasha Rajpoot
Awww…so cute ….dis is reality only one dog can understand d feeling of mann ….hmmm.
Sandy Walters
Your an idiot
Ashley Megan
Amazing Doggie! I like that spirit it has! Indestructible! You're so cool! +Jendhamuni Sos Thanks for sharing!
Nonkululeko Mzimela
ncoooooooooo how cute hope it not exhausting though for him
Dianne Hollifield
This dog is awesome
so great
valencia govender
wow amazin
Pearl Michelle Ganaway
Ooooh superb dog….
H Khavari
What is wrong with the dog? Amazing dog..
Cool Opal
epic dog
Pearl Michelle Ganaway
He wants an attention frm his owner…..love this dog…
apd drda
So wonder
Miz Connie
This dog is my hero!!
Brittany Thomas
I've seen him before! He figured it out!
Tonys Girl
Omgosh so amazing
Tonys Girl
Omgosh so amazing
Joce Miranda
Joce Miranda
pamela horad
pamela horad
Supertaster Beer
That's cool!
Supertaster Beer
That's cool!
God Bless that Precious Soul xxxxxxx
He is an inspiration, he just gets on with it.
I Love him xxxx
God Bless that Precious Soul xxxxxxx
He is an inspiration, he just gets on with it.
I Love him xxxx
Richard Melvin
+Paul Melvin+Jake Melvin
Richard Melvin
+Paul Melvin+Jake Melvin
Yashodhara Gupta
Yashodhara Gupta
leanne Mcentee
omg poor doggy :'[
leanne Mcentee
omg poor doggy :'[
Denise Halbert
please share on the FB page @For the love of tripods we share to find homes, and share how grate they are we have many who have back and hind leg injury,s so please post to that page great video
Denise Halbert
please share on the FB page @For the love of tripods we share to find homes, and share how grate they are we have many who have back and hind leg injury,s so please post to that page great video
Mary Morgan
awe so beautiful
but sad
Mary Morgan
awe so beautiful
but sad
Asia Hollinger
Asia Hollinger
Melanie Kotze
The little guys name is Faith and see his web page – Faith the dog's official web site
Melanie Kotze
The little guys name is Faith and see his web page – Faith the dog's official web site
Ashley Capwell
:'"( So sad
Ashley Capwell
:'"( So sad
Amandeep Mahita
+Ashley Capwell
Amandeep Mahita
+Ashley Capwell
Charlie R
Charlie R
Yvonne Bennett
How cute.
Yvonne Bennett
How cute.
punnya nijesh
I like this dog
punnya nijesh
I like this dog
monty verma
kya baat a
monty verma
kya baat a
Pranathi C
its nice
Pranathi C
its nice
monty verma
kya baat a
monty verma
kya baat a
suleman khalid
+angelica margaret
suleman khalid
+angelica margaret
Ayodele Peter
I guess we all have to get a dog…….lovely pics
Ayodele Peter
I guess we all have to get a dog…….lovely pics
adrienne scott
I'm loving this
adrienne scott
I'm loving this
sheeba gm
very nice n may God bless this dog…….
sheeba gm
very nice n may God bless this dog…….
Nat Carr
Wow awsome dog
Nat Carr
Wow awsome dog
Karen Brown
As long as this is causing her no pain and is enjoying her life then good luck to her. Couldn't she have a cradle with wheels at the front to give her a rest? Inspirational thou.
Karen Brown
As long as this is causing her no pain and is enjoying her life then good luck to her. Couldn't she have a cradle with wheels at the front to give her a rest? Inspirational thou.
adrienne scott
LOOK in her eyes LOOK at the smile on her lips. WHAT PAIN??? and sure the dog will be outfitted with a set of wheels at some point.
adrienne scott
LOOK in her eyes LOOK at the smile on her lips. WHAT PAIN??? and sure the dog will be outfitted with a set of wheels at some point.
Linda Knight
Animals are very amazing!!!!
Linda Knight
Animals are very amazing!!!!
