Just a funny poem
Got a problem with me?
Go solve it.
Think im trippin?
Tie my shoes.
Cant stand me?
Sit down.
Cant face me?
Turn around….
~By Corey Simmons
Google+: Reshared 10 times
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Just a funny poem
Got a problem with me?
Go solve it.
Think im trippin?
Tie my shoes.
Cant stand me?
Sit down.
Cant face me?
Turn around….
~By Corey Simmons
Google+: Reshared 10 times
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Dominique Keller
You're talking to me ? ;)))
Abhishek Hs
jendhamuni ur great sending nice one
Nianguiry Diarra
Will Meinhart
This animal on this picture,
I don't know what it is, but I want one!!!
Good poem 🙂
V.B Reddy
hiiiiiiiiiiiii………….sister ..i have a big problem ..can u tell me solution +Jendhamuni Sos
Aldair Cota Machado
Boa tarde! Jendhamuni Sos !
That Is A Fantastic awesome Photo ; I Love It ! +Jendhamuni Sos
Love those EYES ! +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
I cannot stop laughing +Dominique Keller Your comment is funnier than the pic.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Aldair Cota Machado Good afternoon!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Mario BRUNO
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Abhishek Hs
Jendhamuni Sos
+Will Meinhart I think it's a monkey!
Shawn Falagan
Nice poem .
How's this one ?
I think that I shall
Never see ,
A poem as lovely
As a tree .
Jendhamuni Sos
Nice try +Shawn Falagan Keep practicing :))))
Sofie Løve Forsberg
Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
mady sach
wonderful shot
Jendhamuni Sos
+유정우 LOL!!!!!!!!!
Duane Jones
Nice pic
Charles van Dijk
Curious and wary, he or she is not smiling. Is trying to smell the vibes and the photographer is wary, that is what he picks up.
Jack Sanders
Nice "minky"!
Vijay Mhatre
sweet animal
hasif naqib
sweet sngtt .
p.swarna kumar
yes,dearest jendhamuni..
abdo shuker moh.shuker
wow really very nice real beauty animal allah too much kind of you have color this is for me new animal very incedabel eyes and face wow miss you any time
Mangatte Aishu
its really scaring me