Always be yourself, express yourself,
have faith in yourself, do not go out and look
for a successful personality and duplicate it.
~Bruce Lee
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M Shaibaaz
Derek Harry
Great pic….great statement
Shahid Babu
Nice smile
Debbie Baker
Meenakshi Sharma
Kishan Sondarva
Very nyc 2 c u my frn..Jen.. very b utful snapshot my frn…!!!
sageer quraishi
Jayesh Thakkar
Looking beautiful JEN, quite simple is the best way of living life. Have a peaceful night Jen.
jungwoo yoo
Good~~ +Jendhamuni Sos
Michael Dennis
Words from my favourite actor, R.I.P.
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
very nice
samanthika samankumari
beautiful dear…..
Animesh nandi
very lovely
Elise Suprihatin
Wow. .. Beautiful I love your nature
Carlos Bation
Hi ,so cute good luck
Kishan Sondarva
It is my mobil screen saver now…!!!
Desrai Moody
Gorjis my sister
Ssenjubire Egite
Absolutely!!!!! How are you doing!!!!!!!!!!!
ayub khan
9 Things men hesitate to tell women
Your relationship has entered its fourth year and the two of you have planned a romantic dinner to mark the occasion.
Everything was sailing smooth until you saw her come down the stairs in a dress way too sexy for her, sporting an obnoxious hairdo and makeup like it's war paint. She flutters her eyelashes in hope of a compliment or two from you, and you comply awkwardly with a cliche like, "You look great, sweetheart".
Here are 9 such things (in random order) that men are all the time dying to say, but can't seem to get it out of their system.
1. How many digits in your salary: "What's your salary package," a question that every guy dreads and wishes to evade more than a question like "Are you gay?" They will inform you about a salary increment or a promotion at work but will never divulge the statistical details even if it is good. Dipti Sahu, a media professional, says, "Guys are competitive even with their partners and are wary to disclose details they feel will make us judge them. That's why they can never give definite answers and are always vague about their salary structure."
2. Why can't I earn more than you: We might have progressed into an era where we witness men and women succeeding in the professional sphere but regressive notions continue to exist. Dilasha Seth, a Business journalist, believes that somewhere the traditional notion of a man being the breadwinner and woman as the caretaker of the household still holds true. "They will not acknowledge a woman's success in public for the acceptance will injure their pride. On the face of it they might congratulate you but within, they battle with their own insecurity. A woman on the other hand basks in her man's success and can't help shout out from rooftops."
3. Just get over Mills and Boon: Women's choice of books and their blind devotion to certain authors have always irked men. Their helpless state further worsened by their inability to express it. Says Sayyed Naqvi, media professional, "It's not that we want our partners to be connoisseurs in literature or descendants of Shakespeare but I can never tell her to develop a sensible taste in her selection of books. She might take it otherwise"
4. Dreaming about another girl while in the act: Have you ever felt a vein of disconnect running through that intimate moment where you are in his arms and about to break into a romantic kiss? Rosy Xess, a freelance writer, feels that "guys cannot verbalise that their mental faculties are fixated on some other girl while being physically cosy with you."
5. Watch out dude, that's my girl!: Walking down a busy street, a man is always watchful of people that eye his girl, far less stray close to her. He is always prepared to shield her from sneering comments. The problem arises in articulating it. Says Saurav Mishra, a Bombay-based professional in business media "I feel my blood boil when someone passes an objectionable comment on my girlfriend. I hold myself from communicating it for I am afraid she might think I am trying to be a police every time."
6. Don't call me every five minutes: There are times when an overdose of 'love', 'care' and 'affection' intrudes his personal space making him claustrophobic. *Nihal Singh, an engineering student says, "It becomes tough for me when she expects a prompt reply to her every text and gets angry if I delay. I cannot tell her how much this bothers me as doing so would mean inviting more trouble."
7. Please let's not talk about my ex: This is indeed a sensitive chapter in one's life, the pages of which threaten to open up massacring details. Past is always sad and men are never really comfortable letting their partners take a peep for the fear of offending them.
8. I always know what to do: Guys, let's face it, are averse to confessing. The idea of opening up about a problem, whether a crisis in the family or a bad day at work, to their partners sends a tingle of unease down his back. Dipti Sahu, a media professional who is living in with her boyfriend for the last few years, feels that guys think they would be dubbed a loser if they sought their partner's help with anything. They see it as a challenge to their 'masculinity'.