AlephNull DeltaPi
+Karen Brown I agree. A dog's spine was not designed to be bi-pedal. I wonder if she will, at some point, start to experience back pain from walking up-right?
AlephNull DeltaPi
+Karen Brown I agree. A dog's spine was not designed to be bi-pedal. I wonder if she will, at some point, start to experience back pain from walking up-right?
Janice Ashton
so sad . poor doggy
Janice Ashton
so sad . poor doggy
Geralynn Gillogly
Some Dogs try too please their providers too much.. Or is it Masters.
Or maybe this doggie is breed this way? Dogs get it fast. Next gen he will talk.
I don't like it when people act like dogs. So why would I like it when doggies act like people. Hope doggie gets lots of "good for him" treats
Geralynn Gillogly
Some Dogs try too please their providers too much.. Or is it Masters.
Or maybe this doggie is breed this way? Dogs get it fast. Next gen he will talk.
I don't like it when people act like dogs. So why would I like it when doggies act like people. Hope doggie gets lots of "good for him" treats
Hamdan Baloushi
nyce once
Hamdan Baloushi
nyce once
Margarita Serrano
So sweet. God bless.
Stella Cam
He has no arms thats why he has to be mobile so se figured it out
Nat Carr
He dont want to miss his flight he got places to go ppl to see lol
Neliza Urot
Good balance! Amazing…
Allie Blanton
That's so funny
Ariel Guyse
What happen to his other two legs poor dog at least he can still wakk
Kapil D Nayar
+Allie Blanton what kind of a soulless person are you who found this funny ???? Just hope you never meet me because if you do im gonna cut off your legs and then leave you and without any known person and then laugh at you
Lemme now if you feel like laughing then
Diez Sanchez
Way to not give up little guy, when life literally cuts your legs out from underneath ya! NEVER GIVE UP!
sophie buckwalter
Thats not funny!
azad butt
Diez Sanchez
+sophie buckwalter
Wasn't meant to be! Look at it from the perspective of people that have lost body parts, rather than humor!
leticia gutierrez
fucking funny
Melissa Star
Rachel Lumbers
Cruel in world but this is sweet and emotional
Melissa Star
it make you want to cry
Dana Phelps
poor baby! :'(
Savannah Male
Heather Recor
That's funny
dejanay dyson
Savannah Male
Gets me lol…. But where Are the poor things arms!?!?
Gregory Robinson
No that's not good at all !!!!
dejanay dyson
I don't see how's this is funny.
Arthur Daniel
human wants to follow the doggy style , so dog—–
leticia gutierrez
thats funny
Partha Sarathi Dawn
what a pity !
Mercy Bustamante
Krystyna Baran
He wants to walk like any other dog.
tanisha basu
he wants to walk like other dogs but……….
so sad
Krystal Fernandez
You are kitten sou funny
Savannah Male
This is so sad…. Gets tears in my eyes…. How? Why? WHAT
Yeah its true i agrèe that and am your follower
Denise James
Its not funny he,s a hero.strong n brave.good luck to him.xxxxx
Holly Haithcock
that is just weird…..
Lise Quintal
It's a good lesson for me too!
Jennifer Gomes
i must say that he is a super dog
strong and brave
sundaran chanthaparambil chanthaparambil
You are really.Yours pictures also really.
Luisa Aguilar
Those he have legs it looks like he is missing 2 and of thats true poor dog
Daisy St Clair
that's so sweet
Magdalena Simons
i saw this gif and this guy added little arms to the dog and it was actually pretty funny.
Vimal Nanerjrr
I realy also touch
Amisha Jha
Andy Newton
Dogs are amazing, just carry on regardless. Bravo
Christina White
He sets a good example to never give up.He's determined to overcome his disability.