9. Calling friends over without prior notice: Guys don't think twice before calling up their gang of friends over for a meal. The wife/girlfriend in question is notified on the same only at the penultimate moment when it gets too much to handle for him. Men don't realise that casually asking friends to drop by can make women go through a harrowing time deciding what to serve. And it obviously drives her barking mad!
jabed babu
Lee my favorite hero…
Jendhamuni Sos
Wishing you a beautiful weekend +Michael Dennis
Ajaz Ali
Michael Dennis
U have a wonderful weekend too.
Ramesh M.R.
welcome gain knowledge, see people outlook & enjoy natural beauty.
prafulla bhanushali
Very nice
Kenneth Chow
Beautiful with charming smile always >>
Ajay Agnihotri
Great post Jendhamuni. Good night and sweet dreams.
Tpbazmi Moon
So nice
Girishekhar J. Chaudhari
Nothing is impossible for a person who has faith in him/herself.The faith generates the internal power of deter mination , willpower and self confidence. Then our life will be a success story.
jugmohan singh
Nice smile
bibek limbu
so QT
Asad Ali
True reality
So sexy baby ….
Libia Romano
nisarbazmi Moon
manju avani
Nice post
Shailesh Gupta
supper post
Joseph Contreras
I hope you visit me.
Rana Singh
Nice caption with superb pic my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos Happy weekend to you :)))
Fazar Ahmed
Nice pic
prakash surya
Nice one
Entertainment DJ Cavallo sounD Designer
really a nice posting
Beautiful cute
Mayur Shah
Very innocent!!!!!!
ayub khan
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Candice's Most Arousing Moments in Panties
by Jennyeou
It is amazing the details the mind recalls from significant events in one's life. For instance, I can remember every hideous color of the dorm room that I was in when I attempted to seduce a man for the first time. Every detail of the room, in fact, is permanently etched into my memory.
As dorm rooms go this one was pretty typical of those built in the 60s. Not that I was alive in the 60s and know about this, but it's what I've heard. Walking in the door you found yourself looking into a room about 15 feet by 10 feet. The space for walking was only 3 feet wide and one side of the room was a mirror reflection of the other. It was in really ugly shades of yellow-orange, green, and dark brown, minus the unique touches offered by my roommate and myself. As you entered there were wardrobes flanking you, followed by extra-long twin beds with hidden-shelf side-boards, and then matching desks with mounted bookshelves. On the opposite wall to the door there was a huge window that rose over the old fashioned radiator. That stupid, noisy radiator is probably what made me feel like I could get away with attempting this.
I think under normal circumstances most people would have thought, "No way in HELL!" After all, my best friend WAS asleep in the bed across from mine. And yet, even with her there I found myself standing in the relative privacy of the open closet door looking in the mirror and having an internal debate over what exactly I was hoping was going to happen.
I knew that I wanted John. I'd been hanging out with him and his group for months. He was so sincere, kind, and gentle. Plus he was so tall and strong. When my 5 foot 3 ½ inch frame stood next to his 7 foot 3 inch one, I felt so feminine. When his hand took mine, or touched my head, I felt like the delicate female all of my thin friends always talked about. When I watched him sword fight, I saw his muscles bunch and the sweat form and it made me fantasize about another activity that would have similar results. I know for a fact that being with him is what started my trench coat fetish. I can never look at one now, without getting wet between the legs.
There I was, in that space of the closet, wearing that black trench coat of his. It draped me completely, falling at least 6 inches past my hands and hitting the ground at my feet. He had asked for it back, he was getting ready to leave. I didn't want him to leave without knowing I was willing and ready to go all the way with him. But would it really work to bring him his coat wearing nothing underneath it? Man, it would suck so bad to get rejected. I had a big belly and butt. I had a waist, but my D breasts were so large they weren't perky like other girls. I wasn't tan. I had the pale Irish skin of my mother and grandmother.
All right, criticizing myself was no way to get in the mood to seduce him. I had great hair; long, auburn, and curly, it was truly beautiful and very soft. I also had great eyes. Never the same color from one day to the next; they went from blue, to green, to occasionally a stormy grey color and they were framed by incredibly long, dark, curly eyelashes that had earned more than a few jealous looks and comments. There were also my beautiful, full, peach lips that always seemed to smile. I closed the closet door, mind made up. I would show him what I had and he could take it, or leave.