Preethi Kalyanakumar
oh my god thats so sad :'(
Anna Amor
No doubt.
diana gonzalez
cute keep going sweetie there just always make us happy no matte want
diana gonzalez
more I watch the more him so cute
Maria Dib
Hahahaha very nice good
Krishna Priya
diana gonzalez
so true I have 4 and there sure love dad and me there my babies
raja goldspot
Paul Brown
Wow! that is so kool.
kabila leethikaa
I hate dog
Juan Valderas
I hate kabila leethikaa
Luisa Aguilar
+kabila leethikaa ii dont hate dogs it looks like your the only one that hates dogs I have a chihuhua
Preethi Kalyanakumar
+kabila leethikaa i think the reason you dont like dogs is because you dont have a heart.
hussain sherazi
Hindi song
Nawaraj Katwal
i lik
Asad A. Khan
Thanks for sharing
Manirul Islam
Sydnie Underwood
So funny!
Carrie Hebert
Nothing is going to hold this sweet dog back…where there's a will, there's a way! Thanks for sharing!
Manirul Islam
Diamond Counts
Manirul Islam
Good note
Niamya Cooke
That sad he/she has no front legs:( 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Jeremy Swanson
how did you teach him this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you have minecraft we can go multiplayer if you have minecraft
Phanida Saengsrichan
Touched my Hart!
Gizelle Kane
Funny butt sad because no arms
Alexis Lapoint
does he have any legs
Jeremy Swanson
His arms are his front paw is feet are his back paw
Glenn Beck
That was AWESOME!
jennifer mckinney
So cute but wear is the arms LOL
Daniele Halle
Awwwww love this baby
Kayla Tafanelli
Karen McCafferty
He has no choice but to walk like that.
Kayla Tafanelli
He has no choice but to walk on two legs.
Devante Itere
so funny
Carina Koolman
So brave
Devante Itere
so cute
Amal Poursaddami
Aww that is kinda sad… he has no paws.
Tina Kruse
That's wonderful!
ilisapesi noa
hurting the animal with I am see no front feet to walk normal as our father in heaven created to be …
Ramod Malone
Janice Ashton
its not funny he is only walking on his back legs because he have front legs . the owner sucks . that dog need to be treated with care. i know for sure the dog doesn't want that. poor doggy . i wish i was there to help you.
Samuel Raumin
2001 liked. :DDDDDDD
Maria Renteria
Not funny the poor dog doesent have his front legs
Sandy Childs
Y is it so freaking funny? It's the only way it can walk..
dj lake
Not funny b it I feel sad for him you got problems
lakshmiarasan12 arasankk
Daniele Halle
He is a wonderful dog, make do with what you have, we could learn from him
dj lake
But some of these people thinks it funny image you a human being and you have no arms how would you feel
Bessy Rojas
This is sad and amazing at the same time. O:-)
Sarina Jackson
That's a blessing, bcuz it shows that God don't only bless mankind he also bless the animals and etc.. 2 . So don't look @ him like a poor doggy. Look @ him like a blessing from God. That dog got a purpose and we lookin @ it! God is Awesome!
Angela Tan
That can be quite tiring!
marianela rivera
That is freaky
zerinah albatin
i like it he learned to walk even though he got no front legs :3
dianne DeVries
aww!!! poor baby no front legs but look at him ,how sweet <3
Arthur Olinger
Inspiringly Sad!
Linda Samchez
Dioes better than a human and sure thinks better
Robyn Brockmire
Ow my god.
Sarina Jackson
Why is it freaky or sad, or poor dog. If you seem a human being like this you wouldn't be saying them type of things. Not telling anyone how to feel bcuz everyone is capable having their own opinion.
John lee
That is why i like dog rather than cat,
Paula Daen
Eww it looks like a skinny Rosie O'Donnell
Paola Ramirez Lopez
I love him!!!!!!
Wendy Topp
The dog is very clever does walk like a person
selma abraham
lol at first I thought that his arms were gone but then saw that he had them all scrunched up in little balls
andres alarid
Wow amazing
Aliyah Lazcano
Really funny
Brooklyn Nielen
What happened to the dog and u made me cry
Brooklyn Nielen
Maybe he can go 4 a walk to shoppers
Brooklyn Nielen
Marlisa Snodgrass
Ahhh how strong and sweet that dog is!
Lakisha Johnson
Y is this dog disability funny? Very courageous determined dog…I'm very proud of him and disgusted with the ignorance of sum ppl on this post
Skyla Hurley
That is sooooo sad I'm tearing up right now…… 🙁
Kiprono Kemboi
Shanti Suzanna Dawn Balentine
It's amazing it cute adorable but I can't help but to feel so sad and wonder what happened to him poor pup
Treecee Williams
Wow amazing
naghma jamal
Claudia Luna
HOW IS THIS FUNNY?!? I do not get those sick minds.
Michaela Long
HE IS SO ADORABLE… sick minds???
Claudia Luna
+Michaela Long He only has two legs…
kevin edwards
Haha,that can't be good for its hips?.What's his name-freaky
nia narzima
waw amazing dog, like human huh
Glen P
No self-consciousness in him whatsoever. And I suspect that other dogs wouldn't stare and make fun of him either.
Helen West
Poor baby.but he looks happy
Gary Duchscher
I wonder if he eats at the table and poops in the toilet some dogs have better manners than lot of humans
kirthika M
Aisha Gogo
+1 4 d dog
Josef Ott
Never give up
Kim Ruffalo
so cute i love him
Shelley Singhal
Soo sad …
Arron King
Leonard Miller
A wat is going on.animals walking like human.
Arron King
+Leonard Miller it has no front legs it lost them Afghanistan I'm pretty sure
Leonard Miller
So he was forces to walk the human way
Arron King
+Leonard Miller yea 🙂
Natalie Luna
That is sad it has no arms
Leonard Miller
Sure he would work like human .his brain is super for a. Dog
Rachel Lumbers
Oh blese
Pradeepkumar Dhal
We wants also
Ilana H.
That's so freaky. Where are his arms?
Nicole Serrano
+Ilana H. Well more like poor thing than freaky but yeah were are its arms
julio Illescas
Savannah Messina
Gotta love the animals man, what an awesome dog
Isabel Garcia
How dare they put hilarious .Faith was born like that and her mom almost smothered her that is a miracle not a freak of nature they taught her how to walk so she wont make a hole in her chest .you should all be greatful . She was saved by a kind hearted young man and his mother and family and for that vet take his license away his license should be taken away to say they should put her to sleep when just a puppy
Isabel Garcia
I am very proud of all but especially proud of Faith she asked to be saved .She gives you strength she gives hope but most of all inspiration to keep fighting . GOD BLESS YOU FAITH
Debbie Bridgeman
What an amazing creature! Such a darling! x
dogs r wonderful creatures compared to man…..
buogi kennedy
I love it
Dhanraj Khatana
Time is situation
Pradeepkumar Dhal
Everyone wants change alike you.
Freda D. Brown
That is so cool
Danny Gregorio
Woww….so amazing!!!!..
Zena Marie Cowell
Wow amazing
Shari Garrett
that is such a blessing
Rama Esrawee
Ahhh !!!!!!! Poor puppy ge has no arms but still he is adouruble
Rama Esrawee
One of you people stay on my side and tell kevin edwards if he doesnt have any thing nice to say dont say it at all he called that dog freaky well kevin edwards mrs.know it all what if you were like that
Would make fun of your
Self huh?some dogs are just like that now dont say
Anything like that ever again got that!!!!!
Rama Esrawee
And people dont say that ether
Rama Esrawee
Dont say that ever again about that fog please
John Colonsr
Some are better then humens we are worse wen it comes aneamulls ? 🙂
John Colonsr
This cuntry is? Nosey wre have to show outher countrey that we are biger so we send our young ones to war and wen thay come home thay ate forgoten ? Look back at veatnams vets still loking for help
S.Hassan. Urrehman.W.Asar
Ma Sha Allah :') he took the legs n taught how to walk tall
That's the spirit sweat heart <3
Robin Daisley
Yaneikaliz Calderon
Chantal Robinson
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