"Please, please, please, let him want me."
John looked over at me as I shut the door and I absorbed the sight of his beautiful, rugged face, his shaggy brown hair, and his huge frame. He was laid back on my bed against the hidden shelf. His long legs stretched so far out they touched Kim's bed.
"What am I thinking? My best friend is asleep in this room less than three feet away. God he is so handsome, and his body is so big. I want him so much." My eyes made contact with John's. Looking down a little I glance back up and offer him a smile.
Moving closer I whisper to him, "Here's your
coat. I'm warming it up for you."
Once I am standing right up against his leg I bring his hands to the buttons. "Help me take it off." Slowly, one by one, he and I undo the buttons. I'm getting so nervous by this point in time that I can no longer hold eye contact. I'm staring at his chest as the jacket falls open revealing my bare skin.
My own breathing is so rapid that I cannot hear his intake of breath. But I can feel his hands. They stroke my waist over my hips, up my back to slide gently over my breast. Relieved to not be rejected I look up into his eyes. His hands reach out and gently take my head pulling me closer to him.
I lean in close to him and our mouths meet. My only experience with kissing was really very wet and unpleasant so I have no idea what to expect. I press my lips against his lips. His mouth opens slightly. I kiss his lower lip. I can feel his tongue tracing my mouth and I shyly let mine come out to meet his. Tongue tip to tongue tip they touch and retreat a few times. It felt so good when he traced my mouth that I do the same to him. As my tongue completes its circuit I feel his tongue dart out and stroke mine much more boldly. He seems to want me to put my tongue in his mouth.
I do not have a long tongue by any means so I get creative and tilt my head, opening my mouth slightly more. I slide my tongue into his mouth following his own as it draws back in. John's tongue is starting to wrap around mine, so I twist mine around his as well. Suddenly, the hands that had been buried in my hair grab my hips and pull me onto his lap. They then return to my head and bend it back as his tongue enters my mouth. He is licking everything in there, my tongue, my teeth, the roof of my mouth, my cheeks. Clueless as to how to respond, I am struck with the idea of mimicking an action for a different part of the body. I start to suck his tongue and undulate mine against his.
The sound of his moan sends a rush of heat and fluid between my legs. My nipples have become hard and flushed to a rose color. I want John to touch my breast. I want to have the hardness in his pants free for me to explore. I can really only share one want at the moment and so I grab his hands and bring them to my breasts.
His huge hands almost fully encompass them. He starts to squeeze them and release, squeeze and release. He moves them around as well and I can feel each stretch all the way to my core. Then he starts on the nipples. My head falls back as he pinches them. Each time his fingers grasp me I feel a pulse in my pussy. I run my hands over his shoulders and arms needing more. His head lowers and his mouth encompasses my right nipple. As he sucks it into his mouth my hips involuntarily jerk forward. Another moan is my reward.
Smiling to myself I start to rock back and forth over the bulge in his pants.
I hold his head to my breast and
whisper, "Yes, yes yes."
He transfers to the left nipple and I grind down harder on his pants.
"More. Please, more."
Raising his head he gives me another deep long kiss and then pushes me off his lap.
Slightly panicked I relax when I see him go for his belt buckle. He undoes his pants as I watch him. Glancing up I see him look around me then at me. Glancing back over my shoulder, I note Kim's even breathing and that she is facing the wall. I look back at him, fall to my knees and help him get the pants down to his ankles. When I look up I begin to rethink the decision I have made.
You'd think I would've had a clue that such a big man would be similarly endowed, but I didn't. So, the huge 13 inch by 3 inch monster in my face came as rather a shock. In the rational part of my mind I knew that women could push babies out so this cock would be able to fit in, but the scared-to-death 18 year old wasn't so sure. Maybe, just maybe, if I gave him a blow job, he'd come and I wouldn't have to find out. Maybe.
I hadn't ever given a blow job before. Seriously. I'd seen it done. I'd heard about it. I'd been told the good ways and the bad ways. Overall, though, none of what I'd heard was in my head, other than, "Treat it like an ice cream cone." Okay, I've eaten ice cream, I can do this. I slid my hands up his legs and rested my body between them. Pulling his cock towards me from his stomach I started licking it from bottom to top. All around it I licked up and down. Then I started licking around the head.
Looking up into John's eyes I saw him
mouth, "Put it in."
And so, I did.
Slowly I lowered my mouth over the head of his cock. His slight jerk back, followed by the grabbing of my head, taught me to open wider and cover my teeth with my lips. Running my tongue around the head I started to move down farther. My licking hadn't gotten his cock very wet so I let my saliva run out of my mouth and down his shaft. I in the meantime, just kept licking and pushing my head down. I couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 inches down when I really needed to breath and so I came back up.
I had wrapped my hands around the base of his shaft and he guided them up and down it. I kept up this stroking as I licked all over again. Taking a deeper breath I went back down. His cock was so wide I felt my lips stretched tightly around him. My whole mouth was full of him and I could taste something salty at the back of my throat. I knew that every guy I'd ever met talked about being deep throated and how awesome that felt, so I thought that needed to be my goal. Standing up I worked John's cock as far down my throat as I could. Tears came out of my eyes and I felt my gag reflex kicking in. But his hands on the back of my head told me he liked it.
Up again for air I noticed how much drool came out of my mouth and I used my hands up the shaft and over the head of his cock to spread it around. With another deep breath I went back down. Swallowing as I felt the head of his cock hit the back of my throat I was able to take in another 2 inches, but I just couldn't stay down there for very long. On the way back up I sucked so there wouldn't be as much drool this time and his hips followed my mouth up off the bed. His moan and his hands pushing me back down and then up told me I had done something right so I kept on licking on the way down and sucking on the way up. Over and over again I took as much of his big cock as I could.
Soon, though, my jaw started to ache. The next time he pulled my head up; I pulled his hands off my head and brought his fingers to my mouth. Kissing each one I looked at him. Slowly he pulled me up and onto his lap again. Using the trench coat to hide our bodies from Kim he had me straddle his lap.
Kissing my face he whispered, "I want in
Okay, now to test that babies can come out so he can fit in theory. John's fingers slide between my legs spreading my very generous labia. He used his thick, calloused middle finger sliding into the hole that no man had ever gone into before and worked it in and out. That one finger felt so good, made me feel so full. I could feel wetness sliding over it and onto his hand. He spread it around my clit and pressed in little circles. I bit down on his shoulder from the sheer pleasure of it. Slowly I felt the middle finger come back to my hole and get joined by a partner. He pressed those fingers around inside of me and slowly opened and closed them in a scissors motion. By this point I am riding his hand and ready to try anything. It feels so good I need more.
Our eyes make contact and I can see the question in his eyes. He wants to know if I am ready. Wordlessly I take his rigid cock and guide the tip to the wet hole he's been playing with. Keeping eye contact I position him and press down. I start to worry when his eyes roll back in his head thinking I've cause pain. Then his hands are on my hips and pressing down too. I use the fingers that had been guiding him to spread my lips further apart and continue to slide him in me. He feels so good. I feel so full and want so much more and then…
"Uh!…Owww," slides out of my mouth as his
head hits my hymen.
Holy shit! That was a sharp pain that I was in no desire to experience any more of and I am rapidly headed back up his cock in the opposite direction. Apparently, however, he had other ideas. The hands on my hips grip firmly and slam my hips down. His mouth crushing mine silences the scream that erupts as his cock rips right through me. Tears are streaming out of my eyes onto his face as he holds me down, fully impaled on 13 inches of pulsing meat, perfectly still.
My cry must have disturbed Kim somewhat because she rolls over. Holding our breath we wait for her to settle back into deeper sleep. Once I know she is there though I am still reluctant to move. That HURT. ALOT! You would have a very hard time convincing me at this point that it's going to feel good later because I'm still incredibly focused on the burning pain inside me. I must have relaxed my muscles somewhat though, because John moved his hands to my head and stroked my hair. He starts feathering kisses all over my face and I lean into him some more. This shifts my hips and slides my up his cock. I feel, see, and sense his intake of breath. Hmmmm…time for another experiment.
Still incredibly sore I gently slide my hips backwards. His hands fall to either side of us and bunch in the sheets. I slide forward and backward and watch his eyes close. Struck with an idea, I raise myself…but don't get very far as his head snaps up, eyes open, and his hands are at my waist in the blink of an eye. I smile at him and slide down. Up and down I feel my muscles all around him. They are stretched so tight I wonder if they will stay this way now. Up and down. The friction feels so good. I feel more moisture forming. But I need something more…my clit is aching. I don't know how to fix it and I look at John.
He can read my mind. He grabs my hips and pulls me forward and pushes me back. My head falls back and my breath whooshes out of my body as my clit is ground against him. I continue moving up and down as he pushes me forward and backward. There is a tension building in me that I can barely stand. I need something. I know John can give it to me. Soon I am moving faster and have taken over the forward and backward motion as well. His hands seek out my breast and start to play, pull, mold, and kneed.
I feel every nerve ending in my body. I am supercharged for something. I search his eyes for the answer. I am frantically sliding over him now. I am breathing in gasps. Suddenly my world explodes. I feel every muscle in my body clench and unclench repeatedly. My mind is floating though; it is gone into some place free and wonderful. As I re-enter my body it is still pulsing in my first orgasm.
"Don't stop, God, don't stop" he pleads with
me as his hands return to my hips.
He is pushing me again forwards and backwards on his cock. It makes the tremors keep going. I can feel my pussy massaging his cock. I feel his cock getting thicker inside me. I start to feel his body tense right before he slams his mouth on mine and slams me down on his hips which are rising off the bed. His cock is pulsing inside of me. Over and over he slams me down as he raises his hips off the bed. It has set me off again and my pussy is contracting on him milking him for everything he's worth.
Gasping for air, he pulls me against his chest. Rubbing my back he kisses my face. Slowly I feel the tension leave him. Not really shrinking his cock seems to become less hard. Slowly I slide off him. His head is back against the shelf and his cock his laying there glistening. I stroke a finger over this amazing tool that has brought me from one end of the sensation spectrum to the other.
My finger is wet and I slide it into my mouth. As I taste us I see him watching me. I slowly bend over and lick the rest of our juices from his cock. He pulls me up and kisses me deeply before he puts me aside and puts his clothes back in order. Walking back to the closet I open the door and stare at myself. There I was, again, in that space of the closet, wearing that black trench coat of his. A small smile plays about my lips as I grab a t-shirt and replace his coat with it.
mujtaba haruna
Yes I do,I'll be there very soon
Sally Nguyen
so nice !
osman gani
Good for you
Nuraeni surya QQ
Thanks for great post .beautiful smile as always you are my inspiring dear sister +Jendhamuni Sos happy weekend!:-)
sobuz parviz
i love you.
Kayleigh Windless
I is not a nice weather It is raining
Deane Sagato
To achieve such standards, you first need to be disapline, and without the presence of fear nor doubt in your mind.
Peaceful mind can overcome many emotions, and many of what we feel comes from the attraction our minds has on our surrounding, in terms of the things we see, and hear.
Thank you Jen. Luvly words! Luv'em!
Thank You for the post!
sonu 007
Ur smile is beautiful
Kayleigh Windless
rajesh tiwari
Ronald Harris
Lovely picture
sumant singh
Mamta Aggarwal
You are right☺
Mazi Mazhar
Beautyfull smile
nizam qureshi
Foreverlove Melanie-Yuriko
Hi Beautiful
Rosalinda Martinez
Nice shot:)
Darren Koopman
Thanks so beautiful of you to send those words…miss you I try my best to see you today lol
Patel Girish
Nice looking dear jendh
Akhtar Mirza
Nice pic.
Kayleigh Windless
Nice picture
arun manjhi
Gud garl
omenukor stanley
looking sweet
Deane Sagato
As always, thank you very much for being encouragingly, motivated for me in
my journey thus far, luv. It simply take someone as special as you…,who
speaks into other's conscious, and implemented the necessary effect that
can cause a chain reaction, in such a way that change…., can be made
possibly easy to achieved, and enjoyed in our everyday lives!
You're truly the giver of such love, Jendhamuni, and I luv you for that.
Thank you for being..,You. Thank You for being Real, too!
PS: thank You for a Beauty of a picture. I hope you don't mind me
downloading your pictures for my own personal photographs ' collection.
You're a very pretty lady, Jendhamuni.
Shriprakash Pandey
Mujeeb Shah
Very sweet smile good afternoon dost
Felix Rivera
Hello Jen, hope your day is going great looking so amazingly beautiful
Sahara Syamaha
Awan Sami
Nice looking
Hassan Jani
nice <3
Michael Howell
+Jendhamuni Sos .. good morning to you my good friend.. !! ;-))
Alabama G Man
umar hayat
So nice pic
Sonar Singh
Very nice your pic and good looking
Feroz Khan
Gud evng & nice pic.
kennedy ocran
You. always talk sense and l appreciate you for that matter
Good evening my Sweet & Cute friend.
Shiju Thomas
Sure be with you
mildred baraza
Well said dear friend. U look wonderful. Hav a peaceful evening
Reese K
That is good advice. Never be ashamed of who u are. Everyone has a special quality. U just need to recognize it. And let it shine.
Maria Dib
Beautiful pic sister Jen .. U ara strong women good luck
Alicia Calimlim
True beauty sister Jen. ..Wishing u a joyous weekend keep it up sis.
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
great pleasure.J…Sos.
Mami Boytlung
Have faith in yourself,………. Nice words and loyalty,jend you are the best,I like.
Rajappan KV
beauty of smile.
Bumble Bee
best quot of self reliability.I respect it becos it make us to feel to next step.In my works I opted for morn. load so to conjugate my dependnt,which may not fit to see morn.posts. Though the other part ltl' relaxed but not a demand possbl daily to touch 3pm.still can try for demand of world as best as..
Upendra Ram
Good naerts my friends ilvu
Divakaran V
Muhammad Wakil
rahul kumar jha
anwar khan
Looking good
Cathy kish
Nice one
dharmendra yadav
You r so beautiful****
Reg Dawn
Yes, Bruce is right!
Hello dear sweet beautiful sister Jendhamuni. You looks very very good! Enjoy your weekend dear sister +Jendhamuni Sos
sadia tif
ur eyes r beautfl
shaikh abdulquddus
Margaretann Hudson
I still love you jend
Jendhamuni Sos
+Margaretann Hudson So happy to hear from you, dear. I went to your page yesterday, but couldn't find any post and I was worried. May Peace be upon you always.
Imran Khan
Sono Kumar
Ur lookung so beaufiful dera
ramadoss varavoor
Good morning .supper photo
Umar Saleh
I like this style jendhamuni.
ayub khan
How To Have Sex With a Friend
When you’re pals with a real hottie, it’s hard not to think about how to have sex with a friend. So for all you pervy naughty ones out there who want to have sex with a friend, here’s your baby step into the world of sex buddies.
Seriously, who hasn’t met a friend who’s sexy and all that?
And how many of us haven’t wondered how to have sex with a friend?
It feels so good to be bad. It feels even better to cross that boundary and play dirty, doesn’t it?
Life in the fast lane couldn’t get any faster in these days of fast love and raging hormones. It’s hard to get over the blues of being single especially when everyone around is either madly in love, or physically in love.
If lovers can do it, why not friends? After all, friends do share everything lovers share, other than physical intimacy.
Sex with a friend
You can turn to a friend to cheer you up, and hang out together to cure those boredoms. As always.
A friend can really help cheer you up in more ways than just a shoulder to cry on. If this friend is of the opposite sex and looks hot, that is.
In these days of sexual relationships and one night stands, friendships too seem to dig in for a stake of lust and carnal desires. Sex, to be precise. A hug between two friends can lead to heavy petting and a drink can show you the direction to your friend’s bedroom, with a finale of having sex.
Why have sex with a friend?
If your friend is charming or really good looking, what are the odds that you are not going to want to have sex with a friend? Oh yeah, I seem to have forgotten the ‘fact’ that friends are out of bounds. Is that what you’re trying to say? You know what, take that phony excuse and stick it up your rear end!
Now don’t tell me that you never thought about how to have sex with a friend and thought about a sizzling friend as a hot lay, or hoped for a drunken snog at least once.
Having sex with a friend – A sex buddy
A sex buddy is someone you know as a friend, and is physically attractive and physically attracted to you. It doesn’t end there though, a sex buddy is one who shares uninhibited physical intimacy with you, with no strings attached! If this is news to you, take those goody goody glasses off your face and take a good look at the pair gyrating in the club, and try keeping a count on the number of partners that are being swapped in a night, at least on the dance floor!
Sex buddies have always existed over the years but until a few years ago, it was an immoral and hushed affair. Friends have always had sex with friends, but it’s not really something people readily talk about in the open.
But recently, with the boom in 24/7 calls from work and work shifts at hours that run late into the night, the prospect of friends just hoping to have sex with a friend or friends just rubbing the shoulders is passé! These days, it’s not taboo or unusual to have sex with a friend, after work or a party. If one night stands can be morally legal amongst us, why not having sex with a friend? Anyways, they’re here to stay, whether you like it or not.
Phone calls and sex with a friend
A sex call is that ‘special’ call that is made with the sole intention of having sex, with the person being contacted. And this person is usually a single attractive friend of the opposite sex, who is bored, and craving for some sort of fun to wind a boring day. Or perhaps, they too just want to have sex with a friend. A sex call is usually made at night, or after consuming alcohol.
A sex call might be the telephonic version of a one night stand, but it’s a lot better in more ways than one. Here, you don’t have to worry about waking up in bed with an ugly slob as you already know what your hot friend looks like, and the chances of getting an STD is relatively less, though it cannot be eliminated.
Now that you’re all warmed up with the lingo, it’s time to ask yourself if you want to have sex with a friend. And if you do want that, it’s time to take the next baby step into the land of sex buddies.
Haneef Bellare
Bipin Patel
Your bagshaed your havus
Asif arshi
nice and so cute nice look beautifully nice please rag me
Biren Mukhia
u r so beauiti…………..
rajan mulleri
Nice look
save palastin puthr low volation in zasa your
Raghav panday
Finally I have found some space to say ,,,,,,
pure and holy ,,,,,,,,
real beauty ,,,,
I don't like people WHO wear lot of make up extra , just to hide
there Ugly ness ,,,,,,
keep safe take good care of yourself ,,,,,,,,,,,,
jayan s
I really like ur thought.
santhosh santhosh
Bonga Ngcobo
Nice pic. Goodnight.
prodip haloi
You are my best friend,wou'nt you know?
prodip haloi
Bruce was a great philosopher,he was a good writer too,l like his message through his acting.
Christine Summers
Very beautiful words and very true. Thank you.God be with you.
Ajmal Khan
So nice pic
peetala swarna Kumar
yes dearest Jendhamuni..
Danny Gregorio
Nice post n nice words,tnx Jen!…
foysal ahmed
foysal ahmed
Khalid Eid
Nice picture
Raghav panday
Tumhe Koi aur dekhe tow jalta hai dil,,,,,, badi mushkilo se phir sambhalta hai dil ,,,,,
Kaya kaya jatan karte hain tumhe kaya pata,,,,
Yeh dil bekarar kitna yeh tum nahin jante,,,,
Magar jee nahi skate
Tumhare bina ,,,,,
Tumahre bina ,,,,
tawheed ansary
wow nice pic
raja ghulamksa
Abdullah Al Shara
How u r by the way ..u looks so pretty .!?
Tariq Mehmood
raja ghulamksa
very nice
Raghav panday
Please tell me do you understand Hindi , can you speak , please jen I have asked you earlier also , waiting for ur reply,,,,,,,,,,,, please
Jendhamuni Sos
+Raghav panday
Sorry, I have been busy. Just saw your message. No, I do not speak Hindi 😉
raja ghulamksa
OK no problem
Kayleigh Windless
Hi all of you are my friend too
Farrukh Jovindah
Very nice
Kayleigh Windless
dharmendra yadav
Sukhmehar Singh
Innocent smile.
Ashiq Hussin
Raghav panday
+Jendhamuni Sos o.k. no problem , I also don't know proper English , you know its all Brocken English I use to express my feeling , any way as long we can understand each other ,,,,,,,,
There is only one language which conquer people heart is ,,,,,,,,love,,,,,,,,,,,what u say ,,,,
Kayleigh Windless
adi hanjra
Aman Allaf
Hollo frnds
Rosalinda Martinez
Wow I like it very simple woman and smart
Sukhmehar Singh
Beautiful ideas.keep it up.
naveed hussain
yes yes yes this adras good
asiah hatem
U look nice
Kayleigh Windless
Ramesh M.R.
I am here and always i will be
Kayleigh Windless